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04-27-02, 07:35 PM
this forum doesn't seem to get used much.is ther not much interest in kings and milks? i find them amazing little creatures, i can't imagine that there isn't that many people interested in them.

04-28-02, 11:53 PM
hi, I like milks there patterns are nicer than kings in my opinion.:D

04-29-02, 01:05 PM
I LOVE Kings...I have two, a Cal King and a Mexican Black Kingsnake. And I want at least one more, if not two.

Not many people talk here, so I dont really either. But i enjoy them a lot.


04-29-02, 04:34 PM
hello, everyone currently I have 1.3 corn snakes. 1.1 rat snakes, 1.1 cal. kings, and 1.1 hondurian tangreiene milks.Thats it for the colubrids. Kings have the best personality out of what I have sen so far and the most active. I think there funny cause they are always burrowing and spying on who ever walks into the room:rolleyes:
They burrow there whole body except poke there head out cause there nosy:) . I still think that milks have the nicest patterns and colouration though.

04-29-02, 04:41 PM
I have a 1.1 of Arizona Mountain Kings and a 1.1 pair of Juno Mountain Greybands.. they are awesome little snakes.. very colorful...and once they started feeding they have been little eating machines.. very easy tempered snakes and easy to care for.. I have to agree with Snakekeeper they are active, fun little snakes and the greybands seem to even watch tv... (they especially like re-runs of Seinfeld)