View Full Version : Harley pics again...
05-02-12, 10:07 PM
so harley is doing okay... this weekend we will be removing the covers off the lights, and changing the 100 watt bulbs for 45s and lowering them into the cage then sealing the top where they sat on top. so hopefully that willo improve the heat without drying the enclosure... we are trying to figure a way toput the heat on the bottom floor... its around 70 down there... anyway.. here is the newest pics of harley... im worried he is not very active other then at 10pm... he just lays around most of the time other then that. hopefully moving the lights as suggested will fix this?
05-02-12, 10:09 PM
05-02-12, 10:50 PM
I'm glad to hear you're making such improvements.
Mikey T
05-03-12, 01:03 AM
evidently you have the smartest snails in the world lol
05-03-12, 04:31 AM
Heat is good.
Anyway, I see that woodworking is not a problem, so let me show what I did with my enclosure, it really does make a huge difference..
Insulate it like a house.
I could lose my power for a whole day, and this box would not cool down too much.
05-03-12, 11:28 AM
so if we did that on the back and bottom and top.. would it make enough of a difference or will we have to close in the sides too? also could we inselate it with the styrofoam insilation rather then the fiberglass stuff? and any suggestions for sealing around the doors... i used weatherstripping but we had to remove it as the doors werent closing properly after it was installed... and i am worried about him getting burned on the lights... he actually is missing a nail he burned it, they said it was from him climbing on one of his lights so I KNOW he will do this... if I use 45s will that be of if he touches them? also do we keep all 4 lights on the hot end or??? and could we use 60w flood lights would he burn then? and also does he need the red lights or can we get clear? should we be leaving lights on at night? i dont want tank to get to cold and we are in BC Canada... so it gets cold here at night...
05-03-12, 11:30 AM
OMG bad spelling on that post LOL... sorry all.. I suck at spelling... we also have to keep in mind the weight of this cage right now... because we are moving.. after we are in our new place that wont be an issue because hopefully we wont move again for several years... but for now.. it needs to stay moveable...
05-03-12, 11:41 AM
evidently you have the smartest snails in the world lol
I know right.. wtf... that one rode around on him for quite some time before Harley got him... LOL...thats the second time one of the snails have climbed on him lol...
05-03-12, 11:57 AM
i really want snails :((( i cant find any
05-03-12, 12:21 PM
i really want snails :((( i cant find any
lol I'd mail you some.. but is that legal? I dono if its legal to put them in the mail.. lol and how would you do that? LOL we have so many They are everywhere... I was going to try breeding them somehow so we have them year round...i think ill look it up... I am thinking about getting an extra tank and putting them in there so Harleys tank isnt loaded with them.. i dont want him eating to many lol... then maybe i can gut load them first...hmmmm
05-03-12, 12:36 PM
You can ship them. If you were to get a couple hundred I would pay you 50 bucks for a couple hindered :)))
05-03-12, 12:42 PM
ill see what i can do.. Id love to help Cassie get some snails lol :)
05-03-12, 12:46 PM
Yay:) I'll look for them around here soon it 20c so the weather is nice
05-05-12, 11:12 AM
re: insulation
heat rises, so the top is where you're going to lose the most. If you could only do one side I would do the top. That said, the sides have the most surface area, so I would do those as well. The bottom is my least concern, but at the same time its touching the substrate and heat will be lost that way as well.
If possible, do all the sides. 1" fiberglass insulation here is less than 5 bucks for a 1ft x 4ft piece. For an 8x4x4 you'd need at least 32 pieces. (not counting the front). So that's less than $150 to ensure your friend stays happy and healthy. Worth it IMO.
05-05-12, 11:38 PM
ok so today we put the lights inside lowered the wattage to 45s. added another light to the bottom floor, brought that temp up to 85...and 75 on the cool side...added some weather stripping in the doors etc. everything but insalating, do to the fact that we had some other stuff pop up... (My cat died today.. :( he was 18 years old...). humidity on the top is at 60% bottom is 80... and temp under basking spot by the thermometer, is at 120 but nthats as far as the thermometer goes... and ambient on top is 95...but we tried to find a temp gun today and geeze.. they are not easy to find... we tried rona, home depot, wallmart...NOTHING! so frustrating here... any suggestions where i can find one? so... even though the humidity and temps are better he still seems...inactive... and he seems like he hasnt eaten much .. only one worm and a couple snails... he wont eat his mouse... so not sure what to do... is he maybe just upset by all the action in his cage with the fixing stuff..
05-07-12, 02:13 PM
he is still inactive except periodically.... not sure what to do... temps and humidity are the alterations made a HUGE difference with humidity and temp...but even though conditions are better... he is almost worse.. whats wrong? anyone? i need him to eat.. i actually broke down and opened a can of tuna today.. he only took 3 bites.. but at least he ate something... i worried! is it just cuz of all the changes? is this normal?
05-07-12, 02:16 PM
maybe its too hot now? top floor bask spot is at 120+ cool side top has gone up to 105...too hot? below is 90 on warm side and 80 on cool side. hum on top is around 70, bottom is around 85-90.. to high? help
05-07-12, 02:17 PM
ps...really dont want to lose another pet...just lost my 18 year old cat that i have had since he was born this weekend... really dont want to lose harley...
05-07-12, 02:32 PM
Buy the temp gun online at pro exotics! All the temps sounds perfect! Surface temp should be higher! Like 135-150F but I'm sure its there! You just don't have a temp gun. Sorry bout your cat
05-07-12, 03:01 PM
why is he not eating then?...whats the website for pro exotics does anyone know? and he isnt going under the lights hardly... could it be to hot? i hate that the thermometers dont go high enough.. gerrr i feel like im never going to get this right! hows the humidity?
05-07-12, 03:04 PM
Sorry bout your cat
thanks.. it was very hard on us...i was there to clean him off when he was born and i was there when he passed curled up on my bed.....18 years is a long time... he was a good cat...
05-07-12, 03:12 PM
He could be just getting used to the enclosure now? Give it a day or 2!
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