View Full Version : Littlefoot hissing at me

04-04-12, 12:18 AM
OK, I processed this, the hissing sequence is three short bursts, then I repeated it 3 times, listen to the anger when I tried to pick him up.


04-04-12, 12:21 AM
reminds me of my brother savannah monitor he had it hissed at him when he first got it at around a foot long and also tail wiped him. didn't hurt but he did not like being handled lol

Mikey T
04-04-12, 05:49 AM
lol, sounds like a toddler throwing a tantrum. kinda like you know he's serious but its cute at the same time lol
its not so cute when my 3.5 foot Black Throat, "Ares" Hisses, sounds like a crocodile hissing

04-04-12, 07:52 AM
your enclosure is so big that LF thinks he's a wild monitor

04-04-12, 12:37 PM
lol, sounds like a toddler throwing a tantrum. kinda like you know he's serious but its cute at the same time lol
its not so cute when my 3.5 foot Black Throat, "Ares" Hisses, sounds like a crocodile hissing

Are you kidding? That's adorable! I love it when baby black throats show attitude.

04-04-12, 12:56 PM
your enclosure is so big that LF thinks he's a wild monitor

That's a good thing..

snake man12
04-04-12, 01:59 PM
mmean little bugger

04-04-12, 05:45 PM
Hahaha, In his eyes he is the biggest baddest dinosaur in his world and he's gonna let you know! lol

That was too cute :)

Mikey T
04-04-12, 05:50 PM
Are you kidding? That's adorable! I love it when baby black throats show attitude.

Baby Black Throat? 3 and a half feet... wouldn't consider him a baby lol
Mind you he's not exactly full grown either lol

his bites are not pleasant

CK SandBoas
04-04-12, 06:00 PM
The little guy with the great big attitude! I love it:):)

04-04-12, 09:35 PM
Baby Black Throat? 3 and a half feet... wouldn't consider him a baby lol
Mind you he's not exactly full grown either lol

his bites are not pleasant

My baby black throat is like, four and a half feet! I'll take your word about the bites, though. I have no plans for a bite from Mr. Pickles.

Mikey T
04-04-12, 10:43 PM
hey got me about six weeks ago , i mean for a split second and he had me by the thumb and shook 3 or 4 times, i thought for sure he broke or dislocated it. wow it was FAST.

04-04-12, 10:57 PM
Yuck! That totally sucks! I'm so sorry to hear that.

Mikey T
04-04-12, 11:13 PM
meh he's getting better, now....

04-04-12, 11:20 PM
meh he's getting better, now....

No problems, it's still monitor talk.

Not enough of it going on.

04-04-12, 11:30 PM
Well thanks, now I don't feel so bad!