View Full Version : sealing my tank

04-13-12, 01:18 PM
gonna be getting the sealant for my cage, but im having a bit of trouble getting hold of aqua sealant
Is there any other sealant that i can use without it being harmful to my sav

04-13-12, 01:20 PM
Glue from a hot glue gun! Works really well :) pics of your sav?:)

04-13-12, 01:31 PM

04-13-12, 01:38 PM
Glue from a hot glue gun! Works really well :) pics of your sav?:)

good idear the hot glue gun, but is there any other sealant out there that is non toxic?
deanos sleeping at the min, ill get some good pics of him tomorrow

04-13-12, 01:39 PM

dont think ive heard of that

04-13-12, 01:42 PM
just googled it..lol.. varnish, im a bit stuck for using varnish cos ive just had a baby, and would have to paint it in the house and would just stink the place out

04-13-12, 01:45 PM
I used hot glue, no stink, fast cure, works brilliantly.

04-13-12, 01:49 PM


04-13-12, 01:56 PM


looks good.. ive got like alloy sheets lying on the floor and on all edges where the soil will be going, so i just need to fill in the little gaps that is showing wood, cheers

04-13-12, 01:58 PM
woohoo!! I used aluminum sheets. Spot on.

04-13-12, 01:59 PM

04-13-12, 02:04 PM
woohoo!! I used aluminum sheets. Spot on.

nice one.. i got mine free off a friend who works fabricating sheet materials, he got me lexan acrylic sheets for the windows (dont know how long plastic will last) but its very good quality stuff so i might get a while out of it

04-13-12, 02:06 PM
That one in the corner looks like a bird riding a bicycle and it ran over a person who's now flying through the air because of the impact.

Is that close?

04-13-12, 02:08 PM
he also gets a alloy sheet with a very nice gloss finish, so ill probs be finishing the cage with that

04-13-12, 02:31 PM
gonna be getting the sealant for my cage, but im having a bit of trouble getting hold of aqua sealant
Is there any other sealant that i can use without it being harmful to my sav

Order from internet if not available locally...

04-13-12, 02:34 PM
That one in the corner looks like a bird riding a bicycle and it ran over a person who's now flying through the air because of the impact.

Is that close?

You must mean this one???


don't forget I run a motocross track.

04-13-12, 02:37 PM
Well now I see it. But yes, that one.

04-13-12, 02:38 PM
Order from internet if not available locally...

was looking on the net and can get hold if it, but dont want to wait the time it takes for delivery, im looking at getting this baby finished this weekend and checking temps to get my sav into his his new home, i need to get him out of the viv hes in at the min cos hes just out growing it so fast now it must be driving him mad..

04-13-12, 02:39 PM
they are all under a ton of dirt now anyways.

04-13-12, 02:40 PM
You must mean this one???


don't forget I run a motocross track.

would be nice to come over the water to ride that track wayne..lol.. got any pics of it

04-13-12, 02:40 PM
read my cage blog for ideas....

04-13-12, 02:42 PM
would be nice to come over the water to ride that track wayne..lol.. got any pics of it

Rocky Roost Home Page (http://www.rockyroostmx.com/)

have a look.

Now we are hijacking your own thread..

04-13-12, 02:44 PM
Rocky Roost Home Page (http://www.rockyroostmx.com/)

have a look.

Now we are hijacking your own thread..

haha thats what i thought, bugger it, think ill go with the glue anyway

04-13-12, 02:47 PM
Rocky Roost Home Page (http://www.rockyroostmx.com/)

have a look.

Now we are hijacking your own thread..

looks good, one day i will have to come over to the states with my bike to ride some of the tracks over there, like a road trip going round all the different places

04-13-12, 02:47 PM
was looking on the net and can get hold if it, but dont want to wait the time it takes for delivery, im looking at getting this baby finished this weekend and checking temps to get my sav into his his new home, i need to get him out of the viv hes in at the min cos hes just out growing it so fast now it must be driving him mad..

Pictures when you're finished!

04-13-12, 02:52 PM
Pictures when you're finished!

will defo put pics up of cage once its done, its not a adult cage and is only 6'x3'x3' with 15" of soil in the bottom, will probs keep this as a rasing up cage if i ever get another monitor (which i probably will soon as i get the adult cage done with in the next year