View Full Version : Celebarating the old timers.

04-30-12, 05:39 PM
I know many of us have been keeping snake for years or decades. So i thought we should have a thread dedicated to the older reptiles. So lets see pictures of everyone oldest reptile. All i ask is let keep this to the reptiles over 5 years or older. Lets see a picture from when they were younger and now.

I'll start with Electra my Jungle she will be 11 years next month.

From about 3 years ago. Wish i had some older pictures of her.
http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/4643/brazilainrainbow2055.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/517/brazilainrainbow2055.jpg/)

Couple days ago.
http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/2355/bloodclan109.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/9/bloodclan109.jpg/)

CK SandBoas
04-30-12, 05:49 PM
Here is one of my old timers, Pedro, my BRB, he will be 12 years old this summer=)

A pic of him from about 2 years ago


And here he is in his first outdoor shoot earlier this month


04-30-12, 06:06 PM
My first and favorite snake. I got him when I was pretty young(around 6 or 7), so I'm definitely younger than a lot of ya.
I've made many mistakes on this guy, but they've all bee corrected.
Meet Diamond, my [male] Ball Python, he's at least seven years old.



Took both of those pictures a few minutes ago At the moment he's love-squeezing my neck and shoulders so he doesn't fall off, it's kinda uncomfortable. At least he isn't trying to be a hat or a bandana like in this (bad) photo:


red ink
04-30-12, 06:47 PM
This bugger is a decade old... had him since a hatchling



05-01-12, 06:56 PM
Very nice everybody.

Come i know some of you are holding out. Todd, Wayne, Jerry, and Shauny i know you guys have some old snakes. Lets see them.

05-01-12, 08:15 PM
Never put a snake around your neck! Please!

Little Wise Owl
05-01-12, 08:21 PM
I'm not gonna lie, I let my BP's give me cool snake neck massages in the summer when it's hot. It's really refreshing :P

My oldest snake is Julian at around 5 years. He's not really old at all. lol


05-01-12, 08:22 PM
I will...

First is Xena, she passed away from old age though, she was my first snake ever.


My oldest (still living) garter snake "spot" (Lower snake Olive green with spots)


Spot is 6 years captive, unknown age at capture.

05-01-12, 08:38 PM
After years of begging, I finally convinced my parents to let me have a pet snake. In February 1993, I got Jasper, a ball python, from a rat-shack ole LPS in my hometown. He was practically an adult then, at around 3.5 feet long.

I still have him today. He's definitely over 20 years old.


05-02-12, 04:26 AM
Never put a snake around your neck! Please!

I messaged her explaining why :) didnt want to spoil the thread with a repeat of the same old discussion :) :p

05-02-12, 04:42 AM
My boy Blue is 11 years old this year and that's how long I've have 'm :)



05-02-12, 05:52 AM
Great thread. I have a nearly 10 year old snake but I've only had him for 5 months. Does that count?

CK SandBoas
05-02-12, 06:21 AM
My boy Blue is 11 years old this year and that's how long I've have 'm :)


oh, look at tiny little Blue! It's hard to believe he was that small:D

05-02-12, 08:28 AM
Jasper is awesome! What an old, handsome ball python! :D

05-02-12, 08:32 AM
Jasper is awesome! What an old, handsome ball python! :D

I'm deducting 5 points from your total score for calling it a 'Ball' python :D

05-02-12, 09:09 AM
Jasper is awesome! What an old, handsome ball python! :D

Thank you. After 20 yrs of herpetoculture, I find him extremely boring and I only keep him around for nostalgic reasons. When the day finally comes when he passes away (hopefully of old age), I don't intend to get another BP.

05-02-12, 01:36 PM
Great thread. I have a nearly 10 year old snake but I've only had him for 5 months. Does that count?
Yep! If they are over 5 years of age lets see them. I know some have more than one.I was thinking Wayne had a older milks snake to?

05-02-12, 02:49 PM
oh, look at tiny little Blue! It's hard to believe he was that small:D
It's hard to believe I was that small, too, lol.

05-03-12, 06:02 PM
I think this is a great thread for Popeye and Black Betty. We got them plus Lulu (R.I.P) as a breeding trio in Omaha 2 years ago and were told that they were 8 yrs old then. Going on his word, that makes them 10 now although I suspect Black Betty is at least 15 judging from her size and color.

05-06-12, 04:04 PM
:)Great pictures everyone and beautiful animals. :)

Come on with all the breeders on here i know some of you are holding out on us. Show them old timers off.

05-06-12, 04:25 PM
:)Great pictures everyone and beautiful animals. :)

Come on with all the breeders on here i know some of you are holding out on us. Show them old timers off.

You're going to have much more luck with private keepers for this than with breeders. The private folks are the ones that care enough to keep their snakes that long *and* care enough to show their pride through photos :)

05-06-12, 04:42 PM
You're going to have much more luck with private keepers for this than with breeders. The private folks are the ones that care enough to keep their snakes that long *and* care enough to show their pride through photos :)
Todd sad to say but your right, but hey it would be nice to see us proved wrong one this. Me personally any snake i might use for breeding is a snake that would have a forever home with me. :)

05-13-12, 07:23 AM
...Me personally any snake i might use for breeding is a snake that would have a forever home with me. :)
I agree with this wholeheartedly. Pets and breeders do not have to be mutually exclusive.

