View Full Version : How many reptiles do you have??
01-15-03, 01:52 PM
the title says it all.
01-15-03, 06:34 PM
Some days too many, other days not enough:p
15+ Corns of different morphs
4.2 Ball Pythons(2 100% albino hets)
1.1 Hog Island Boas
1.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boas
1.2 Amazon Tree Boas
1.1 Anery Kenyan Sand Boas
1.1 Black Mexican Kingsnake
1.0 Mid-Baja Rosy Boa
0.1 Golden Retriver
0.1 Cat
This is the fourth time I've changed this in a few months.
jason h
01-16-03, 07:36 AM
lol what are you saying theres never enoughLOL
53 boids
48 geckos(i think)
1 taratula
1 scorpion
5 cats
1 dog
1 hamster
2 love birds
1 wife
2 boys
hmmm i think thats it hehehe
01-16-03, 08:02 AM
not nearly enough... 4 geckos 1 rosy boa
LOL...its always growing, but as of right now, my reptile collection consists of...
1.1 Guyanese Redtailed Boas
1.1 Borneo Short-tailed pythons
1.1 Jamaican Boas
1.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boas
1.1 Ball Pythons
1.2 Rosy Boas
1.0 Emerald Tree Boa
0.1 Hog Isle Boa
0.1 Colombian Boa
0.0.1 Redfoot Tortoise
1.0 Horned Frog
0.1 very old iguana
0.3 leopard geckos
Like jason_h said... there's never enough :D. I keep 3 corn snakes and 2 egyptian tortoises
i have none!
Got 1.1 Emperor scorpions though, and im gettin ready too get myself 2 bearded dragons
Greetz Doenoe
I have 1.2 BCI's...for now.
01-16-03, 02:29 PM
Not as much as some!
This is our zoo:
1.0 Hog Island Boa
1.0 Irian Jaya Carpet Python
0.0.1 Children's Python
0.1 Royal (Ball) Python
0.1 BCI
1.1 Bearded Dragons
0.1 Horned Mntn Dragon
1.0.0 Common Anole
1.1 Cats
0.1 Dog
1/2.0.1/2 Horse (Gelding)
1.0 Betta Fish
01-16-03, 02:34 PM
so many that I had to open a store:)
01-16-03, 04:27 PM
So far i have
0.0.1 Bp
1.0.1 Bearded Dragons
1.0 Chinese Water Dragon
0.0.1 Tokay Gecko
0.1 Scheider Skink
0.0.3 Frogs
lots of crickets and silkworms
hoping to get a crested gecko or maybe another water dragon soon but i have no where to put them
01-16-03, 05:07 PM
As of now;
0.1 Whitethroat Monitor
1.0 Peachthroat Monitor
1.1. Yellow Ackie Monitor
1.2 Ball Python
0.1 Columbian Boa (BCI)
1.1. Brazilian Rainbow Boa
0.0.1 Corn
1.3 leopard Gecko + eggs cooking
1.0 Vehiled Cham
0.1 ATB
0.0.1 Snapping Turtle
Next Frilled, then mates
* Subject to change. Upon availibilty. While quantities last.
Proof of purchase available upon request, Correct spelling optional
In addition to Dogs, Birds, Wife(s) 5 Kids, fish, oh and ducks!
Ok lets see...
1.2 adult common boas
4.5 baby common boas
1.1 brazilian rainbow boas
1.1 borneo short tailed pythons
1.1 red blood pythons
3.6 ball pythons
1.1 irian jaya carpet pythons
0.1 pueblan milk
1.3 normal leopard geckos
2.1.2 crested geckos
1.0 savannah monitors
1.2 veiled chameleons
2.5 bearded dragons
1.1 frilled dragons
0.0.1 red footed tortoise
1.1 russian torts
0.0.1 albino pacman frog
1.1 boxers
0.1 yorkie
01-16-03, 10:29 PM
Here are mine:
0.1.1 Corn snakes
1.1 Texas Ratsnakes (male isn't actually mine, he's on "loan")
1.0 Common Boa
01-17-03, 11:52 AM
well i havent told what i'v got yet::::
1.0 cornsnake 'normal'
0.2 dogs
0.2 fish
1.0 horse
1.1 pigs ( my sister and brother)
and i love them all!
