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04-13-12, 11:45 AM
Amelia Mae belly is all pinkish. Her whole underside. What does that mean?

CK SandBoas
04-13-12, 11:47 AM
She's going into shed, nothing to worry about, just make sure she has a humid hide she can hang out in, until she sheds her skin :)

04-13-12, 11:49 AM
Is she a BP? My old BP would turn pink every time he would shed.

CK SandBoas
04-13-12, 11:50 AM
Is she a BP? My old BP would turn pink every time he would shed.

Amelia Mae is a Brazilian Rainbow Boa :)

04-13-12, 11:51 AM
Didn't they tell you she just shed?

04-13-12, 11:57 AM
yeah like a couple Weeks before I got her

04-13-12, 04:32 PM
My BRB sheds every 3-5 weeks, so its not strange at all. Especially as babies.

04-13-12, 05:07 PM
How old is Amelia?

04-15-12, 12:42 PM
I agree with Kyle, it would not be abnormal for a young Brazilian to shed again in as little a month. As they age, this will increase to about once every eight to ten weeks.

04-15-12, 11:08 PM
amelia is 2 years old

04-16-12, 12:06 PM
there are plenty of other things that cause snakes to shed more frequently. A recent injury is one easy example, the shed more frequently as its their way of healing.

04-16-12, 02:55 PM
True. A larger meal than normal can also trigger an early shed.

04-16-12, 03:03 PM
can you post pictures of the pink belly ?

could she have possibly burned herself ?

most burns start out pink,then start to turn brown at the parts most affected

that said,it may NOT be a burn,as going into shed can also cause slight colour changes

cheers shaun

04-16-12, 05:49 PM
I agree with Shaun. You know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.