View Full Version : Basking rock set up..

04-05-12, 09:13 AM
After shopping around online I realized that I have very expensive taste in reptile decor. So I decided to make some!

I started with a Basking rock for Tank my BTS. I had a ton of small foam sheets left over from a house project so I cut them up into shapes and used a razor blade to shave the hard edges off. I then glued them all together with liquid nails project adhesive. Once this all dries I will be adding several thin coats of grout and a few layers of sealer. I am not sure of the type of sealer I want to use yet so If you have any suggestions please let me know.


04-05-12, 09:26 AM
I forget the stuff we used for ours, I'll ask Mitch when he gets home if he remember. That shouldn't take you to long to and and it really holds up well.

04-05-12, 09:44 AM
looks awesome, wish i had a giant one for Spot...

04-05-12, 09:45 AM
How hard is it Kat? Me likey....

04-05-12, 09:56 AM
I am not sure of the type of sealer I want to use yet so If you have any suggestions please let me know.

I used Mod Podge. It is a non toxic craft sealant that hardens up and is safe for children and animals. Not too expensive and can be found in most craft sections of box stores or any craft store :)

04-05-12, 10:05 AM
How hard is it Kat? Me likey....

Super easy Eli... Just take a bunch of foam and shape it however you want it. Then glue it and paint on thin layers of grout and then sealer. Once it is all dry it is really stiff and durable.You could do it no problem.

Ohh Spooky I think I have some of that.. I never thought of it. Thanks!

04-05-12, 10:34 AM
I've seen someone (maybe Alessia?) mentioned loving Vermont Natural Sealer (if I remember correctly.) Im sure you can find a post about it. If I do any more builds, I'll be using it for sure.

04-05-12, 10:36 AM
Haha I am the one that recommends the Vermont coatings. I still have a gallon in the basement. I just don't want to open a new gallon for this one project. I finished my last gallon sealing the viv.

Vermont Coatings is one of the best coatings ever!

04-05-12, 10:39 AM
Then why'd ya ask?! Lol jk

04-05-12, 10:40 AM
I have thought about using it but I don't need much at all and seeing as it costs $75 a gallon I would rather not open it until I need a lot of it.

04-05-12, 10:43 AM
Wow, didn't realize it is that pricey.

04-05-12, 10:44 AM
Mod Podge will work really well for that. I made one myself a year ago and it turned out great. I will try to remember to snap a pic of it tonight when I get home.

04-05-12, 10:45 AM
Mod Love only comes in small bottles though, right? Couldn't that get expensive too?

04-05-12, 10:50 AM
I watered down my first layer so it got into all the cracks and styro holes. The other layer I put full on. One bottle should be more than enough for what Kat is doing.

04-05-12, 10:51 AM
Eli, it is really easy and so fun to do. If you saw Thil's enclosure in the bearded dragon thread someone made not to recently everything in the tank was made the same way Kat is doing her's. Its a bit time consuming but again I pretty much filled a 120 gallon :\. I'm hoping to do another soon.

04-05-12, 10:52 AM
Good to know. What ratio did you use to water it down? 2:1?

04-05-12, 10:56 AM
Yeah watering it down is what you are supposed to do, I remember it being so god darn messy but the end product worked out really well.

Also Kat, i'm sure you've come across this but one of the things you can do in your last layer of grout is to sprinkle some sand on it so when it drys it has a rougher texture. I did it to mine and it really helps with Thil's nails. We also painted our tile and did the same thing.

04-05-12, 11:00 AM
I just made a little background for a 5 gallon tank I have. Super easy to do. I used polycrylic to seal mine.

04-05-12, 11:08 AM
Kat, that is SO cool!

04-05-12, 11:28 AM
Wow, didn't realize it is that pricey.

Yes it is not cheep at all but it is worth the price for quality furniture and flooring. We did our entire house in that stuff 3 yrs ago and it still looks new. Also being that it is Whey based it has almost no smell and dries super fast.

Yeah watering it down is what you are supposed to do, I remember it being so god darn messy but the end product worked out really well.

Also Kat, i'm sure you've come across this but one of the things you can do in your last layer of grout is to sprinkle some sand on it so when it drys it has a rougher texture. I did it to mine and it really helps with Thil's nails. We also painted our tile and did the same thing.

I have some sanded grout in a different color that I am going to skim coat onto some areas to add depth and texture.

Kat, that is SO cool!

Thanks Mykee :)

04-06-12, 09:28 AM
Ok so here it is after 2 coats of grout. I think I am going to put 1 more coat on then seal it a ton.


04-06-12, 11:56 AM

04-06-12, 04:30 PM
That turned out great Kat!!!

This is the one I did. It is being used in one of my set ups and I didn't want to take it out so it is a pic through the glass.

The other pic is an insert i built that still needs some finishing touches and sealing. It slides right into the tank.

04-06-12, 04:37 PM
Kat, Spooky, those are great! As you know, I'm a big fan of naturalistic vivs, and did the same in Lucy's palatial estate. It's absolutely killing me to have such beautifully snakes in tubs in a closet. But, I've gotta be realistic. Who's got room for 14 vivs?

04-06-12, 04:49 PM
Who's got room for 14 vivs?

lol, I'v got 12 at the moment :)

but i am also lucky enough to have 2 spare bedrooms that don't get used

04-06-12, 05:06 PM
Haha that is one reason why I am selling my house.. its too small!

Thanks for the compliments guys! I am adding the last coat of grout soon and I think I am going to add more color. I want it darker..

04-06-12, 05:57 PM
Haha that is one reason why I am selling my house.. its too small!

Thanks for the compliments guys! I am adding the last coat of grout soon and I think I am going to add more color. I want it darker..

One of the reasons we're looking to move asap. Well, that and I'd like to be in.a town where my snakes are legal!