Not too bad myself
1.1 Jack Russells
0.1 Dumb Cat
1.1 Parakeets
0.1 Green Iguana
1.1 Snow Cornsnakes
0.1 Anery Cornsnake
0.1 Stripe Cornsnake
1.0 Cal King
1.0 Mexican Black
0.0.1 Ball Python
0.0.1 Pueblan Milksnake
1.0 White's Tree Frog
1.0 Golden Gecko
1.0 RES
1.0 Brazilian Birdeater (tarantula)
0.1 Bolivian Salmon Pink (tarantula)
1000000.1000000 Mice
01-25-03, 07:58 PM
My collection is "slowly" growig (According to my bf, it's growing too quicky but I have to disagree!!lol!!), so here's what I have up to now :
1.1 Hogg isl. Boas
1.0 Jungle Carpet pyhton
1.0 High Gold Ball Pyhton
0.0.1 Savannah Monitor
0.1 cat
1.0 eight-year-old dwarf rabbit
That's it FOR NOW!!!
P.S. Please, any comments concerning my rabit, um...well, Keep them to yourselves ... I've heard all of them !!!! lolll !!!!
monitor boy
01-29-03, 08:34 PM
1.4 columbian boas
0.0.1 savannah monitor
0.0.0 kingsnake
1.0 coastal carpet python
Our collection continues to grow.. and sometimes i forget about whats new and what isnt, heheh.
2.1 Frilled Dragons
1.1 Bearded dragons
1.2 Blackthroated monitors
1.0 Albino burmese python
1.0 Columbian Red tail boa
1.0 Savannah Monitor
0.1 apricot fat-tail gecko
1.1 sugar gliders
1.0 ferret
Not going to list the dogs as breeders.. 2 rotties, 1 dalmatian, 1 husky x, 1 collie x
This is after downsizing a huge beardie colony. :)
Snakey Acres
02-02-03, 01:16 PM
since others are listing non herps i will too.
3.3.1 common boas
2.3 Brazilian rainbow boas
0.1 Colombian rainbow boas
1.2 Dumeril's boas
5.1 baby Dumeril's boas (fror sale)
2.1 corns
1.0 mut rat snake (yellow/black/everglades)but he's sooo nice!
1.0 cooks tree boa
0.1 Burmese python
2.0 Green Iguanas
1.0 Beardie
1.1.1 box turtles
0.1 red ear slider
0.2 painted turtles
0.0.1 orange winged amazon parrot
0.2 white doves
0.1 budgie
7 cats
2 dogs
0.2 Chilean rosehair tarantulas
1.1 curlyhair tarantulas
1 stick bug
1 magpie (unreleasable rehab animal)
12 rabbits (some are even pets!!)
100's of mice and gerbils they don't really count except on cleaning day
30 or so chickens
7 fish
what am I missing.......
Oh yea
0.1 wife
She's gonna love that!! not
We answer the phone line and do the placements and rescues fro the Edmonton Reptile and Amphibian Society.We usally have a few herps here awaiting new homes(I forgot the savanna monitor in the spare bed room).Man this is stressing the old noodle!
We also do wildlife rehab (oops I forgot the pigeon in the basement)so often have wild birds here.
I think Im done now.I need a nap.
0.1 surinam redtail boa
0.1 green iguana
1.0 bearded dragon
0.0.1 longtail grass lizard
0.0.1 african treefrog
and in 2 weeks hopefully 1.1 brazilian rainbow boas!
02-03-03, 02:05 PM
I'v got a few but always looking for more
1.0 leopard gecko
1.1 bao constrictor imperator:cool:
02-07-03, 06:27 PM
1.0 ball python
0.1 boa
1.0 labryinth burm
02-10-03, 12:57 PM
02-10-03, 02:42 PM
wow...thats alot of pets!!!!!!!:w
02-11-03, 10:15 AM
It's a start :D
1.1 BCI
1.1 Cats
0.0.1 Sun Conure
0.1 Human
One Mali uromastyx
one ijc python
3 corns
Snake Lady
02-21-03, 01:29 AM
1 leopard gecko and 2 common boas
Too many to count, but still not enough:D
17 Snakes
2.2 Corn Snakes
1.2 Royal Pythons
1.1 King Snakes
1.1 Burmese Pythons
1.1 Columian Boas
0.1 Guyan Boa
1.0 Blood Python
Need to find mates the guyan and blood, and because the kings are different ssp we are planning on finding mates for them too.
