View Full Version : Feeding a snake with an RI?????

04-11-12, 07:28 PM
Am I still supposed to be trying to feed him through this, or should I only bother him for his injections in order to cause less stress on Torruk??

04-11-12, 07:46 PM
I think I remember seeing a post by Mikey saying that you shouldn't feed with a compromised immune system. Not %100 sure though so better wait for someone with more qualified advice.
Hows you snake doing by the way?

04-11-12, 08:08 PM
hard to say, sometimes he seems more comfortable and sometimes not. He's only had 3 anti-biotic shots so far, so I am trying to be patient. He goes back and forth between mouth breathing and nose breathing, he goes back and forth between his humid hide and his hotside hide. No drool from the nose, but periodic drool from his mouth. No more coughing all night, but still wheezes when I take him out for his shots. I am diarizing everything for when the vet calls back so she can tell me whether this is improvement or not. I hope he's getting better!!

04-12-12, 08:33 AM
bump!! can some B/P keepers jump in here and help.

I know I am not to worry about his not having eaten in almost a month unless he loses weight. I just don't know if I should be even GIVING him food during the RI??

04-12-12, 08:44 AM
I also read eith Mykee or AAron post that no snake with a compromised immune system should be stressed by feeding unless it is seriously losing weight :)

04-12-12, 08:57 AM
alright, Mykee hasn't been around since I first posted this, wonder if I should PM her. The vet said (called her) that as long as his temps are fine I can try to feed him. But my gut is fighting that (even tho I am not a vet) I think it's because I don't want to mess with the mucous he is still dealing with and I don't want to stress him any more than I have to, and I already have to take him out for an injection every second day, which I am sure stresses him alot (that's when he starts wheezing)

Thanks Rob!

04-12-12, 09:15 AM
Mykee's a sausage, not a donut. Feel free to PM with any questions, but as Rob paraphrased, do not feed a ball python with a compromised immune system. Extra stress should be avoided. Once your BP's symptoms have disappeared, feed away. Until then, only disturb her for her injections.

04-12-12, 09:22 AM
Thanks Mykee, were your ears ringing??

I'll leave him then, except for his shots

04-12-12, 09:53 AM
Mykee's a sausage, not a donut. Feel free to PM with any questions, but as Rob paraphrased, do not feed a ball python with a compromised immune system. Extra stress should be avoided. Once your BP's symptoms have disappeared, feed away. Until then, only disturb her for her injections.

i thought you'd actually went through with the operation:eek:

miss mykee:p

to the op
i would take mykee's advice,as imo he has much more experience with ball pythons,than your average vet has mate

cheers shaun

04-12-12, 10:02 AM
well that'ss just the thing, I don't know this vet from a hole in the ground, the vet I wanted to get him into (the one we used when we had our Iguana) couldn't get him in until today and I just couldn't wait that long. So I phoned every exotics vet I could find within reasonable driving distance and found the one who would see him over the easter weekend. So it's not like this vet is "tried and true" or anything, you know??

04-12-12, 10:24 AM
"i thought you'd actually went through with the operation"

I backed out at the very last minute. I do have a beautiful set of breasts though, I rarely ever leave the house anymore they're that much fun.

04-12-12, 10:27 AM
that's why men weren't given breasts!! They'd be useless (the men that is, not the breasts!!) most men wouldn't leave the house if they had em!!

BTW Mykee, how long before I either see improvement or decide this anti-biotic is not working?? (this vet says 2-3 weeks)

04-12-12, 01:26 PM
I have limited experience with RIs personally, only ever had one, and I saw an improvement after their third or fourth injection (9-12 days). From what I've heard from customers and other breeders, you should start to see improvement about a third to half way through the antibiotic cycle.

04-12-12, 01:36 PM
ok, then I'm not to worry yet as he only gets his 4th injection tonight.

04-13-12, 01:39 AM
Mmm... Donuts... ;)

04-13-12, 06:47 AM
I backed out at the very last minute. I do have a beautiful set of breasts though, I rarely ever leave the house anymore they're that much fun.

Somehow, I was not surprised to see this hahaha Does Aaron pester you now to touch on them? You know how guys can be pigs

04-13-12, 07:24 AM
First off I am hungry.

Secondly I will never look at breakfast the same again.

Thirdly are you taking turrok into your vet for a second opinion?

And most importantly I am going to go get a coffee and a donut. Or maybe a bagel

04-13-12, 08:28 AM
Aw what's the matter Kevin? No breakfast sausage for you?

04-13-12, 09:47 AM
First off I am hungry.

Secondly I will never look at breakfast the same again.

Thirdly are you taking turrok into your vet for a second opinion?

And most importantly I am going to go get a coffee and a donut. Or maybe an eggy bread

I am thinking of cancelling the re-check with the unkown vet and taking him in to my vet for the re-check and she can call for the files from the unkown vet. I am going to call my vet today and see if she wants to see him now or after the course of AB's.

I think I see improvment in his symptoms, he came out of his hide by himself and explored around which he hasn't done since this started, I am hoping this is a good sign.

His breathing is not as laboured although there is still some quiet wheezing periodically. Last night was the first time we took him out and he didn't have mucous coming out of his mouth.

He got his 4th shot last night and his 5th comes tomorrow.

04-13-12, 09:49 AM
Good luck with him it's scary when any animal is sick. I would go tote vet you trust more instead of wasting time with this unknown vet

04-13-12, 09:55 AM
your right, I should. Hubby kept saying let the vet who started treatment finish treatment. But the unknown vet said they'd call in 3 days and then in 7 days to see how he was doing, well today is day 5 and they haven't called at all.

I'm gonna call Dr. Pruss after I'm done my morning coffee!!

04-13-12, 10:01 AM
Good call I would bring the meds with the instructions to the known vet they could have whatever test results faxed

04-13-12, 10:03 AM
good tips, thanks!!

04-13-12, 10:13 AM
ok, Dr. Pruss is going to give me a call back in between appts so we can talk about whether she wants to see him now or after the course of AB he's on now.

04-13-12, 11:06 AM
Spoke to Dr. Pruss, she says that she recognises the meds he's on as being very successful in fighting RI's in snakes. I have diarized his ups and downs through this and gave them to her in point form.

So she wants me to finish this course of AB's, she says it SOUNDS like he's making some improvements. So I am to continue, call back if there's a problem and take Torruk to see her instead of the other vet after the AB's are finished.

04-13-12, 11:20 AM
Awesome glad to hear he's better!

04-13-12, 11:56 AM
well not quite, but I do think I am seeing actual improvement!!!