View Full Version : Day three bite free!

04-11-12, 10:17 AM
So I took everyone's advice and just kept holding my female cal. King ( helga )
The first few times she wouldn't let me put my hand in her tub, but I kept working with her, now I've been bite free (from her at least) for three days.
My male still wants to take my finger (or whatever else he can get) off.. He's huge and his bites sting a little more then my little females. She's turned into a sweet calm curious young lady :bouncy:

04-11-12, 10:18 AM
Lol guess your male just like the taste of you

04-11-12, 08:16 PM
Yeah it might take a liottle longer with him but with patient persistance, itll happen with him as well.

04-11-12, 08:42 PM
Feeding more will help in more ways than one as well......but as of now I don't know how often you are feeding....all I can say is that a growing colubrid will want to eat more than once a week.......good luck with the "taming"

04-11-12, 08:44 PM
I need to start doing this with my dwarf burm girl. But I'm a little more worried about a tag from her than I would be from even the biggest cal king.

and congrats!

04-12-12, 08:58 PM
My male is def. Full grown. He's an easy 5 1/2 feet long and very thick. He's off feed right now as well. I offer he refuses. Yeah burms have a bit more of an intimidation factor for sure! Lol good luck man.

04-12-12, 09:25 PM
Your male king is possibly off feed right now due to the "breeding season".....

04-13-12, 09:11 AM
Yeah, that's the occlusion I came to, I have a female in my snake room and he hast sat still in weeks. He's constantly cruising around his tub looking for her. He's really really thick so I'm not to worried.

04-13-12, 01:16 PM
Good deal! The male will hopefully come around later. One thing I learned long ago, is not to let them get into a defensive posture when you open the cage. With my nervous snakes, I open and reach in right away, and pull them out. I also put my hand flat over their heads, which makes them go into a more submissive mode than a defensive mode. Once they curl up in an "S" position, they strike at the first thing they see move. Good luck, and steady wins the race!

04-13-12, 01:20 PM
Thanks for that tip! I never would have guessed that rushing in with a flat palm would work. I just tried it and I didn't get bit! Now once I grabbed him he tried biting but I think I have room to work now lol

04-13-12, 02:28 PM
Good deal! The male will hopefully come around later. One thing I learned long ago, is not to let them get into a defensive posture when you open the cage. With my nervous snakes, I open and reach in right away, and pull them out. I also put my hand flat over their heads, which makes them go into a more submissive mode than a defensive mode. Once they curl up in an "S" position, they strike at the first thing they see move. Good luck, and steady wins the race!

Yeah... my dwarf burm... not such a good idea, you'll end up with an arm/hand full of teeth.

04-13-12, 03:00 PM
Yeah... my dwarf burm... not such a good idea, you'll end up with an arm/hand full of teeth.

Yep.....that's why this is the lampropeltis area.......lol

04-13-12, 03:09 PM
Lol smaller snakes = smaller puncture wounds :laugh:

04-13-12, 04:25 PM
Yep.....that's why this is the lampropeltis area.......lol

lol, I don't think I ever looked.

04-14-12, 08:05 AM
Yeah... my dwarf burm... not such a good idea, you'll end up with an arm/hand full of teeth.

Well, I sold off my pythons after one nailed me hard at 6 foot. Then I started thinking hmmm, what will this feel like at 10 feet? But really Kings are very different than the pythons. By the way, I had not heard of dwarf Burms before. That's interesting. I know they have dwarf Retics, but the dwarf Burms must be new.

04-14-12, 08:14 AM
Thanks for that tip! I never would have guessed that rushing in with a flat palm would work. I just tried it and I didn't get bit! Now once I grabbed him he tried biting but I think I have room to work now lol

Another thing I do that seems to work for me, is I give them a little tap on the nose if they look like they are gonna bte me. Now, I have to explain. Most of my bites come from the snake mistaking me for food. Either I have the smell of mice on my hands, or another snake. I have come to recognize the signs just before a bite. That certain look the give as they smell your hand. Or a lingering stop as they pass over your hand. So a small love tap on the nose, reminds them I'm not food. Now with a snake that is just very nervous and is biting from fear, or aggression this may not work.

04-14-12, 08:17 AM
Yeah i think that's all it is, nervousness. The previous owner hadn't handled them to much, she used them soley for breeder projects.

04-14-12, 10:17 AM
first described as a separate sub-species in 2002 IIRC. I've got a thread about my girl on here in the giants section. She's a handful and a headache, but she's awesome to see. Scientific name is Python bivittatus progschai (or Python molurus bivittatus progschai depending on who you ask... but the fact that there is a Burm subspecies, among other reasons, makes me want to stick with P. b. progschai)

04-14-12, 11:41 AM
first described as a separate sub-species in 2002 IIRC. I've got a thread about my girl on here in the giants section. She's a handful and a headache, but she's awesome to see. Scientific name is Python bivittatus progschai (or Python molurus bivittatus progschai depending on who you ask... but the fact that there is a Burm subspecies, among other reasons, makes me want to stick with P. b. progschai)

Cool! I'll have to check out your post.

04-14-12, 12:07 PM
Great information there Jorge......
I do similar things....
I wear a cap all the time so I have learned to take my cap off and cover the snakes....
It makes them feel secure....
But I have gotten my cap bitten many times....LOL

I, typically like my adult snakes to be more aggressive.
They seem to make better breeders than the "handled/tamed" adults.....Just my personal opinion and preference.....

04-14-12, 12:24 PM
Great information there Jorge......
I do similar things....
I wear a cap all the time so I have learned to take my cap off and cover the snakes....
It makes them feel secure....
But I have gotten my cap bitten many times....LOL

I, typically like my adult snakes to be more aggressive.
They seem to make better breeders than the "handled/tamed" adults.....Just my personal opinion and preference.....

Well my male is as good a breeder as the come then LOL!