View Full Version : Anyone have pics of an injection site burn?

04-09-12, 04:34 AM
Awhile back I treated my Burm with Baytril via injection. He has been eating heartily, been super active, even bit me on the wrist when I went to remove his shed skin today. But, he's still got some marks on him from the injections.

I was hoping to look at some injection site burns on an albino snake. I'd like to compare some pics to the marks on Giovanni. I've run a google search, and I haven't come up with anything I can use. So, I decided to go to you guys :P


04-09-12, 07:23 AM
can you post pictures of your snake please mate

it would give folk an idea of what your dealing with

cheers shaun

04-09-12, 09:49 AM
COuld you please post some pics.

04-09-12, 12:54 PM
I'll grab a few shots after work.

04-09-12, 05:13 PM
Alright...here's a pic. He just shed last night/yesterday.