05-14-12, 02:03 PM
Great photos everyone! LOVE the blood compasion pics :D
Really great thred :)

Heres my Corn Snake. Ive had him roughly six years now, he was like a little shoe lace when I got him :cool:

Here he is in 2007 (not a great photo to show his size)


And today (again, a poor photo to show his size)


05-15-12, 02:13 PM
Not mine - you all might be interested though, I remembered this video Henry Piorun has of his really old dumerils, the oldest is over 35yrs

Henry Piorun - "What is the oldest snake in your collection?" - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxpoWLtRR1w)

07-21-12, 10:47 AM
My ball python is going to be 6 years old in September, I got him as a birthday present in 2006. I don't have any of him as a baby, but I'll post the oldest pic I have of him. He is 3.5 feet long.

07-21-12, 11:10 AM
Guessing 10+ yrs old. Honestly don't remember what year I got her nor do I remember how old the vendor told me she was at that time but I'm guessing she was a yearling then. Approximately 3+ ft long now.




07-21-12, 04:27 PM
Not mine - you all might be interested though, I remembered this video Henry Piorun has of his really old dumerils, the oldest is over 35yrs

Henry Piorun - "What is the oldest snake in your collection?" - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxpoWLtRR1w)

Wow that is awesome! It looks like Ill be having my Dums for most of the rest of my life. Thank you for that link. That's great! :)

07-21-12, 08:47 PM
This is a cool thread! I don't have any pics but I bought my first snake about 10 yrs. ago. Gotta love when a Pet Shop cons a 17 yr. old kid to buy a burm...

07-21-12, 09:29 PM
Here's Malaki. He's a little over 10 years old now, but we've only had him since January.


07-21-12, 09:42 PM
Here's Malaki. He's a little over 10 years old now, but we've only had him since January.


He's gorgeous! I love when they have a dramatic pattern like that

07-22-12, 05:35 AM
Beautiful animals everyone. I hope this is one of those threads that just keeps growing.

07-22-12, 05:35 AM
My oldest reptile is my blue tongued skink lizard. I got him in February of 2000. so this coming February it will be 13 years that I've had him. He was an adult when I got him but I don't know exactly how old. So let's assume he is at least 15 years old. I don't have any pics of when I first got him. Nor do I have any real recent pics. But these pics are probably about 3 or so years old. Oh, and he was not my first reptile ever, but he's the only one that's still with me from many years ago.

07-22-12, 05:37 AM
Lisa i love the last picture. He looks like he trying to give you a kiss.:)

07-24-12, 11:43 AM
These are some recent photos of Rudy, my Haitian Boa. I got him from a pet shop in New Rochelle, NY in Dec of 1982 (yes, 1982). He was 19 or 20 inches long when I got him so he must be between 30 and 31 years old. It's hard to tell but he's about 6ft long and although he is known for taking some looong fasts (2-5 months), he usually eats 1-2 small or 1 medium rat every 2 weeks or so. He lives in a 5Lx2Hx2.5D plastic cage with 2 hinged doors, 2 water bowls, some perches, a shoebox, and some misc cover on top off newspaper. I've been very lucky to have such a pleasant tempered, curious, and interesting animal in my company for so long. I never thought I'd be showing him off to my own 5 year old son one day.

07-25-12, 10:41 AM
MM1 very nice look guy and my hat off to you. You don't see many reptiles that old unless in a zoo.

07-25-12, 08:36 PM
Thanks. Mostly luck. The only things I'll say is that 1) I've always tried to give him a low stress environment by offering a lot of choices (perches, dark boxes, looser cover, big water dish, etc) in his cage and 2) He may be a snake, but I've always felt like I should have enough respect to avoid forcing interactions when he is asleep (better when is out exploring or ideally, showing any degree of interest in my presence). I never just go and yank him out of nap or something. I think that also reduces the animal's stress levels over time. This is a nice thread. Some beautiful animals whose care people obviously take seriously.

07-25-12, 09:29 PM
Thanks. Mostly luck. The only things I'll say is that 1) I've always tried to give him a low stress environment by offering a lot of choices (perches, dark boxes, looser cover, big water dish, etc) in his cage and 2) He may be a snake, but I've always felt like I should have enough respect to avoid forcing interactions when he is asleep (better when is out exploring or ideally, showing any degree of interest in my presence). I never just go and yank him out of nap or something. I think that also reduces the animal's stress levels over time. This is a nice thread. Some beautiful animals whose care people obviously take seriously.

