View Full Version : My Corn snake + some questions

04-29-12, 02:05 PM
I've had my corn snake since September. At the moment she's 28 grams, over 21 inches, and being annoying, trying to get on the laptop. XD

She's still in her 10 gallon tank, but is longer than it, and I was thinking about updating her to a better-sized sterilite. This is okay, right? And, is it okay to use one of those sticky UTHs with it, as long as it's controlled by a thermostat(I have a herpstat 2).

I have no idea why I got a corn snake, they're active as hell. As cute as Navajo is, I prefer my calm, slow Ball Python to her.

04-29-12, 02:41 PM
I've had my corn snake since September. At the moment she's 28 grams, over 21 inches, and being annoying, trying to get on the laptop. XDThats normal, shes just checking things out :)

She's still in her 10 gallon tank, but is longer than it, and I was thinking about updating her to a better-sized sterilite. This is okay, right? And, is it okay to use one of those sticky UTHs with it, as long as it's controlled by a thermostat(I have a herpstat 2). That is ok as long as you realize her heat and humidity requirements arent nearly as high as the more tropical snakes are. My Corns use a UTH in each of their 20 gallon tanks.

I have no idea why I got a corn snake, they're active as hell. As cute as Navajo is, I prefer my calm, slow Ball Python to her.It all depends on what your preference is. I like variety. Thats why I have Dums, Corns and Carpets. Youre right. Corns are "active as hell". That just the nature of that beast. ;)

04-29-12, 02:50 PM
I put my baby corns straight into an adult size vivarium with no issues. Only thing to remember is that while they are small you need to provide LOTS of hiding places for them so that the larger space doesnt freak them out :)

04-29-12, 05:06 PM
This time of year your house is probably warm enough for domestic snakes. I live in Maryland and don't use any extra heat for my corns and BRS. Remember, that curiousness means they could wiggle out of your sterilite so make sure it's secure :)

04-29-12, 05:19 PM
This time of year your house is probably warm enough for domestic snakes. I live in Maryland and don't use any extra heat for my corns and BRS. Remember, that curiousness means they could wiggle out of your sterilite so make sure it's secure :)unless the sterilite is in a rack. Then it is secure. However, I still say a 20 gallon tank with secure clips is enough for Corns.

04-29-12, 06:33 PM
I just realized I sounded like Navajo only annoyed me, which she doesn't, I love 'er, but when I'm typing it can get kind of hard with a reptile roamin' around it.

I'm in Oklahoma, it's around 70-75 in the house at the moment, which I think is a little cold for corns.

And I give my snakes baths in a sterilite tub, neither of them have been able to wiggle out, so I think my corn will be OK in one. I don't really want to use a glass tank, anyways.

Here's a picture of my girly:


04-29-12, 06:42 PM
I just realized I sounded like Navajo only annoyed me, which she doesn't, I love 'er, but when I'm typing it can get kind of hard with a reptile roamin' around it.

I'm in Oklahoma, it's around 70-75 in the house at the moment, which I think is a little cold for corns.

And I give my snakes baths in a sterilite tub, neither of them have been able to wiggle out, so I think my corn will be OK in one. I don't really want to use a glass tank, anyways.2 things Id like to point out. 70-75 is not too cold for Corns as long as they do have a heat source they can lie on. Like I said earlier, they are not tropical snakes so thats not as much of a critical issue with them. Also, Corns are escape artists so if you do use a sterilite tub without the rack, absolutely make sure its secure like homocapra said..

04-29-12, 06:58 PM
Corns live in the wild as far north as New Jersey so 70 is plenty warm enough. My three are hanging out in about that temp right now and they're fine. One of them even lives in my basement which is always cooler and more humid and she's a great eater like all the rest. Corns are very hardy snakes which is why they were one of the first in the pet trade.

04-29-12, 07:02 PM
Here's a picture of my girly:

http://i1154.photobucket.com/albums/p526/Ivalynfyre/DSCF1376.jpgVery nice looking Motley btw. :)

04-29-12, 07:10 PM
It is? That's probably why she hangs out in her cool hides more often. If I do switch her anytime soon, I'll probably have the heating pads on a low temp(76-80?) just incase she wants to be a little warmer.

And thanks. I think she's a hypo motley, I forgot. Heh.

04-29-12, 07:14 PM
It is? That's probably why she hangs out in her cool hides more often. If I do switch her anytime soon, I'll probably have the heating pads on a low temp(76-80?) just incase she wants to be a little warmer. Thats a good temp for a Corn

And thanks. I think she's a hypo motley, I forgot. Heh.
I can see that. :) Beautiful.

04-30-12, 07:16 AM
We provide our corns with a hot end of 86f and cold end of 70-75 and they all do fine.

~Just wondering why you bath your snakes tho? :)

04-30-12, 03:36 PM
I just randomly sprayed her with my reptile spray bottle, not exactly a bath. Although, right before a shed I give a bath to my Ball Python, Navajo doesn't really need one though.

04-30-12, 03:39 PM
If the humidity in the enclosure is right then there shouldnt be any need to bath them. I have 7 snakes and have never bathed any of them - the only time i have had a problem shed was when i hadn't shut the glass doors 100% and tho the snake couldnt escape the humidity could.

04-30-12, 05:31 PM
Sometimes I bathe my adult lady royal to get her bowels moving. She has such a slow metabolism. Also, any snake that defecates while soaking in his/her water tub (Steve you filthy boa I'm talking about you) gets a bath. My friend calls that a "salmonella snake" :)

04-30-12, 05:39 PM
I know I don't have to, I give him a bath anyways. Any snake that goes outside gets a quick rinse off whenever I bring 'em back in, as well.

A quick question - I'm gonna get a little notebook to keep track of all of my reptiles' weights, feedings, sheds, things like that. What are some other things I should record?

05-08-12, 07:49 PM
Yeah ambient 70-75 is great even mid to high 60s as long as they have a hot spot.

Get this handy free program called DEGEI4 it takes 10 minutes to learn and is better than a note book imo.

Things to record:
feeding date
food type
shed start and finish (opaque, shed)
misc observations