We also have a number of mammals but they don't count as reptiles.
I've also left out the stuffed animal snakes too :)
1.0 vield chameleon
1.0 marble gecko
1.0 golden gecko
0.1 ball python
2.1 corn snakes
1.3 bearded dragons
3.8 leopard geckos(soon to be only 2 males since ones in bad shape)
1.1 giant madagascar day geckos
1.0 hamster
0.1 mini rex rabbit
lots of goldfish
1.0 cat
02-24-03, 05:04 PM
I have a question what does the numbers (1.0 and such)before the anaimals mean?
Carpet python
2 Bearded dragons
2 california kings
1 cat
1 dog hungrain pointer aka. Hungarian Vizsla
Thats it :(
they show you the sex of the animal. For example 1.2.3 would mean 1 male, 2 females and 3 that sexes are unknown. Hope this helps.
02-24-03, 05:07 PM
thanks alot Mark. wow that was fast too i wasnt even done editing my post lol. Shows how much people care at this site :) thanks again
02-24-03, 05:17 PM
Well, let's see...our collective collection looks like this (edited to add new snakes on 06/08/03):
5.10 Colombian bci (1.2 het for albino)
1.0 Hogg Island bci
1.0 Argentine boa - b.c. occidentalis
2.1 Amazon Tree boas - corallus hortulanus
1.0 Emarald Tree boas - corallus caninus
2.3 Royal pythons - python regius
1.1 Moluccan python - morelia clastolepis
1.0 Jungle Carpet python - morelia spilota cheynei
0.1 Irian Jaya python - morelia spilota variegata
0.1 Savu python - liasis mackloti savuensis
0.1 African House Snake - lamprophis fuliginosus
1.0 Mexican ratsnake - Spilotes pullatus pullatus
0.1 Madagascan Giant hognose - Leioheterodon madagascariensis
0.1 Pacific Gopher snake - pituophis catenifer catenifer
1.0 San Diego Gopher snake - pituophis catenifer annectens
1.0 Corn snake - Pantherophis guttatus guttatus
1.0 California Kingsnake - Lampropeltis getulus californiae
0.1 Ornate Nile monitor - varanus ornatus
1.0 Bearded dragon - pogona vitticeps
And more are (STILL) in the works! :D
02-27-03, 12:38 AM
1 1.0 uroplatus Phantasticus
2 0.2 Lepidodactylus lugubris
3 1.0 Mastigoproctus Giganteus
4 1.0 Pagona Vittceps
5 0.0.10 Achatina sp
6 5 Tenodera Aridrifolian Sinises ootheca
7 0.0.1 Vitalius Cristatus
8 1.1 Kitties
9 1.0 Rottwieler
Thats about it...
Dan Conner
The number keeps growing so for right now I have a total of 7 snakes, 1 leo and 2 tarantulas.
Their species, sex and names are in my signature. I have another snake on the way, an extra special treat :) I can't wait to have her!!! One of Kahane's beautiful albino boas :D So very soon, I'll be up to 8 snakes! And I'm sure there will be something new not too long after that!!!!!
I wonder if they have a group like Herps Anonymous?! LOL!
02-27-03, 10:27 AM
An update.......
1.0 Hog Island Boa
1.0 Irian Jaya Carpet Python
0.0.1 Children's Python
0.1 Royal (Ball) Python
1.1 BCI <---(Got a boy BCI)
1.1 Bearded Dragons
0.1 Horned Mntn Dragon
1.0.0 Common Anole
0.0 Cats <------(Got rid of the cats!!)
0.1 Dog
1/2.0.1/2 Horse (Gelding)
1.0 Betta Fish
Ldydrgn.... when are we getting our IJ carpets together? :)
02-27-03, 11:23 AM
Well as you can see I have a small collection. See it at the Left.
