View Full Version : quick question

04-07-12, 10:07 PM
So reading through random threads, and i hear screen tops are bad for brbs?... mine is coming with a 40gal breeder tank, will i have to make a makeshift top then for humidity? I dont want my new snake to die on me...

04-07-12, 10:19 PM
I'm about to try tinfoil or something. I'll let you know how it goes

04-07-12, 10:22 PM
Ok. I was thinking i should buy a huge plastic container and put holes in it or something... i plan on making an enclosure for Amelia once she gets bigger...

04-07-12, 10:28 PM
I've used tin foil. Works great! Just fold it a few times, make it nice and thick, heavy! I covered as much of the top as I could, tucked it nicely into the crease at the edges of the screen and weighed down the corners, as they tend to curl. I also made a small cut;out for the tube from my Repti-Fogger. I could leave it on real low for a few hours, get a nice fog going, then turn it off. The fog lasted for a good while.

If it gets too humid, you can either cover less screen, or poke holes in the foil.

04-07-12, 10:35 PM
Maybe I should just invest in the repti fogger then... >.<

I'm going to be soo broke! :(

04-07-12, 10:39 PM
Maybe I should just invest in the repti fogger then... >.<

I'm going to be soo broke! :(

You really don't have to. Most times, keeping the water dish over the heat source, covered top and a little misting each day will work just fine. Just remember, you want a humid cage, not a wet cage. Keep the moisture in the air (by placing the water dish over the heat source). :-)

But, the fog does look cool.

04-07-12, 10:42 PM
You really don't have to. Most times, keeping the water dish over the heat source, covered top and a little misting each day will work just fine. Just remember, you want a humid cage, not a wet cage. Keep the moisture in the air (by placing the water dish over the heat source). :-)

But, the fog does look cool.

I'm just tired of stressing out and trying... Is there a cheaper version of a fogger?

04-07-12, 10:46 PM
Don't stress. Just do all those other things I wrote, save your money. Save it for food, or put it away for her next cage. Tank accessories like that aren't cheap, but remember, you don't NEED them. People have been keeping snakes happy in humidity since long before this fancy stuff was around.

04-07-12, 10:53 PM
will seran wrap work? No tin foil in this house...

04-07-12, 10:58 PM
Sure, in an emergency. Same thing, double it over a few times and weigh down the edges. How are you heating the enclosure? Don't put the plastic wrap under a heat light!

04-07-12, 10:59 PM
Sure, in an emergency. Same thing, double it over a few times and weigh down the edges. How are you heating the enclosure? Don't put the plastic wrap under a heat light!

heat mat underneath and heat lamp overhead. There's at least 5 in between the screen and the heat lamp

04-07-12, 11:00 PM
Ok, then scrap the plastic wrap. We'll think of somethin' else.

04-07-12, 11:06 PM
The important thing is to have nothing that can burn anywhere near the heat light. Even somethin' 5 inches away will get pretty hot under any heat lamp. So, no paper,,plastic, towels, nothing like that can go on top of the cage.

04-07-12, 11:08 PM
if 40 people give me a dollar, I can buy a fogger lol

04-07-12, 11:18 PM
Tin foil is much cheaper. Make sure your substrate holds some humidity too. The heat pad will help get that moisture into the air also.

04-07-12, 11:19 PM
Tin foil is much cheaper. Make sure your substrate holds some humidity too. The heat pad will help get that moisture into the air also.

I have reptibark in there. I thought that's supposed to hold humidity :(

04-07-12, 11:22 PM
I have reptibark in there. I thought that's supposed to hold humidity :(

It does! That's a perfect substrate! Per-fect!

04-07-12, 11:24 PM
I misted the crap out of the tank and threw a towel on top covering about 4/5 of the screen and then i misted the crap out of the towel. Is that gonna work?

04-07-12, 11:27 PM
How about this?

Tropic Air Humidifier & Air Exchanger (http://www.reptiledirect.com/tropicairhumidifierandairexchangernopump.aspx)

04-07-12, 11:30 PM
For the time being, yes. You just need a light misting, don't soak the substrate, just damp. Make absolutely sure that NONE of the towel is under the light. I'm not responsible for any fires! Get some foil tomorrow.

04-07-12, 11:30 PM
For the time being, yes. You just need a light misting, don't soak the substrate, just damp. Make absolutely sure that NONE of the towel is under the light. I'm not responsible for any fires! Get some foil tomorrow.

Lights come off at night.

04-07-12, 11:44 PM
How about this?

Tropic Air Humidifier & Air Exchanger (http://www.reptiledirect.com/tropicairhumidifierandairexchangernopump.aspx)

Never seen it before but I like it! I'd say it'd do the job quite nicely.