01-16-03, 03:36 PM
I have an Apogee reptarium. We are in the process of making it more stable and accomodating for our snake. We are making a wooden base in the cage and reinforcing the frame. The cage is about 3 feet wide. On the base piece of wood, we will construct a hide a box towards the back of the cage, that goes a cross the entire width, giving her a warm spot above her heat pad and a cool spot on the opposite side. We're cutting out a spot for her tub for added support, to prevent her knocking it over. Towards the center of the base, I want to create a jungle gym. It's mid section will be about 5 feet high and it will have two cross arms that reach to the edges of the cage. I figure I'll decorate with cypress mulch, plastic vines around the gym and some reptile carpet above the hide a box.
Does this sound okay? What type of seal and stain can I use, must be high moisture resistant?
Does this sound okay? What type of seal and stain can I use, must be high moisture resistant?