View Full Version : info on B Rainbow Boa

Colin Friesen
01-17-03, 01:10 PM
As for now I only have one ball, in the near future I'm very interested in a rainbow boa. If anybody has any advice it would be very appreciated. ie: do they make good pets? :confused: :D

01-17-03, 03:23 PM
Hey Colin, try the epicrates forum! :D

01-17-03, 06:21 PM
I bought one at the April show ( thank you pcpc ). If you don 't like a high humidity snake please stay away. Sheds can drive you crazy. Once you get the hang of it though they are a great snake to have. Colour ( wow ). Hope this doesn't scare you because I love mine! Good luck...John

01-17-03, 09:13 PM
BRB's make are very hardy and make excellent captives as long as their humidity and temperature requirements are met. Since these animals are practically impervious to scale rot, you can easily keep the humidity high and not worry about it being too wet in their cage. They prefer cooler temps than most boids (75-85). IMO they make excellent "pets". They are great for handling, voracious feeders, and absolutely stunning in appearance. Good luck with your decision ;)

Colin Friesen
01-18-03, 02:36 PM
thanks for all the replies folks!!