View Full Version : Profile: Coho

04-05-12, 02:41 PM
As you can tell I am really bored! Its profile day:yes:
Anyway here is ''Coho'' my male hypo boa I purchased when I bought Chinook.He has the same temperment as her a real sweetie.
He really enjoyed the grass yesterday..trying to hide in it and such.

04-05-12, 03:53 PM
I adore his face! He looks so clean.

04-05-12, 04:09 PM
Going for some Hypo leopards then??? Very nice snake, I love the het leopard head pattern!

04-05-12, 08:13 PM
Going for some Hypo leopards then??? Very nice snake, I love the het leopard head pattern!

Who wouldn't want hypo leopards?:)

04-05-12, 08:50 PM
I prefer the hets to the actual leopards in all honesty lol, but I'm weird when it comes to boas :D Helps me see the hets easier at least!

04-05-12, 09:04 PM
I prefer the hets to the actual leopards in all honesty lol, but I'm weird when it comes to boas :D Helps me see the hets easier at least!

I myself perfer the leopards to the hypos leopards,but with that said the hypos are still nice:)

04-06-12, 05:13 AM
Not a bad looking snake. You've got so many that I'm getting confused. I'm already old, I'm fat and I'm slow, so it's not nice to confuse me too, LOL :D