1.2 Balls
2.2 Normal Corns
2.1 Ghost Corns
2.3 Sinaloans
1.1 Grey Banded Rats
1.4 Vields
1.1 Panther Cam's
1.1 Red Tails
and I am sure more to come soon!
03-15-03, 03:48 PM
Now i have the following:
1.0 Python molurus bivittatus (albino)
1.0 Python regius
1.1 Boa constrictor imperator (1.0 guyana, 0.1 white phase columbian)
1.0 Elaphe guttata
0.1 Elaphe taeniura friesei
0.0.1 Liophis poecilogirus
1.0 Agkistrodon bilineatus taylori
1.1 Vipera ammodytes
0.1 Telescopus fallax
0.0.1 Caiman crocodilus
1.0 Callopistes maculatus
1.2.1 Eublepharis macularius
1.2.2 Salamandra salamandra
1.0 Lacerta viridis
0.2 Brachypelma vagans
0.0.1 Bombina orientalis
as for feeders:
50 mice
20 roborowsky hamster
5000 crickets
2000 mealworms
Going to have soon (in the next 2-3 months):
1.1 Tupinambis merianae
0.0.2 Agama agama
0.0.2 Chamaeleo gracilis
0.0.2 Uromastyx Mali (yellow)
1.1 Epicrates cenchria
1.1 Boa constrictor melanogaster
0.1 Python molurus bivittatus (albino)
0.0.2 Brachypelma albopilosum
0.0.2 Pterinochilus mammilatus
0.0.2 Acanthoscuria cachoana
0.0.2 Poecilotheria regalis
0.0.2 Theraphosa blondi
0.0.2 Lycosidae tarantula
0.0.1 Pamdinus imperator
0.0.4 Crustacea cecarcinus
0.0.2 Periophthalmus
0.0.5 Goliathus beetle
0.0.10 Idolomantis diabolicum
03-15-03, 04:32 PM
how come i havent seen any one with a blue0tongued skink yet, i dont own one, but i am planning on getting one soon. I find they make awesome pets.
03-15-03, 04:35 PM
I have what it says as my signature:joker:
03-15-03, 04:43 PM
20 snakes, 1 golden Gecko, A littel Siame Cat and a Ferret..
1.1 Burmese Python
1.1 Iriran Jaya Carpet Python
0.1 WhiteLipped Python
1.1 African House Snakes
2.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boas
1.0.1 Boa Constrictor
1.0.1 Ball Python
0.1 Reticulated Python
2.3 Amazon Tree Boa
03-15-03, 05:21 PM
I have one great snake:
California King Snake (Lampropeltis Getula Californiae)
03-15-03, 07:18 PM
See the left...
2 Macklot's
2 Texas Rats
1 Hognose
1 Whitesided Bull
2 Carpets
1 Rainbow
2 Red Tails
1 Tangerine Honduran
2 Royal Pythons
1 Argentine X
2 Mangroves
1 Savu
1 Blood
1 Dumerils
1 Hogg Island
1 Kinsnake
03-31-03, 12:37 AM
1.0 amel corn
0.2 normal BPs
1.0 western hognose
1.0 BCI
and on the way in the next week or two...
1.0 motley corn het butter
0.1 snow corn het butter
0.1 anery corn het butter
reserved, hatching this summer...
0.0.1 blue-sided garter
0.0.1 normal eastern garter
0.1 normal corn double het for butter/motley/stripe
A little corn breeding on the horizon:)
- Victoria
03-31-03, 03:06 AM
here it go's
1 green burmese
1 pattern burmese
1 albino burmese
2 veiled-chameleon's
1 ball python
1 green iguana
3 nile monitor's
1 colombian boa
2 tokay gecko
1 dwarf tegu
2 water dragon's
1 mali uromastyx
1 emp scorpion
1 green rough snake
2 western hognose
1 Blood python
1 pittbul (dog)
2 house cat's
1 fish
1 pet rabbit
and my better half SHERRI
and getting more lol
well we've got:
1 burmees
1 rock
4 boa c.c
4 sandboas
2 atb's
I have 1.0 desert kingXmexican black
1.0 b.c.i
0.3 domestic cat
that's about it.
