View Full Version : Something is wrong with Torruk, help please??

04-06-12, 11:09 AM
Just went to check on Turruk and saw that his lips right around his toung is discolored, so I took him out to check on him and got a slight wheeze and a little bit of mucous or spit came out the side of his mouth.

So right after postiing this, I will be phoning around to see if I can find a closer exotic vet closer than the one I know.

But I have heard to up temps and such to help out. how high do I up the temp, and is there anything else I can do at home as depending on cost, I may not be able to get him there till next week.

Please anyone who has ANY suggestions, please let me know.

And should I be setting him up away from my corns?? CAN corns get RI's (if this is what this is)

04-06-12, 11:24 AM
ok now I really need some help, all the vets are closed for the holidays. there may be one open tomorrow, but I am too worried to not do anything.

Please guys, help me out here.

04-06-12, 11:31 AM
I think it's raise the humidity & temperature. Make sure your thermometer is working properly, I believe husbandry is the leading cause of RIs. Good luck! Hopefully someone with more knowledge will be along soon. I only know what I've gleaned from reading on here never having gone through it myself.

04-06-12, 11:43 AM
Ok, I just spoke to his breeder and he said to change the substrate for now to newspaper or papertowel, raise the temps, and keep the humidity firm.

My thermometer is a brand new dig with probe. I am fairly sure it's working properly, but will check.

04-06-12, 11:47 AM
Good luck on getting him better!

04-06-12, 11:57 AM
do you think the discoloration around his lips are due to this RI, or is it going to be a second condition??

04-06-12, 11:59 AM
Are you positive it's a discoloration and not just dried mucous? I really don't know. Sorry.

04-06-12, 12:05 PM
I'm not positive about anything, that's why I am asking here.

what I know is:

1) he has refused his last 2 meals
2) there is minor discoloration only on his lips in front where his toung ficks out
3) when I picked him up to check this discoloration, I heard a gurgle
4) I opened his mouth and when he closed it a very small amount of mucous came out the side of his mouth

That's all I KNOW for sure, remember this is my first B\P...... I have only had corns before this and have never dealt with illness before.

04-06-12, 12:56 PM
Pics of the discolouration would help. It could be dried mucous, it could be another sickness like mouth rot. The vet visit should help and pics too.

04-06-12, 01:08 PM
actually the discoloration is now gone, it must have rubbed off in the pillow case I put him in to change the substrate to newspaper, but if it comes back I WILL get a pic for you guys.

All the reptile/ exotic vets are closed today and the emerg vet around here knows nothing about exotics, so I'll have to wait untill at least tomorrow to talk to the vet.

I have changed his substrate from repti-bark to newspaper on the advice of his breeder, and upped the temps to 96f

anything else i should do until I can get ahold of a vet??

04-06-12, 02:08 PM
I really don't know anything about this to help you out

good luck though! I hope everything works out!

04-06-12, 05:35 PM
Did you open the mouth and see bubbles? Sure he wasnt just taking a drink before you picked him up and it was water that came out the side?

Otherwise, up the hot spot temps to ~94, keep humidity aroung 50 - 60, and make sure there is good air flow, stagnant air is like a petri dish of germs.

04-06-12, 07:12 PM
it was slimy (the stuff that came out of his mouth)

no I didn't open his mouth, what am I looking for when I do??

Since my last post he has also sneezed/coughed

04-06-12, 07:24 PM
Please don't do this without searching the posts, but I thought I read recently (within the past week) to hold his head under water? Something about that causing him to hopefully breathe the mucus out?

I'm sorry, my memory isn't the best, so I apologize for the sketchy details.

Best of luck curing this bug for Torruk!

04-06-12, 08:17 PM
Please don't do this without searching the posts, but I thought I read recently (within the past week) to hold his head under water? Something about that causing him to hopefully breathe the mucus out?

I'm sorry, my memory isn't the best, so I apologize for the sketchy details.

Best of luck curing this bug for Torruk!

Doubtful, Im guessing that would probably just stress the snake out. If it is indeed an RI, it needs a vet and medication to get rid of it.

Heres a video on how to open up your snakes mouth. You should see a healthy pink colour, and possibly a bubble near the trachea, but anything that looks thick like mucous or a bunch of bubbles, might indicate an RI? I havent seen it in person so I might not be the best source. Also, look for bubbles and mucous in the nose. Ive heard the snake will yawn quite a bit as well because its harder for them to breathe through their nose. Keep an ear out for wheezing too, was the last shed good? Stuck shed in the nose could produce a somewhat whistling sound.


