View Full Version : Ceramic Heat Emitter Question...

04-11-12, 09:32 PM
I just bought a 60w ceramic heat emitter (Zoo-Med). I have the Deluxe Porcelain Clamp Lamp (also from Zoo-Med, rated up to 100w) and on the box it said that it can be used with ceramic heat emitters. But on Zoo-Med's site, it says to use the heat emitter with the wire cage lamp.

So, now I am wondering, can I use the ceramic emitter with the lamp until I can order the wire cage... or not?

Thanks for your help.

On a side note, I had always heard that infrared light was not supposed to bother the animal at night. But, my snake's pupils are reacting to it. Can I assume that the light may be bothering him? Noticing this is what prompted me to get the heat emitter. I don't remember where, but I had read that the pupils were not supposed to react, though I don't know if that was an accurate fact or not but it seems to make sense.

04-11-12, 09:36 PM
where are you putting the CHE??

I THINK the cage lamp is for when the CHE is inside the enclosure to prevent the snake from getting burnt.

You need Lankyrob for CHE questions though


04-11-12, 09:38 PM
Thanks for your response.

The lamp is outside of the tank. I think the wire cage lamp that they are recommending is the one like this:


Not the one that protects the bulbs.

04-11-12, 09:43 PM
I use CHEs in regular domes as long as they have ceramic fixtures. I haven't had a problem.

04-11-12, 09:44 PM
Thanks BB.

04-12-12, 08:09 AM
All my ceramics are in the enclosures, they are totally protected by a wire guard for keeping the snakes away from the bulbs.

Are you just resting the bulb onto the cage? If so they get to 300+f and may melt the enclosure. I use 100w ceramics and have recorded them with an infra red temp gun at 450f and higher :)

04-12-12, 08:28 AM
Thanks for your info Rob. The top of the tank is metal, do you think that there may still be a problem (like with the paint or something)? It is made for reptile tanks... I will contact Hagen and see if it is made to withstand such high temperatures. Thanks a lot.

04-12-12, 01:13 PM
In case anyone is ever browsing this site with a similar concern, I though I'd post part of the response I got from Zoo-Med.

The Ceramic Heat Emitters are approved for use with the LF-10 (Wire Cage Clamp Lamp), LF-12 (8.5” Deluxe Porcelain Clamp Lamp), and LF-15 (10” Deluxe Porcelain Clamp Lamp.) I do not recommend using our Ceramic Heat Emitters in the 5.5” clamp lamp as there may not be enough ventilation in the base of the dome. The 8.5” or 10” domes have been tested and approved for use with the Ceramic Emitters.

So I guess I need a new fixture either way, since I have the 5.5" one. I wonder why it would say suitable for CHEs on the box??? Anyways... better safe than sorry...

04-12-12, 01:24 PM
I only use CHEs on animals I keep with wire mesh lids.

04-12-12, 01:45 PM
Darn, this is getting complicated now, lol. This is the kind of cover I have (sorry could not find a stock photo). What would be the difference that could cause a problem compared to a screen? The paint? The type of metal? Sorry if my questions seem dumb... I am trying to learn about all this stuff...


04-12-12, 02:04 PM
In case anyone is ever browsing this site with a similar concern, I though I'd post part of the response I got from Zoo-Med.

So I guess I need a new fixture either way, since I have the 5.5" one. I wonder why it would say suitable for CHEs on the box??? Anyways... better safe than sorry...

Just drill vent holes.

04-12-12, 02:14 PM
My concerns would be the paint reacting in the heat and giving off fumes, plus the possibility of the wire heating up and either burning the animal, or you :)

04-12-12, 02:24 PM
Thanks everyone. I feel like such a dumba** now. I bought that top for like 3x the price of a screen thinking that it would be better since it is more rigid. I assumed it was safe seeing as it is made specifically for reptile tanks. If fumes could be a problem I guess that could happen with lights as well... so I guess I'll just go get a screen. Thanks guys, what would I do without you! I am not even gonna start imagining all the questions I am gonna have for you guys when it comes to building my own enclosure, lol.

04-12-12, 02:25 PM
Questions are what we are here for :) - oh and pics we LOOOOOOVEEEE Pics :)

04-12-12, 07:28 PM
ya, I'm gonna have to learn about using CHE's too!! Huuby is gonna build me a custom show rack, one for my corns and one for my balls. I will be using CHE's in the ball rack.

Rob, can you grab us some pics of CHE's installed inside the enclosure?

04-13-12, 08:02 AM
ya, I'm gonna have to learn about using CHE's too!! Huuby is gonna build me a custom show rack, one for my corns and one for my balls. I will be using CHE's in the ball rack.

Rob, can you grab us some pics of CHE's installed inside the enclosure?

Lets see what i have :)


04-13-12, 01:00 PM
Hey thanks for that picture Rob! I was wondering how to enclose the CHE

04-13-12, 01:04 PM
awesome, thx Rob. I'll show these to hubby when he gets home.