03-31-03, 08:07 AM
my own personal collection eh,, hee hee
2.6 costa rican b.c.i.
1.3 sonoran desert b.c.i.
1.1 cancun b.c.i.
5.5 San Andreas b.c.i.
3.6 hog island b.c.i.
2.6 guatemalin b.c.i
1.1 honduran b.c.i.
2.4 La bahia b.c.i.
1.1 ambergris caye b.c.i.
1.1 caye caulker b.c.i.
1.1 caye chapel b.c.i.
1.2 nicarauguan b.c.i.
1.3 Hypererythristic nicaraguan b.c.i.
1.0 anery type 2 nicaraguan
1.1 elsalvadorian b.c.i.
1.1 equadorian b.c.i.
3.7 suriname b.c.c.
2.4 guyana b.c.c.
2.3 argentine
1.1 100% het for albno b.c.i.
2.3 black blood
2.4 sumatran
1.2 olive pythons
1.1 bornio short tails
1.2 timor pythons
1.2 black white lipped pythons
1.1 brazilian rainbow boas
2.2 emeralds
over 100 colubrids
a wack of leopard geckos
and a shin dig of other animals for sale
2.2 guyana red tails
1.1 hogg island boas
0.1 albino boa (candy)
0.1 emerald tree boa
0.1 colombian red tail boa (biglou)
1.5 ball python's
2.8 corns
0.2 kingsnake's
1.0 albino burm
0.1 puzzle pattern burm
1.0 yellow anaconda
1.2 dogs female german shepard ckc reg,female pure bred pitbull,pure bred black lamb male
3 spiders
2 year old beautiful son named jordan
beautiful wife jessica
04-01-03, 02:15 PM
1.0 Leo, .0.1 Beardie, 0.2 Ball Python, 1.1 parents, 0.1 Daucshund.
04-01-03, 02:57 PM
5.10 Ball Pythons
1.3 Guyana Red Tail Boas
1.2 Green Tree Pythons
1.1 Tanimbar Scrub Pythons
2.1 Graybanded Kingsnakes
1.1 Peublan Milksnakes
3.3 Corn snakes
and 15 Chameleons
04-05-03, 12:22 PM
I own 21 snakes.
04-18-03, 10:30 AM
WOW alot of you have a **** load of reptile! i want some more too but i need to get money and all mine squared away because right now my room is a MESS cages every where well anyway
1 normal corn
1 normal male leo
1 veiled cham
1 normal ball python
1 albino burm
1,000 crickets
04-23-03, 06:16 PM
0 but i am getting 2 pretty soon. i hope!
04-24-03, 04:59 AM
Update...I ahve lots more now. See my sig line.
- Victoria :w
P.S. - my fiance isn't a reptile, but he plays one on TV ;)
04-24-03, 05:29 AM
1.0 Leopard Gecko
1.0 Crested Gecko
0.1 Giant Day Gecko
1.0 Okeetee Cornsnake
1.1 Red-Eyed Treefrog
2.0 Green Treefrog
1.0 Peacock Treefrog
0.1 Flying Treefrog
1.0 Grey Treefrog
1.0 Mali uromastyx
0.2 Dog (Purebread Chihuahua and Collie-Golden NON-retreiver Mix)
0.1 Cat (Norweigen Forest Cat)
0.0.1 Fish
1.1 Parent
0.1 Sibling
That's all I own. All of the herps are strictly mine but the rest are my sister's and parents' pets. I am hoping to buy a hypo-tangerine carrottail in 3 months to breed with my designer male leo.
1.0 ghost corn, 1.0 san luis potosi king, 1.2 leopard gecko... still 6 tanks to fill though :)
05-29-03, 10:14 AM
0.0.1 IGGY
1.1.0 BOX TURT.
red bootz
05-29-03, 10:44 AM
Great thread. Its fun to see what everyone's keeping. Not too many Chelonians though.
I had to leave most of the collection when I moved out east. All that 's left:
0.0.2 Red foot Torts
0.1 Three-toed boxie
05-29-03, 11:10 AM
Myself I've got
0.0.1 Albino Pacman Frog
0.1 Chinese Water Dragon
0.0.1 Ball Python
1.1 Bearded Dragons
1.0 Hamster :p
05-29-03, 11:38 AM
I have
0.1 amel corn snake (Akasha)
1.0 normal ball python (Armand)
I really hope to get at least one more corn snake this year.