Hope you figure it out, must be stressful!

04-06-12, 08:31 PM
i raise my hot end temps by 5 degree's F.

that usually cures it in the early stages

the fact your snake has mucas,suggests a cousre of antibiotics may be required

don't panic pal,snakes are hardier than they look,it will be ok until the vet opens

please,let us know how it goes at the vets

all the best shaun

04-06-12, 08:45 PM
Thanks Shauny, I have raised the temp by about 5 degree's. And he is staying at the hot end,which is good.

I'll call the vet once they open. Don't know if they're closed the whole weekend or not.

Someone asked about a shed. This is my newest addition and I have only had him not quite 3 weeks. He has not shed for me yet.

04-07-12, 08:20 AM
Please don't do this without searching the posts, but I thought I read recently (within the past week) to hold his head under water? Something about that causing him to hopefully breathe the mucus out?

I'm sorry, my memory isn't the best, so I apologize for the sketchy details.

Best of luck curing this bug for Torruk!

baths are used to unblock nostrils and break up mucas mate

a snotted up snake,i bath twice per day

holding its head under water for 20 to 30 seconds at a time

once the mucas starts breaking up,and you start to see small amounts of air bubbles coming out the blocked nostril,i hold the snake under water a little longer,eventually unblocking the nostril completely

you just have to judge how much the nostrils unblocking and hold under water accordingly

vets reccomend this method and its worked the few times i've used it

baths do help get the mucas loose and out the snake,which helps it regain full health

the snake also needs ANTIBIOTICS

cheers shaun

04-07-12, 08:52 AM
ya I am sure he does after last night, I heard him sneeze at least 4 times before I fell asleep. His nostrils are not visibly blocked, he is not breathing through his mouth, so now it's a waiting game till one of the exotic vets open up.

04-07-12, 09:06 AM
Sorry I am doing it on this thread but how do I make a thread. please help

04-07-12, 09:24 AM
find the proper forum to post in (ie: food for though= feeding subjects) and at the top left there is a button to push "make new thread"

04-07-12, 10:32 AM
Alright, first things first. If your snake has mucous in the mouth, it is at an advanced state and requires a vet, culture, swab and antibiotics. Any at-home husbandry tweaks will not cure this on it's own, it will only help until he sees a vet.
Second; quarantine!! Assuming you put this animal in quarantine when you got him, he should still be there now. DO NOT touch anything after dealing with this animal, the bacteria from an RI is VERY CONTAGIOUS.
Third: DO NOT bathe him. He's already congested, snakes aren't humans, they do not have the ability to cough up the phlegm so additional stress and/or "water therapy" is unnecessary and dangerous.
Fourth: temps should be 95 ish and get that humidity up to where you have it during a shed cycle (90%+) All the extra humidity will do will keep the phlegm in his lung fluid and stop it from becoming solid and killing him.
Fifth; don't try to feed; with an immuno-compromised snake, the less stress the better.

Good luck.

04-07-12, 10:48 AM
hey im new!!!!!

04-07-12, 10:49 AM
btw thats my calote eating a fly!! oh and sorry i dont know how to help!!!!!!!!!!!:suspicious::no::sad::sorry:

04-07-12, 10:51 AM
Thanks Mykee!! I have upped the temps to 95/96

Yes he is in quarantine as I have only had him 3 weeks. Only I touch him and hubby is taking care of the corns so I don't even have to go near them.

The bath thing sounded weird to me so I did not do that to him, I didn't want to stress him out or make his condition worse

Ok, I won't be trying to feed him now, I was wondering about that since tomorrow would have been his scheduled feeding.

I HAVE FINALLY found a herp vet that will see him today!! our appt is at 11:30, so I'll fill you all in when we get back.

BTW, I got even more worried overnight as I heard sneezing at least 4-5 times before I fell asleep. So I am glad I finally found a vet who would see him today, all the others were booking into next week!!

04-07-12, 11:07 AM
i'm NOT saying a snake can cough,but it has the ability to blow upper respiritory mucas out mate

it does it the same way it would,if it was trying to clear a piece of shed stuck up a nostril

they have the ability to create a loud hiss,by expelling air at speed through the airways,i seen both carpets i treated expell mucas the same way

1 carpet was a rescue with pnemonia,it regained 100% health

the 2nd carpet had lung disorder that eventually lead to death

all i'm saying is for an experienced keeper,bathing a snake can have benefits,in certain circumstances

an inexperienced keeper may well do more harm than good though;)

to the op
bathing should only take place,if your " vet " says it will help

cheers shaun

04-07-12, 11:58 AM
Double post...

