View Full Version : Silly sleepers

04-04-12, 06:21 PM
Sometimes i see them all sleeping in such strange positions! Here's Jasper



he sleeps a lot, actually. this is about the third time i've seen such a weird dead looking position. lol He's fine. Has since shed, and been happily moving around. just sooo silly!

Most of the time i miss the photo. But can still wind up with cute ones...like this! Dragon, my red eyed croc skink. just...sittin in her water dish! She cracks me up because she will stay still like this in these really weird positions sometimes. Waiting for those bugs to walk by.



She's even more silly because i can pick her up...and she is STILL asleep. She did it last night. She's very well fed...so i pick her up, set her in my hand, and she sloooowly will squint, then slowly open her eyes and then look around surprised as to where she is *lol*

04-04-12, 11:00 PM
lol I've caught my biggest royal in a similar position.

04-04-12, 11:06 PM
They just crack me up with their weird sleeping postures sometimes. I haven't seen the young ones do more than lie on a stick, or curl up...but my other older male rescue flops over, and turns sideways, and Jasper is always lying with his head in a weird position. I can always tell when he's sleeping. It's really quite endearing, but boy did it freak me out when i first saw him sleeping like a dead thing! lol

Dragon cracks me up...i don't know how she can sleep through me picking her up, but she sure does!

04-04-12, 11:07 PM
Your skink is super cute! I've never seen one like this before...

04-04-12, 11:16 PM

04-05-12, 12:01 AM
I REALLY want a pair of RECS, they're awesome little lizards.