That is a wonderful practice that I hope to have time for in the future, as for now when I get time to clean/handle is the only time I get time to clean/handle and that's because I have to make time to clean/handle. Unfortunately, sometimes that means interrupting a nap or two :O_o:

07-25-12, 11:05 PM
This is my big female boa Scoobz. She's 8 years old and 8 feet. had her since she was around 2. She's a unique snake. Never ONCE in the time i've had her has she constricted OR striked a prey item for me. Live she won't take, and dead she takes her sweet time. Will NOT grab from tongs i have to lay it there and she'll eat it within the hour. (takes her a while to find the head). She is super tame and has never Sometimes i think she is ******** lol but who knows. Never struck or bit me, she's a total sweet heart.





07-26-12, 08:06 PM
Jasper was supposedly 10 years old when we got him, so this month he will kind of be 11 years old, since we've had him a year. He is 4.25feet long (and def a "he")

When he sleeps, he SLEEPS lol

Here is some of "Ribs". Aptly named, obviously. He is 4 feet long, and has been through a lot. I haven't had him very long, but he deserves an honorable mention since he's so big for a BP. I am guessing he's way over 5 at least.

Ribs was sooo skinny and dehydrated when we got him. He was so weak he could only eat a rat tail before becoming exhausted. He finally moved up to mice, and this rat took him almost two hours to eat. He eats like a champ now though.

Poor guy only has one nostril! Scar tissue covers the other one. Here he is after a nice meal, though.
He's put on a good amount of weight since these pics. I think I've had him since October.
Both of these guys can be nervous sometimes, but overall Jasper sleeps ALL day, and Ribs cruises around looking for a girlfriend. lol

07-28-12, 03:16 PM
Scoobz and Jasper are both just amazing animals.

07-29-12, 02:33 PM
I will get some photos up when I get off my iPad.....lol

I have a 33+ year old Ruthveni that was found as an adult in Mexico by Lloyd Lemke in 1983.....
And I also have many other kingsnakes in their teens and 20s......

All still breeding too...

08-11-12, 07:52 PM
I will get some photos up when I get off my iPad.....lol

I have a 33+ year old Ruthveni that was found as an adult in Mexico by Lloyd Lemke in 1983.....
And I also have many other kingsnakes in their teens and 20s......

All still breeding too...
Still waiting for them pictures.

08-11-12, 07:55 PM
When he sleeps, he SLEEPS lol

I just LOVE this picture. I've come back to look at it a few times. It's just hilarious to me lol.

08-11-12, 08:35 PM
Thank you! He always likes to freak me out, because he sleeps so HARD. he just does this *lol*
Cracks me up too. I always want to wake him up to make sure he's okay. This was the most ridiculous one though. I sat a long time making sure he was breathing *lol*

08-13-12, 08:53 AM
Needs a caption in the LOL snakes thread :D

08-13-12, 09:01 PM
IT does! I was just thinking that! I can't think of anything though lol

snake man12
08-13-12, 09:10 PM
Sleeepy timez. Just a suggestionLOL

08-15-12, 09:41 AM
IT does! I was just thinking that! I can't think of anything though lol

Pffft! Your captions are the best :D

08-15-12, 09:41 PM
lol thanks! I read a loooot of lolcat! hehe

snake man12
08-15-12, 09:44 PM
Justa thought

12-02-12, 01:47 PM
I will get some photos up when I get off my iPad.....lol

I have a 33+ year old Ruthveni that was found as an adult in Mexico by Lloyd Lemke in 1983.....
And I also have many other kingsnakes in their teens and 20s......

All still breeding too...
I was wondering if you were going to post some pictures of our old timers. i would really love to see them.

12-26-12, 03:28 PM
I don't have any old timers that i actually own, but there are one or two i'm particularly fond of at my university.

This is Boris the Glass/Legless Lizard. He's at least 25 now - he's been there since half the tutors were students there themselves (and some of them are not young!) He's a lovely funny little man :D

This is Giggles the tortoise. S/he came to the uni for some TLC after getting a bad case of what i think was shell rot (i forget). S/he was a lovely thing and even came when called! I remember being told s/he wasn't by any means old for a tort, but was one of the oldest at the zoo. S/he is on an xl dog scales there. Giggles is much better now btw :)

12-26-12, 03:48 PM
Also this is Stilton. He's been there since before i arrived at the uni 5 years ago so he's a fair age. He has a funny morph - my tutor always told me his morph was:
A super hypo tangerine carrot-tail patternless albino leopard gecko.


12-26-12, 03:54 PM
Also this is Stilton. He's been there since before i arrived at the uni 5 years ago so he's a fair age. He has a funny morph - my tutor always told me his morph was:
A super hypo tangerine carrot-tail patternless albino leopard gecko.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/34715_409135756626_3593385_n.jpgI could be wrong, but I don't think you can cross all of those things in one leo. BB could probably say for sure though, as I'm still relatively new to morphs.

Very pretty though. I love me some geckos. :)


12-26-12, 04:44 PM
it could be a SHTCT (super hypo tangerine) but definitely not an albino.

12-26-12, 08:10 PM
Trogdor the Burminator is now 12. He is rather aged for an albino of his size. I hope he manages to continue to live a healthy happy life.