04-07-12, 12:02 PM
"all i'm saying is for an experienced keeper,bathing a snake can have benefits,in certain circumstances"

I'm with you, but certainly not in this case. The trachea swells and gets plugged up with mucous during an upper RI, limiting it's ability to make a strong, water-proof seal during inhalation, so bathing a snake will allow water down into the lung, that's the last thing we want as there is no way for the lung to be cleared of that water. Compounded by the heavier mucous, the lungs could fill with a water/mucous mixture and drown the animal.

04-07-12, 12:04 PM
"btw thats my calote eating a fly!! oh and sorry i dont know how to help!!!!!!!!!!!"
No one cares, go away and start your own thread. This one is for people who can offer advice based on their experience.

04-07-12, 03:30 PM
alright, back from the vet, he definately has a RI. she gave him an injection there and sent me home with 3 weeks of injections and we have are-check scheduled in 3 weeks.

BTW- for those who know about all this stuff they prescribed Tribrissen 24% injectable @ 0.09cc, today, tomorrow and then every second day till we go back for a recheck. he weighed in at 740g.

Vet says an otherwise healthy, awesome snake.

04-07-12, 05:10 PM
Did they do a Culture? If not, your vet is taking a shot in the dark on the meds.

04-07-12, 05:26 PM
she stuck a spatula-like thing into his mouth and sent it out with the tech. I didn't actually think to ask if she had that tested. But it sure took her a long time to come back after that with his treatment plan!!

04-07-12, 07:26 PM
Culture generally takes three days at best to return with a result; they need to incubate the bacteria to grow enough of it to test against different antibiotics to determine which one will work best for your snake.

04-07-12, 07:36 PM
ok. She said a tech would call me in 3 days to see how he was doing, and the vet herself would call to check on things in 7 days. And of course, the afore-mentioned re-check in 3 weeks.

I honestly don't remember her saying anything about results. I'll have to check the bill to see if it is itemized.

I DO remember her saying that this anti-biotic works on most cases of RI she has treated, and that by the time she calls me we'll know if it's working.

04-07-12, 07:38 PM
oh, she also told me to up not only the floor temps (UTH) but the ambient temps too. She recomended an infra-red heat lamp, when I asked what that would do to my humidity levels she said to put a humid hide in too.

04-08-12, 09:52 AM
"I DO remember her saying that this anti-biotic works on most cases of RI she has treated"
No offense, your vet sucks it hardcore. She likely gave you Baytril; seems many bacteria are now Baytril-resistant because stoopid, moreso lazy vets prescribe this drug as the be-all and end-all umbrella drug rather than actually putting in the time to do a proper culture.

Example, I had one RI in 13 years, took the animal to the vet, they did a culture and it was Baytril-resistant. I was prescribed the PROPER med and the animal was fine.

04-08-12, 10:01 AM
first, she's not my vet. She's simply the only one who would see Torruk before this coming thursday, and I wanted him seen ASAP.

I did ask if it was Baytril and she said no, the actual name of the drug she is using is in my first post back from the vet, I beleive it is called tribissen?? Baytril is clear, this stuff is opaque creamish color.

He seems slightly more comfortable, the wheezing/gurgling sounds are not as loud and he hasn't sneezed since last night, he is mostly breathing through his nose, but sometimes does breath through his mouth. He gets a second injection today, then one injection every other day.

So how long would you say I wait to decide whether this particular anti-biotic is working or not??

04-08-12, 10:01 AM
the vet said we'll know in the next 2 weeks

04-08-12, 10:26 AM
I wish I could help but I don't really know anything about this. I hope everything works out though! Good luck!

04-08-12, 10:35 AM

04-08-12, 07:38 PM
well just gave my first snake injenction!! It was a success.

We seem to have less breathinh noises, he did give a little gurgle like hiss when we pulled him out of the humid hide for the injection, but he seems more comfortable than yesterday.

04-08-12, 07:40 PM
Awesome! What meds are you using, amigaicin? Just curious.

04-08-12, 08:50 PM
Tribrissen 24% injectable @ 0.09cc. they gave one shot yesterday at the vet, I gave one today and then it's every other day until his re-check

04-09-12, 05:09 AM
Sounds like good news. I'm glad. :)

04-09-12, 09:20 AM
thanks Norm!!

