View Full Version : New cage set up.

05-16-12, 09:18 AM
Hay guys and gals. Well I am in the works for a new custom snake cage for my BRB, Dimensions are as follow. 4' LONG x 2' High x 2' DEEP all made from presure treated wood. My biggest issue is the UTH. I came across a acrylic sheeting called chemcast GP that is about 1/4" thick and am not sure if it will melt or stress crack with the heat amited by the UTH.

I have done some research and it clames that it can withstand heat up to 200 degrees and can be shaped at 900 degrees, but then when I read up on the UTH it says not to use with acrylic tanks.

I need help trying to figure this out, also how hot do the UTH get? and do BRB's need uvb and uva light. I am planing to usr red L.E.D for night and cool white L.E.D for day time with a ceramice heat bulb.

Mind you this acrylic it white not clear. I dont think it will make a differance but just so you guys know.

05-16-12, 11:33 AM
First off your UTH should be on a thermostat to control how hot it gets. If you have it on a thermostat set properly you will not melt anything. I would however recommend using a Radiant heat panel instead of a UTH. A radiant heat panel will do a much better job at providing better overall temps and basking spots. You can just hook the Radiant heat panel to the inside top of the viv and run it to a thermostat and you are all set.

05-16-12, 11:59 AM
HMM I will have to look in to the radiant heat panel then, but now that raises another question for me. Since im making the top of the viv out of wood which will be coated with polyurithan or fiberglass resen, will the heat panels heat burn the wood?

05-16-12, 12:02 PM
Thanks for the reply

05-16-12, 01:10 PM
Radiant heat panels are great for semi and arboreal snakes. Must have a thermostat.
This is an 80 watt. It mounts with 2 screws to the roof of the enclosure. Safe to touch when on so no cover required. No light from them just heat. I paid $110 each but they are cheaper in the US. 10yr warranty.

05-16-12, 01:10 PM
No the heat panels are made to go into a wooden viv. I have all of my snakes in Oak vivs home made and I have Radiant heat panels in them. I wouldn't change anything. Once again All heat sources have to be on a Thermostat. The thermostat is what stops it from getting to hot.

05-16-12, 03:25 PM
Awsome thanks guys you have helped alot. I did research ont the heat panles and I found (RBI radiant heat panles) 80W for about $90 which isnt bad if you compare it to buying the light dome, ceramic bulb, and uth which comes out to be more. Awsome now I will put super bright or cool white L.E.D rope light for day time and red rope light for nights when I have people over and display my beautiful BRB.

I will say that the BRB do requier more attending to than a burm python. But Im love him so much its fun just to watch him move around at night, But sad to say its a 29 gal tank that was givin to me with the snake. so Im building in a hurry to give him the space he needs to feel free and hapy.

Thanks for all the help.

05-16-12, 03:31 PM
Yes a thermostat is on my list of things in need since I wont be running the fogger all day only when needed. which I will be getting the zoo med hyrotherm since it controles both heat and humidity.

05-16-12, 08:34 PM
i have 2 of these , and they work great , the price is very good.

Amazon.com: Hydrofarm MTPRTC Digital Thermostat For Heat Mats: Patio, Lawn & Garden (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000NZZG3S/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i02)

Hydrofarm MTPRTC Digital Thermostat For Heat Mats

it has a nice prob and both have been reliable and accurate , it also has a emergency shut off it if UTH reaches I believe 110F so it won't burn anything while unattended.