View Full Version : Male Hypo Boa just arrived.. Absolutely Stunning

04-29-12, 02:11 PM
Hey guys just got a 3 foot ( a little over ) Male Hypo BCI delivered to me. He is gorgeous with an awesome clean pattern and in amazing health. as you can see his tail is beautiful! I've never had a boa so docile and gentle. Let me know what you think about him i can't wait to see him as an adult!

The breeder i got him from told me he was just under 2 years old, and very big for his age. i've never seen a boa get this big at this age ESPECIALLY a male. this is just from my experience though let me know if this happens here and there.

Also he told me he was a Hypo, but i'm pretty sure they are also called salmons? let me know if there's a difference and if there is, which is mine?

and i'd love some name suggestion!! :freakedout:








04-29-12, 02:12 PM






04-29-12, 03:05 PM
and sorry mixed up about the age. he's a little over a year is what the breeder told me.

i got him mixed up with my normal boa

04-29-12, 03:13 PM
Nice looking Boa. Id call him Osiris

04-29-12, 03:50 PM
Nice looking Boa. Id call him Osiris

I like it!

Not a snake name, but for some reason I'm thinking Dwight. Kinda fits for a hypo I guess.

That little dot right under his pupil reminds me of Alice Cooper. Couldn't think of a cool name associated with Alice though. :-)

04-29-12, 04:01 PM
He looks great makes me want one! I'm a python guy

04-29-12, 04:35 PM
The size sounds about right to me. My girl hit 3' at 10-11 months old.

04-29-12, 06:25 PM
Very nice! I have a hypo male boa myself and love him. It could be the pics but mine looks a lot redder. And I believe hypo and salmon are basically the same thing.

04-29-12, 06:26 PM
omg he's gorgeous! congrats!
I'd like to offer the name Prince Charming :)

04-29-12, 06:32 PM
"Absolutely stunning" is right, that's a gorgeous snake!!

04-29-12, 08:14 PM
Nice looking hypo!!

04-30-12, 05:40 PM
thanks alot guys. Yea he actually ended up having mites but wasnt too much of a problem had him quarinteened or however you spell it lol. i used Nix on him(10 part water, 1 part Nix). let me know if you know any other good products to use on mites.

04-30-12, 07:53 PM
Be careful with that nix you made up. It is usually mixed 64 p water to 1 p nix. What you have is very concentrated and could hurt your snake.

04-30-12, 08:13 PM
really? that was recommended to me by multiple sources. and 64part to 1 part?? woah thats way weaker than what i used, hope i didn't hurt him.

04-30-12, 08:23 PM
Usually it's one 2 oz bottle to one gallon(128 oz) water.

Jack C
05-01-12, 06:56 AM
Very nice.

05-01-12, 09:23 AM
let me know if you know any other good products to use on mites.

provent a mite

its always worked first time every time for me

also you DON'T have to put it on the snake

cheers shaun

05-02-12, 05:51 PM
Nice snake! love his eyes. Salmon is a specific line of hypomelanistic boa's. Theres plenty of different types of hypomelanistic boas. Salmon, monster tail, cherry ect... Just ways to describe a specific phenotype within the genotype hypomelanistic. Hypomelanistic = hypo (low) melanistic (melanin) black pigment.

The genetic trait is co-dominant pattern and color mutation. In the heterozygous form you see differences from the wild type boa and in the homozygous form you see differences from both wild and heterozygous... that whole "super" trait.

In general the hypomelanistic trait makes smaller bow-tie shapped saddles and reduces the amount of black in the snake. One of my favorite morphs.

05-02-12, 08:14 PM
ohh thanks for that, was actually really interesting lol. So would my snake be a salmon another strain of hypo?