04-09-12, 09:57 AM
I've never heard of tribissin. I never use Baytril- I hate the drug. I prefer Amikacin or Tylosin, but I always try upping temps and humidity for a few days first.

Your vet should have been able to examine the bacteria under the microscope for a quick impression. My vet does this- he will take a smear of mouth mucus, examine it under the scope to determine gram positive or gram negative, then establish a plan based on the species, type of bacteria, and overall physical health of the snake. He also explains everything he does and lets me observe the smears under the scope as well. I now can treat almost all cases of RI by myself with a microscope, variety of on-hand meds, and good husbandry.

04-09-12, 10:22 AM
I think maybe that's what this vet may have done, she handed the spatula like thing that she stuck in his mouth off to the tech quite gingerly, but she didn't let me see it. It also took quite a bit of time for them to come back with the TX plan.

I upped the UTH to 96 as soon as I saw symptoms and changed the substrate from repti-bark to newspaper. After the vet visit, I upped the ambient temps in the viv using a 50W infra-red bulb (I'll change to CHE when I get paid) and installed a humid-hide, as well as misting a few times/day to keep the humidity up.

As stated before, this was not my vet, simply the only reptile vet I could get to who would see Torruk over the easter weekend. This is also my very first round of an illness in my collection other than a single regurge. So this is ALL new to me!!

The breeder says he could have gotten an RI because of the dust in the repti-bark
The vet says he probably got it when our over-night temps dropped and since I was only using an UTH that the ambient temps dropped too low, compromising his immune system and allowed this to take hold. Either way, I guess it's my fault

He takes his injections very well, and during the vet appt, she would say, this is usually when they get pissed off and start biting, but not Torruk, calm and curious throughout the whole experience.

04-09-12, 11:06 AM
I would be VERY surprised if Reptibark was to blame, i have had no issues with it in two years of constant use in 7 vivs.

04-09-12, 11:07 AM
Thanks for sharing that video, Mattchibi, it was really informative.

I hope Torruk gets better soon! :(

04-09-12, 11:16 AM
Do you rinse yours?? I didn't rinse mine and when I cleaned it out of his viv, there was alot of dusty powder at the bottom??

The vet is probably more accurate about the cause of the RI and she says not to allow the ambient temps in the viv to drop below 80f while he's sick and not below 74f when he's back to healthy. She said temps lower than that lowers thier immune system making them suceptable to these things. Which is why we bump temps up when their sick, to kick-start thier immune systems.

04-09-12, 11:41 AM
make sure ur feeding him the right food :smile:

04-09-12, 12:04 PM
he's refusing meals right now

04-10-12, 08:25 AM
So he has finally left his humid hide. Is this a good or bad thing???

04-16-12, 10:02 AM

Torruk is making noticable improvements each time we take him out for another shot. the inprovements are small, but every otherday seem just that little bit better.

Before the vet visit he had lots of clear mucous, had really noisy (juicy and thick sounding) breathing, and did not move around his viv much at all. We could hear a coughing or sneezing all night long.

fast forward one vet visit and 5 ab shots later.........

There are minor amounts of the mucous, but has reduced drastically, the juicy/thick sounds in his breathing are gone, but there is still s slight wheeze, there are NO sounds at night, except the sounds of him coming out of his hides and hanging out in the main part of his cage. I haven't seen him mouth breath in a couple of days.

I really do think he's getting better!!

04-16-12, 10:18 AM
Glad to hear!!! Have you thought about using Aspen? I use/used it for my kings and used it for my BP's. Never had an issue. It's pretty easy to spot clean as well. Just a suggestion :-)

04-16-12, 10:22 AM
Awesome. At this point I woudl recommend that if you do not have enough meds, I woudl go back and get some to last you three injections after all symptoms end. If you don't kill it all, it'll come back with a vengeance and second RI's usually kill.

04-16-12, 10:36 AM
Kingsnakchris: right now he is on newspaper, but yes, I am thinking aspen for when he's all better.

Mykee: I have enough injections to last me until the 25th, and our re-ckeck is on the 27th, so if he were to need more meds, then we would be at the vet the day he would get another injection, without missing a beat.

04-16-12, 12:25 PM
Wouldnt recommend aspen with a Royal, keeping the humidity up without moulding can be an issue.

04-16-12, 12:45 PM
Glad to hear he's doing better, hope he gets through this!

04-26-12, 11:27 AM
OK, so we had his first check-up after 3 weeks of AB's.

