View Full Version : Question about king snake sheds.

04-24-12, 05:05 PM
My cal. King shed today but it was completely unexpected. Her eyes didn't turn blue nor did she refuse food. She hasnt been soaking either. I fed her today and went back in the room to make sure she had ate the mouse (pre killed of course) and the mouse was gone and there was a skin. It all came off in almost one piece, just a tiny bit left on the tail. Has anyone else's kings shed without any of the signs of a shed?

CK SandBoas
04-24-12, 05:10 PM
My Grey Banded King has always shown signs of being in shed ( pink belly, then gradual dulling of overall color and eyes) so i pretty much know when he's going into a shed cycle. It's really easy to tell with mine, because he has such vibrant oranges in his coloring:)

04-24-12, 05:16 PM
Yeah, mine didn't do any of that, her colors never dulled nor did her belly turn pink.. Usually the eyes are what give it away..... I mean im happy she shed, she needs to grow a bit more before I breed her but she didn't give me any warning haha

CK SandBoas
04-24-12, 05:22 PM
Yeah, mine didn't do any of that, her colors never dulled nor did her belly turn pink.. Usually the eyes are what give it away..... I mean im happy she shed, she needs to grow a bit more before I breed her but she didn't give me any warning haha

Snakes are unpredictable like that! At least the shed was mainly in one piece. Did the piece left on the tail come off, or is it still there?

04-24-12, 05:32 PM
It came off :D this is her first shed since I have had her so I'm glad to know I'm doing everything right.

CK SandBoas
04-24-12, 05:36 PM
Yayyyy!!! It is a relief to know that everything seems to be going smoothly with a new snake:)

04-24-12, 05:41 PM
Very much. I was worried about the humidity but these big sterilite tubs seem to be doing great!

CK SandBoas
04-24-12, 05:47 PM
The tubs do hold humidity really well, though i don't use them myself. All my animals are in display tanks, and i haven't had a problem with humidity in any of them.

04-24-12, 05:56 PM
Yeah I like display tanks too, but I'm just getting back into keeping snakes andam rebuilding my collection on a budget. For me, it's easier to keep them in huge tubs and not break the bank on display cases and that allows me to have extra cash put aside for vet visits if they should come up. I'm currently planning out a couple new home made enclosures. Much less expensive then buying them and it's gonna be awesome to see my snakes happy and healthy in a viv. That I built myself :D

CK SandBoas
04-24-12, 05:58 PM
Have to admit, if and when i get extra money, i will be looking to move My Kenyan Sand Boas into a rack system, especially if i decide to breed them on a regular basis.

04-24-12, 06:02 PM
Yeah, i only have the two kings right now I'm gonna breed them next season. I was thinking of building a rack for the little ones when they get here.. I wonder how difficult that would be.

04-27-12, 06:22 AM
I would check Google first

04-27-12, 06:24 AM
I would check Google first

We certainly have a bee in our bonnets today dont we :)

04-27-12, 06:26 AM
We certainly have a bee in our bonnets today dont we :)

How'd you guess? I think we can all learn something from master nice guy Rob, and I mean that seriously.

04-27-12, 06:27 AM
He provides very helpful advice on all my threats, so the least I could do is return the favor to such a dear friend. It wouldn't be nice of me not to help him out and point him in the right direction too.

04-27-12, 06:28 AM
But I've made my point. Enough of this childishness. Sorry to be a pain.

04-27-12, 06:28 AM
There is a difference between making one off the cuff comment and trolling the whole forum posting useless pathetic childish comments

CK SandBoas
04-27-12, 06:31 AM
He provides very helpful advice on all my threats, so the least I could do is return the favor to such a dear friend. It wouldn't be nice of me not to help him out and point him in the right direction too.

Wow, like i could not detect the sarcasm in that :no::no:

Honestly, if you do not have anything constructive to say, don't say anything at all....

04-27-12, 06:36 AM
There is a difference between making one off the cuff comment and trolling the whole forum posting useless pathetic childish comments

It wasn't a single comment, and they became more pointed and inflammatory. In any case, this is stupid. I'm just in a pissed off at the world mode. I'm done now. This is already out of hand.