05-29-03, 11:55 AM
0.1.0 Tokay gecko
1.1.1 Aquatic african dwarf frogs
1.0.1 Fire-bellied toads
0.0.1 Web-footed gecko
1.0.0 Feline
I'm planning on getting a crested gecko soon, and perhaps a snake, most likely a colubrid... it depends what I can come up with for money, space, and enclosures... *grin*
05-29-03, 12:15 PM
Currently I am working with
1.0.1 Savannah monitors
0.0.1 Blackthroat monitor
1.0 Leopard gecko..
06-04-03, 10:38 AM
0.0.1 Ball Python....YAY for me!!
Oh, yeah, and my girlfriend's stupid psycho cat.
I hope to get a Red Tail Boa in the next couple or years......
06-08-03, 09:50 PM
Well It's My turn.
I have:
1.1 red tailed boa
4.3 ball python
1.0 specticaled camen
0.2 savana monitor
1.1 Adult burmese
1.1 adult Retic
5 dogs
2 parents
1.0 1967 Ford Mustang E fast back
The Best
06-08-03, 09:54 PM
Im afrain emily has me beat and she is only 11!!!! damn!! hehehe
1.1 bci
1.0 wester hognose
1.0 hondu tange phase
1.0 norm corn
2.3 BCI
1.0 BCC
1.2 Columbian Rainbow Boas
1.0 Burm
1.0 Retic
1.2 Amazon Tree Boas
2.1 Ball Pythons
1.0 Queensland Coastal Carpet Python
0.1 Bearded Dragon
0.0.1 Savannah Monitor
06-08-03, 10:07 PM
1.1 Burmse Python
1.1 BRazilian Rainbow BOa
0.1 White Lipped Python
0.1 Emerald Tree Boa
0.1 Reticulated Python (Bali)
1.1 Irian Jaya CArpet Python
1.1 African House snake
2.3 Amazon Tree Boa
1.0 Vine snake
1.1.1 Boa constrictor
1.0 Ball Python
1.1 Veiled cameleon
1.0 Leopard Gecko
1.0 Golden Gecko
:D :D :D :D
06-08-03, 10:27 PM
1.2 veild chameleons
0.0.1 green baslik
1.0 frog eyed gecko
1.1 viper gecko's
1.2 velvet gecko's
2.1 bearded dragon's
6.12.8 leopard gecko's
0.0.1 oketee corn snake
0.1 fire bellied toads
Gregg M
06-08-03, 10:32 PM
I now have.....
2.2 West African Gaboon vipers
1.2 Rhino vipers
1.1 Puff Adders
1.2 Gaboon/Rhino crosses
That is a grand total of 12 snakes.......
170 corn snakes
1.2 ball pythons
1.2 jungle carpets
1.3 BRB
1.1 albino emory
1.4 rhino rats
1.1 royal diadem
2.2 albino rosy boa
4.3 albino nelson
1.1 honduran milks
1.1 frosted creamsicles
I think that's it....
Bearded AL
06-08-03, 10:42 PM
OK well I guess I will join in so heres my huge list LOL
0.2 Bearded Dragons
And there ya have it hehe
1.1 Het Albino BCI
1.1 BCI
1.1 BRB
1.1 Ball Python
2.4.1 ATB
0.1 Dark Phase White-Lip Python
1.3 Leos and Eggs
1.2 Cresteds
1.1 Walbergs
1.1 Beardies
1.2 Timor Monitors
1.1 Veilds
0.1 Savannah Monitor
0.1 Ball Python
1.1 California kingsnake
1.2 Leopard gecko
0.3 Temp sexed hatching leopard gecko
Not very many.
06-11-03, 09:33 PM
1.1 bci
1.0 honduran milk snake tangerine phase
1.0 corn snake normal
1.0 western hognose snake
Not much but im workin on that, as soon as i wil the lottery as planned.....