Vet says there is significant improvment in the amount of mucous in his lungs as well as improvment on how deep the mucous went. There still is mucous, especially when he's stressed. but when he's calm, his breathing is normal and he doesn't mouth breath at all anymore (that I can see) However, I have been given 3 more weeks of AB's and another re-check on May 15th

Now the down side:

because he hasn't eaten in over a month now, he has lost what I consider "significant weight" the vet wanted me to offer him something to eat to see will he take it, and he did NOT take the small prey item offered. SO I AM worried a bit about his lack of appetite (I KNOW he's sick) but he has lost 30g in 2 1/2 weeks. Maybe I am worried over nothing, but that seems like huge weight loss for that period of time. Went from 740g on April 7 to 710g on April 24

Anybody have input on this???

04-26-12, 12:03 PM
It sounds like he's on the road to recovery, I'm glad. The 30 grams looks to be about 4% if I've done my quick math correctly, I'm not sure that would be considered 'significant'. I don't think I'd worry about it. Lots of healthy royals go off their food, that a guy with an RI does wouldn't concern me.

04-26-12, 12:09 PM
when dealing with a snake thats lost a lot of wieght due to health issues and the snakes NOT eating.....

i tube feed the snake to get it back to its proper wieght

i use.....

a syringe

an infant baby feeding tube (cut to proper size,depending on the individual snake)

you cut the tube so that it goes slightly down the snakes throat,to the point where the paste goes INTO the snake,and does NOT come back out the snakes mouth

i dillute a high protien cat/dog food supplied by my vet,into a paste that will flush through the feeding tube

i usually start with cat/dog food, quarter the wieght of the prey,the snake was eating

then as the snake puts on wieght,i up the amount of food,until i match the wieght of the prey it should be on

so a snake eating a 100 gram rat i would

start with 25 grams of paste twice every 7 days ( for 2 or 3 weeks)

then up it to 50 grams of paste once every 7 days (for 2 to 3 weeks)

then up it to 75 grams of paste once every 7 days (for 2 to 3 weeks )

finally upping it to the 100 grams once every 7 days,equaling the rat it should be eating

i have found this method really good,for getting the snake back up to its proper size

the cat/dog food i use is ONLY available from my vet.it is designed to have high protien to aid cats/dogs to get back to health,quickly after long periods of bad health

cheers shaun

04-26-12, 12:15 PM
Wouldnt recommend aspen with a Royal, keeping the humidity up without moulding can be an issue.

i use aspen with all 14 of my royals, and all shed just fine.... humidity stays just fine, and no mold:)

BUT i have heard this to be a problem for other people in their enclosures...

04-26-12, 12:18 PM
No need to worry about the weight loss, that's insignificant, expecially with an RI as Norm mentioned.
I am concerned that he's not healed up yet, seeing as how he's been on meds for three weeks. Most courses for meds for RI's are for three weeks. The fact that he's not 100% yet concerns me.
My guess is that since a culture was not done, that the meds are working on a secondary bacteria and the main bacteria will remain.
Just me spitballing.

04-26-12, 12:19 PM

4% doesn't sound as horrible as 30g in 3 weeks!! makes it sound less concerning anyways.


OK, I know the one your talking about (I think anyways)

Is it medi-cal recovery/convelecance?? (gold & white bag/can??)

IF I were to attempt this (sounds a little intimidating!!) how would I know I am not getting it into his lungs??

Any other input is much appreciated on the weight loss issue

04-26-12, 12:24 PM
No need to worry about the weight loss, that's insignificant, expecially with an RI as Norm mentioned.
I am concerned that he's not healed up yet, seeing as how he's been on meds for three weeks. Most courses for meds for RI's are for three weeks. The fact that he's not 100% yet concerns me.
My guess is that since a culture was not done, that the meds are working on a secondary bacteria and the main bacteria will remain.
Just me spitballing.

the vet says it is quite common for RI's in BP's to take 6-8 weeks to fully clear up

The breeder says the same and adds that he should make significant improvement once he sheds (although I can't figure out what shedding has to do with Turruk's lungs)

Mykee- what do think about what I am being told (or anyone else experienced with BP's)

Also, if he is not FULLY RECOVERED by the next appointment, I think I will demand a culture be done.

04-26-12, 01:09 PM
No offense, but you should of demanded a culture be done the first time you brought him in.
I have very limited real-world experience regarding RI's but have read a tonne. With my one and only experience, I brought my female in, she had a culture done, I got her on meds for 24 days and shewas 100% by day 20.
She's been RI-free ever since.

