View Full Version : Time to Think about...

05-12-12, 03:00 PM
My second snake. My dad said if I take care of this one I might be able to get another one around the same size, mabye a little bit bigger. My question is what is a good intermediate snake that doesn't get to much bigger than a corn? Any ideas? I was mabye thinking milk snake or a Carpet. I REALLY want a carpet but I think that might take some convincing since the smallest ones are like 5 feet. Anyway what are some good ideas. I would like a snake with more energy because I like my corn snake in the sense that he deosn't just sit there he is always moving.

05-12-12, 03:15 PM
Corn snakes don't get any bigger than say a Irain Jaya Carpet. After all corn snake can get over 6 feet.

05-12-12, 03:23 PM
Males normally don't get over 5 feet in corns. I will start to try and get an Irian Jaya Carpet but it will definitly take some work. And don't worry I am not getting it right away I just want to do research.

05-12-12, 04:13 PM
How about a ball python? Males will stay shorter than a corn but have more body to them in girth. :yes:

05-12-12, 04:39 PM
Yeah I would go with an Irian Jaya since they are the smaller of the Carpets.

05-12-12, 04:41 PM
Is that the smallest? And how much are they?

05-12-12, 04:56 PM
I do believe they are the smallest. As far as the price, they are more than Corns. Depending on where you get them, probably about $150 range unless you can find a deal on Craigslist.

05-12-12, 04:59 PM
Okay thats not to bad. 200$ would be to much for me so hopefully they aren't to much more in Canada.

05-12-12, 05:18 PM
lucky, its been almost 11 months since i got my first snake and my mom wont let me get another one :P
maybe once your parents warm up to snakes, they wont mind you getting a carpet even though they get pretty big?

05-12-12, 07:29 PM
I like ball pythons. They are a great intro snake to something "bigger" but obviously they aren't as long as most snakes, but they are a wonderful combo of size and docile personality

05-12-12, 07:46 PM
The thing is I don't really want docile... and perferably something without a huge girth.

05-12-12, 07:48 PM
Okay thats not to bad. 200$ would be to much for me so hopefully they aren't to much more in Canada.

At the spring show here in BC, I saw baby IJ's for $125

05-12-12, 09:34 PM
Thats awesome i'll work on that next month. Since if I do it right now they will just say I just got one.

05-12-12, 10:52 PM
I'm not sure on the variation of sizes in terms of length on the various carpets, but a carpet honestly sounds like what you're looking for. By the time they do get a bit of length on them, you and your parents will be used to the animal.

Mine doesn't move much in her cage, but when she's out, she's like a two year old, curious and into everything if you're not careful. It's like each time she's out, she's in a new world that's just waiting for her to explore it. Definitely not a lap snake, but does very well with handling, is docile considering their size and how much they like to explore. They have no humidity requirements and are really easy to keep. Great feeders. From what I understand, most can be nippy as babies, but calm down as they get used to handling. They're great eaters and have a good feeding response.

Definitely hit Shauny up for any info on them. When I got mine, he was more than happy to answer any of my questions, give me advice and suggestions on mine. I didn't know they could take prey up to 4 times their girth size. When I got mine, she was a tad bit undersized, probably due to the person I got her from not knowing this little tidbit of information. He fed her regularly, just not the appropriate sized food.

I still love my burms, but I have to admit, my carpet runs really close to being my favorite now. I can't believe I've been keeping snakes as long as I have and not discovered how awesome these animals really are.

05-13-12, 10:08 AM
Thank you so much! What is probably the biggest prey size you will have to feed them because adult rats are as far as I want to go.

05-13-12, 10:54 AM
I would agree with a carpet, but I would wait until you're totally used to your corn's habits and things like that, once you get there a carpet will be easy.

05-13-12, 11:10 AM
I will be waiting probably like 6 months I just want to start researching.

05-13-12, 11:51 AM
adult rats get pretty big when you get into jumbo and such, I can grow males into about 1/2 lb, so I don't think you would have to go above rats for IJ's

05-13-12, 12:11 PM

05-13-12, 01:27 PM
Mine is not in IJ, but at 6' long, she easily takes a large. I just had some jumbos shipped to me for my larger animals and will be offering one to her to see how well she does with it.

05-13-12, 03:09 PM
If feeder size is a problem you can always just feed smaller feeders every week as opposed to a big meal every other week which is what most people do as it's more natural.

05-13-12, 03:17 PM
Its not much of a problem as long as I don't have to feed rabbits and stuff because my mom actually likes rabbits and she woud freak out if I had to feed them.

05-13-12, 03:27 PM
Nah you won't need to feed rabbits unless you get a huge female coastal. Otherwise you should be fine.

05-13-12, 03:33 PM
*** thanks

05-13-12, 07:24 PM
Garter you've got the passion, whatever you choose you wil be good

I agree with learning your corns patterns, obviously you can read all you want, but first hand is how you really learn. All that being said a carpet python is what it sounds like you like

05-13-12, 08:49 PM
Thank you a lot Fredricks. Who says kids/teens can't have a collection of there own.

05-13-12, 08:54 PM
Thank you a lot Fredricks. Who says kids/teens can't have a collection of there own.


05-13-12, 09:21 PM
Kingsnakes.......hardy and bullet proof......

red ink
05-13-12, 09:32 PM
Woma or any of the Antaresias.....

05-13-12, 09:52 PM
Sorry no Wombas to expensive....

05-13-12, 10:40 PM
The Antaresias are good choices, they're some of the smallest pythons but still have the look. Neat little snakes.