06-12-03, 12:28 AM
Well i dont have that much.. i am wanting to get more snakes soon i am looking at buying a boa... but what i have now is 3 snakes :)
06-12-03, 12:33 AM
0.0.1 Ball Python
0.0.1 Jungle Carpet
0.1 Dumerils Boa
0.1 BCI
Hopefully add on to my snakes :)
06-16-03, 05:17 PM
1.0 california king (albino)
1.0 ball python (normal)
06-16-03, 05:50 PM
check out the signature, it tells all.
06-16-03, 06:02 PM
i keep:
2.3 Corn Snakes
1.2 Everglades Rat Snakes
0.1 tang honduran Milk Snake
1.0 Garter Snake
1.0 Western Hognose Snake
2.2 Ball Pythons
0.3 Boa Constrictors
1.0 Carpet Python
0.0.1 Steppes Rat Snake
0.0.1 Ribbon Snake
0.0.1 Green Vine Snake
1.0 madagascan vine snake
1.1 Glass Lizards
2.3 Leopard Geckos
1.1 Vield Chameleons
1.1 Bearded Dragon
1.1 Savanah monitors
0.0.10 House Geckos
1.1 Southern Leopard Frogs
0.0.1 African Bull Frog
0.0.1 Whites Tree Frog
0.0.2 Green Tree Frog
1.1 Malayan horn frogs
0.1 Red Ear Slider
1.0 Ali Snapper turtle
1.1 Emperor Scorpions
0.0.1 Rose Hair Tarantula
2.0 Hissing Cockroaches
1.0 German Shepard
thats about it, i think.
It's always fun to see what other people have! :)
1.0 veiled cham (boris)
1.1 leopard geckos (doug & skeeter)
0.1 king snake (ginger)
1.0 uromastyx (phil)
1.0 ball python (horatio)
0.1 rainbow boa (louise)
06-20-03, 07:05 PM
Let's see here... ;) LOL...
1.0 Pictus Geckos (Indi -- hopefully soon to have a girlfriend)
0.1.2 Crested Geckos (Shiva, Cayce, Phoenix)
Leopard Geckos:
1.0 Hypo Tangerine Carrot Tail Leo (Ciaran)
0.1 Super Hypo Baldy Carrot Tail (Ember)
0.1 Hypo Tangerine Stripe (Riana)
0.1 Hypo Tangerine (Hailey)
0.1 Tangerine Reverse Stripe (Dallas)
0.1 Lavendar Circleback (Zith)
1.0 Blizzard (Arthur)
0.1 Blizzard (Lexi)
0.1 Pastel Blizzard Het (Katie)
0.1 Patternless 66% Het Blizzard (Sierra)
0.0.2 Het Blizzards
0.1 Tangerine Banded Tremper Albino (Aidan)
0.1 Orange Banded Tremper Albino (Serenity)
0.1 Yellow Banded Tremper Albino (Trinity)
0.1 Yellow Jungle Tremper Albino (Rhapsody)
1.0 Ball Python (Xander)
0.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boa (Fate)
1.0 Irian Jaya Carpet Python (Lukien)
0.0.1 Green Tree Python (Kaehne)
And 1.1 cats (Levi & Java) :D
I think I got everyone there -- LOL :) So, that's my zoo! Probably soon to be expanded yet again... damn but I'm addicted ;)
06-20-03, 08:46 PM
0.1.0 leopard gecko
0.0.1 corn snake
0.1.0 ball python
0.0.1 irian jaya blue tongued skink
1.1.0 cats
0.1.0 dog
0.2.0 human kids
1.0.0 husband
P.S. Alex, blue tongued skinks do make great pets btw. He's my favorite!
Jungle Jen
06-20-03, 10:20 PM
OK my turn...*takes a deep breath*...
0.0.2 striped amel corn snakes
0.0.1 motley amel corn snake
0.1 zig zag oketee corn snake
0.1 anery corn snake
0.2 amel corn snakes
1.1 snow corn snakes
0.1 hypo corn snake
1.0 ghost corn snake
1.0 sunglow corn snake
1.0 jungle corn snake
1.1 coastal california king snakes (chocolate banded) (for sale)
0.1 coastal california king snake (chocolate dot dash) (for sale)
0.1 columbian boa
2.3 central american boas
0.1 irian jaya carpet python
1.0 bearded dragon
1.1 red eared sliders
0.1 florida red bellied cooter
1.3 dogs
2.2 cats
1.1 ferrets
0.1 prairie dog
1.0 cockatiel
I also have a pet rescue agency, and have different creatures coming in and out of my home.
