View Full Version : Profile: Capone

04-16-12, 08:57 AM
Another profile this time of Capone my three year old male surinam boa.
He is alot more playful shall we say then Jasmine my female suri.
He does have one little odd thing he has a wierd scale patch right near his eye..had it since birth and another litter spot further back on his head.
Normally its not something I would be drawn to..

04-16-12, 08:58 AM
Another nice looking boa, Trent.

Do you by any chance have a profile on that white boa you entered into the April photo contest? It looks awesome.

04-16-12, 09:07 AM
Another nice looking boa, Trent.

Do you by any chance have a profile on that white boa you entered into the April photo contest? It looks awesome.

I do more or less its called some pics of frost or something like that.

04-16-12, 10:35 AM
Another cool looking boa. How many boas do you have?

04-16-12, 05:50 PM
Another cool looking boa. How many boas do you have?

36 at last count if we are talking bci localites and morphs,bca and bcc.
Think I am a boa guy:wacky:

04-16-12, 07:59 PM
36 at last count if we are talking bci localites and morphs,bca and bcc.
Think I am a boa guy:wacky:
Dam that many. I am more of a python guy.

04-16-12, 08:01 PM
I have a major soft spot for suri's, Capone looks great! I want to see the scale abnormalities though!

04-18-12, 05:00 AM
36 at last count if we are talking bci localites and morphs,bca and bcc.
Think I am a boa guy:wacky:

If only there was a place where a body could see them all on one page. That'd rock! :D