04-15-12, 04:57 PM
We went out to get mice, rats and crickets today. I ended up reserving myself a black texas rat snake that I fell in love with, and my brother got jealous so I bought him a frog. I don't usually like amphibians much, but he's pretty neat. My brother named him Billy, he was marked as a green tree frog, not sure if there's a more technical term for them. I dropped some crickets in his tank, and he caught them before they hit the ground. :p
I set him up in a little 2.5 gallon for now, it's decent size as he's really tiny. I set up some vines, plants and moss. I would love to set him up a live plant terrarium and add some more frogs in there eventually if my brother likes the idea of it.
I set him up in a little 2.5 gallon for now, it's decent size as he's really tiny. I set up some vines, plants and moss. I would love to set him up a live plant terrarium and add some more frogs in there eventually if my brother likes the idea of it.