View Full Version : when to feed again?
Crazy Deb
04-27-02, 03:48 PM
We were feeding Peppercorn, our Boa once a week and then he ate that "huge" rat, (It was only about 4 months old but was huge next to him.) 9 days later he ate an adult mouse. He still hasn't given us back anything! I was told at the pet store not to give him anything else until he poops. Is this normal? I also heard that some snakes will go a long time and have many feed between leaving us their little gifts! Anyone have any thoughts on this? I picked up some much smaller rats for him and was wondering if it would mess him up if i give him too much too quickly before he empties his system.
Yeah... I would generally ignore that remark with these snakes, and most others. Most snakes will have several meals in between poops. Some snakes only poop a few times a year. If that rule applied the poor things would be starving.
Darren Hamill
04-27-02, 04:00 PM
BCI (Boa constrictor imperator) generally defecate every 7-10 days depending on many factors. The size of meal fead, temperatures of the animal being kept, feeding regime etc.
It sounds like he may just be kept a little cooler than what is common. What is the temperature gradient that you keep him at? Ideally he should have a cool end of 82-84 F and a hot spot reaching 86-88 F. These temperatures should be taken right on the floor of the enclosure considering that's where his body will lie. Many people improperly control their temp’s buy taking incorrect temps in the first place.
Let us know how you’re keeping him and we'll have a good opportunity to reply and understand your situation a little better.
Darren Hamill
Crazy Deb
04-27-02, 04:31 PM
He has been staying in his cool hide that is a little cooler than it should be (80) and avoiding his hot spot which is 87. He was quite cool when i took him out today so i'm taking out his cool hide so he'll warm himself up a little. he's following everything that moves near him so i'm getting the impression he might be hungry again. He was eating large mice or small rats (pups)every 5 or 6 days. when he ate the 4 month old rat i was worried it was too big but was told to just leave him and he should be ok...if he didn't regurg. thank god he didn't do that! it was 9 days later when we gave him an adult mousse and he ate that really quickly.that was a week ago and still nothing.
Should i wait and warm him up or see if he wants a small rat?
Grant vg
04-27-02, 11:05 PM
Do u have a hide box on either end??
Crazy Deb
04-28-02, 12:47 AM
I had a hide at each end but he was staying in the cool end. Possobly because the hide is smaller and he feels safe there! I took the small hide out of the cool end and he curled up in a paper towl roll instead of going into his other hide. I guess he doesn't like the size of it. Oh well he just ate another small rat. Spoke to a friend who breeds balls and stuff near us! she said it was ok to let him have another... hopefully he's fine with it
I would not be to worried about the time frame of defication.Do you keep notes? This can be helpful then you have an on going record of feedings, sheds,little brown gifts,ect. I currently have two bci's(male and female) They both used to deficate at about two week intervals.In the last few months the male has changed to around 20 days with the longest 24 days.I feed 3-4 week old rats every 7-10 days.Here is something neat though If I feed him mice(2-3 adults) for a change he will drop in about 10 days and yet my female has stayed on the same schedule no matter what I feed her.Try feeding something diffrent from time to time(mice,or other rodents) How large is your boa? how old is he/she? Just being nosey. Best Regards Hip
Darren Hamill
04-28-02, 12:08 PM
With the modifications that you have made in temps I would think that everything should go just fine now. Keep track of defecations and feedings to make sure they co inside.
Let us know if you have any further questions.
Darren Hamill
Crazy Deb
04-28-02, 01:31 PM
Thanks for the tips everyone. We let him have another rat this morning... a smaller one this time! I took some ictures but I'm having problems uploading them!
Hip. Peppercorn is a male about 1 year old and a little over two feet long. We have had him about a month now and he's definitely started to grow!
I'll post some pics when I figure out what i'm doing wrong! :confused:
Crazy Deb
04-28-02, 01:53 PM
Here's some pics of our little guy... Hopefully they work!
these were his latest meal.
Crazy Deb
04-28-02, 02:04 PM
These are from about a month ago
Darren Hamill
04-28-02, 02:25 PM
Very nice BCI Deb!,
Very nice looking boa I like the connecting saddles great looking tail Regards hip
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