View Full Version : Skin Fungus

04-11-12, 06:54 PM
What can be done about fungus on the skin of a Candoia Carinata Carinata? I don't seem to have any vets in the area that can help with this problem. I know what to do to keep it from happening again but I don't know how to cure what was present when I acquired him. Please help. I'm hoping for a, somewhat, natural cure if possible but if not, anything will do. Please help me save him. Thank you.

04-11-12, 07:18 PM
What does it look like? Pictures help a whole lot in this process.

04-11-12, 07:22 PM
He is so jumpy and touchy lately, I hate to bother him unless absolutely necessary. My best description is that he is a medium brown color naturally but now in some spots (that have gotten bigger over the last few days) he is a white color. Mostly on his top side. The spots look a bit puffy too.

04-11-12, 07:24 PM
yes, pictures and all husbandry needs to be given before anyone can really help.

04-11-12, 07:48 PM
As I stated before, my snake already had this problem when he was given to me, I got him very recently; therefore, I can not vouch for the husbandry or habitat of him before being with me and again I've only had him a short time. I am not a novice, I do know how to take care of many different kinds of snakes and what habitats they are best kept in, I have just never run into this before. I am working on getting some pictures. In the meantime, any suggestions would be helpful.

04-11-12, 08:02 PM
alright, I have found something called "white spot fungus" this is what the guy says about it:

How do We get rid of it: Proper Husbandry--Yes, it really is that simple. Reduction of "Stress" will reduce the Progression of the White Spot Fungus. I have seen it myself. Elimination of Stress will Halt the progression of White Spot Fungus. Note: I did not say anything about chemicals, medications, etc.--just eliminate the Stress and the progression of the White Spot will stop. What is there will remain until the next shed. After the next shed--the animal will be clean and remain that way--as long as all of the husbandry parameters are and remain in order. Its just that Simple. A new animal going through the acclimation process may need to shed 2, 3 or even 4 times before the White Spot relents completely. However, its progress should be visibly reduced with each shed.

So maybe the last owners husbandry is questionable and now you just need to "fix" it.

the only natural thing I could think of with strong anti-bacterial/anti-fungal properties would be tea-tree oil. However, I have never heard of this being used on snakes, maybe someone else can jump in on that one.

04-11-12, 08:11 PM
Thank you so much. Any other help is greatly appreciated too. Thanks again.

04-11-12, 08:14 PM
Sorry, that's all I have, someone else is gonna have to pitch in.

04-11-12, 09:07 PM
this should be in general boa fyi.
Otherwise all I can offer is my best wishes that you get it cleared up.

04-12-12, 05:53 PM
Nverow, it's usually a bad practice to acquire a sick animal -- one, because it might die; and two, because it might infect other animals you keep.

So, first and formost, disinfect *thoroughly* after handling this guy, both hands and tools.

Two, as for treatment, a betadine soak will help. You want to let the snake soak in clear water for ten minutes or so first, so that if he is thirsty he drinks the water instead of the medicine. After that, switch him to a weak betadine solution (mix until the solution is tea colored -- the straight solution sold in stores is usually 5-10%, and is far too strong) for another ten minutes. Rpeat this every other day for a week or so. While he soaks, clean his cage thoroughly to remove any possible lingering fungus.

Three, you actually *should* bother him for a photo. All the advice we can give you is no more than guesswork without a good photo.

Good luck!

04-12-12, 05:57 PM
BTW, I see new names above (one of whom also named one of their snakes "Drake")! Is Epicrates gaining new members?! :-)

04-12-12, 07:35 PM
BTW, I see new names above (one of whom also named one of their snakes "Drake")! Is Epicrates gaining new members?! :-)

Drake would be Eli's bearded dragon if I'm not mistaken. He's been on the board quite a while, but doesn't frequent the Epicrates section.

04-15-12, 12:40 PM
Thanks for the clarification, Kyle.

04-16-12, 12:03 PM
no problem bud, I may not always know what I'm talking about, but I get lucky sometimes.