07-02-03, 08:46 PM
The list for me...
1.1 African House Snakes
2.2 Mandarin Rat Snakes
1.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boas
0.1 Coastal Carpet Python
1.0 Taiwan Beauty Snake
0.1 Mexican Black King Snake
1.0 Bengal (that's an Asian Leopard CatXDomestic Cat hybrid)
0.1 Siamese (Lynx point from the pound)
0.0.1 Ornate Rainbow
2.0 Golden Killi fish
1.0 Betta
1.1 Pearl Gouramis
0.0.1 Cory Cat
0.0.1 Banded Cat or Bumble Bee Cat
That's it for now- well still waiting on some moldy African House Snake eggs...
07-02-03, 09:24 PM
i have
1.0 normel corn snake
0.1 bp
and what ime planing on geting in under 1 1/2 years
0.2 leo's (one normel and 1 albino)
eather a 0.1 puban milk snake or a 0.1 albino cali king
ime planng on building 1 big cabnet for them where my desk is (i dont have my mac on my desk
0.1 Albino Burm
1.0 Normal Burm
1.0 Borneo Blood
1.0 Albino Cal King
0.0.1 Black Rat
1.0 Eastern Hognose
1.0 Bearded Dragon
0.0.1 Nile Monitor
08-11-03, 05:09 PM
WOW!!! some of u people go 2 the extream
um..... 2corns, 2 balls(lol), 6 leos, 2 collard lizards, 3 cats, 1 dog, 2 birds, 1 giant snail and lots of tropical fish.
08-11-03, 05:31 PM
i keep 7 things.
2 painted turtles
2 mali uromastyx
1 argentine black and white tegu
1 leopard gecko
1 russian tortoise
looking for another russian tortoise (female :D)
08-11-03, 05:35 PM
I have:
2.3 Oketee cornsnake (het super hypo)
1.1 Snow cornsnake
1.1 Ghost Ruby Eyes cornsnake
1.0 Anery cornsnake (het super hypo)
1.1 Ball python
1.2 fat tails
0.0.2 crested geckos (harlequins)
1.0 bearded dragon
1.2 water dragons
4.8.16 leopard geckos
08-11-03, 09:48 PM
1.0 BCI
2.1 Kenyan Sand Boas (soon to be 2.2)
2.1 Common corns
1.0 Gothic morph boyfriend het for valley girl (Invictus) :p
08-11-03, 10:29 PM
2.1 Pueblan Milk Snake
2.2 Honduran Milk Snake
1.1 Sinalone Milk Snake
1.1 Mexican Milk Snake
1.1 Albino Nelsoni Milk Snake
1.1 Conants Milk Snake
1.1 Grey Banded King Snake
0.1.1 Corn Snake
Skink Keeper
08-18-03, 05:05 PM
1.2.7 bearded dragons
1 red-foot tortoise
1 three toed box turtle
1.2 monkey-tail skinks
2.3 Blue tongue skinks
1 collard lizard
3.3 leopard geckos
2 pac man frogs
1 western hognose
1 day gecko
1 ball python
08-18-03, 10:06 PM
Lets see:
1.1 Ball Pythons
1.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boas
1.0 Red Phase W. Hognose
0.1 Green Phase W. Hognose
1.1 66% het albino W. Hognose
1.5 Sonoran Desert BCI
1.1 Crawl Cay BCI
0.1 Cay Caulker BCI
0.1 Coastal Rosy Boa (Anza-Borrego)
1.0 Mexican Rosy Boa
1.2 Rubber Boas
0.0.1 Mex. Black Kingsnake
1.0 Brooksi Kingsnake
4.6 Cornsnakes
0.0.5 Baby corn snakes
1.2 Leopard Geckos
So that would make.. 37 reptiles. Phew!
Trying to sell a snow corn, baby corns, baby sonorans, and my brooksi king though :P
I have,
a male and female Ball python, and a female Colombian boa
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