04-26-12, 01:16 PM

4% doesn't sound as horrible as 30g in 3 weeks!! makes it sound less concerning anyways.


OK, I know the one your talking about (I think anyways)

Is it medi-cal recovery/convelecance?? (gold & white bag/can??)

IF I were to attempt this (sounds a little intimidating!!) how would I know I am not getting it into his lungs??

Any other input is much appreciated on the weight loss issue

because you would be putting it down his throat,not his windpipe

the windpipe on a snake is right at the front of the mouth,not down its throat pal (so they can breath while feeding)

i'll post a picture later,as right now i'm uploading a bulk of files onto my photobucket account

cheers shaun

04-26-12, 01:21 PM
No offense, but you should of demanded a culture be done the first time you brought him in.
I have very limited real-world experience regarding RI's but have read a tonne. With my one and only experience, I brought my female in, she had a culture done, I got her on meds for 24 days and shewas 100% by day 20.
She's been RI-free ever since.

None taken. I should have and hindsight is 20/20. To be completely honest, I did not have the $$ for anything but exam + meds, the first visit I walked away with $4 to my name. But I have no excuse as to why I didn't "order" a culture be done on the second visit, except that the vet said it was normal to take 6-8 weeks and that he was definately getting better.

04-26-12, 02:42 PM
the flesh coloured circle at the FRONT,on the bottom of the snakes mouth is the WINDPIPE pal


as long as you DON'T stick a feeding tube down there,then there is NO way, food can end up in the lungs

cheers shaun

04-26-12, 02:45 PM
Snakefood; DON'T even attempt to tube feed your snake. That is to be done in extreme cases, you're NOWHERE near ready for that and the stress will almost definitely kill your already immuno-compromised snake.

04-26-12, 03:17 PM
ok, it sounded pretty intimidating anyways, I'm sure Shaunyboy has alot more experience than I do!!

BUT...... WHEN do I start to actually worry about the weight loss?????

04-26-12, 03:22 PM
About a month after the meds are done.

04-26-12, 03:28 PM
You mean if he hasn't started accepting food within a month of finishing meds, that's when I should be concerned regardless of how much weight he loses in the meantime??

04-26-12, 03:48 PM
He's stressed, sick and not eating; he's going to lose weight. DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT. He'll start eating once he's ready to eat.

04-26-12, 04:12 PM
alright!! I just got off the phone with the vet and she said that doing a culture is obviously the "way to go" but states that because they anesthetise the snake combined with the lung wash and the cost of the culture, it is rarely within someones budget. At her facility she has quoted me approx $350-400 to get that all done.

I'm going to be honest here, until June rolls around and we are no longer paying through the nose for our son's one-on-one special needs worker, I simply don't have that kind of cash.

She said that she wants me to stay the course with the tribrissen until the next appointment, and if he is not 100% by then, she will either do the whole culture deal (If I can pull that much $$ out of my ***) or put him on a broad spectrum AB called "Cefdefur" (sp??) which is a 3rd gen Cephlasporin.

She said EXACTLY the same thing as you have just said above about his eating and weight loss.

04-26-12, 05:13 PM
I held my AWAKE snake while they did a throat swab and a culture. It is a very quick procedure:
While holding the snake as straight as possible, they inject 1 cc of naturalized saline into the lung. They then place a 1mm tube down the trachea into the lung with a syringe and aspirate the fluid along with as much mucous as possible. Then they take a q-tip and rub the opening of the trachea.
The entire procedure takes three minutes tops and is done (by a vet who has a clue what they're doing) while the animal is conscious.
Cost to me was $220.

Again no offense, your vet seems fairly (I'm being nice when I say fairly)incompetant.

04-26-12, 05:18 PM
again, none taken. This is the first time I have used this particular vet. None of my corns have ever been sick. SO I need to "shop" around.

I'll call around to see if any of the reptile vets around here do this without anesthetic, $220 is still steep, but I *think* I could manage that if show sales go well.

05-13-12, 12:27 PM
So Torruk had his vet visit. Vet said the RI is cleared up completely, but I am to watch closely for any re-occurances and bring him back immediately if anything comes up.

He has also given me a beautiful one-piece shed AND eaten once for me last sunday, so I will be offering him another F/K tonight to see if he's on the eating train again!!

Wish us luck!!

05-13-12, 12:57 PM
Great news!

05-13-12, 03:09 PM
Ya, he had me worried there for a bit!!

05-13-12, 03:13 PM
Glad to hear he's doing much better :)