04-28-12, 06:08 AM
I have known you on the forums now a couple of years? You are the first Colubrid guy I have ever met. When I look at what you have and how you got there, I find it it all amazing and rather ironic in a good way. Early on, I find out from you that the city you live in bans Boas and Pythons of all kinds. As a result of this, you find your niche in Colubrids and what a niche that is! You make your living on keeping and breeding upward to 200 snakes now? The variety of what you have is unmatched by anyone else I have ever known, either on the forums or in person. I admire the resulting expertise in Colubrids that you have and if I ever wanted to get a King, you would be who I would turn to. I just wanted you to know what I think about you and what you do.