View Full Version : Eggs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-03-12, 11:22 AM
As some of you may remember, I was housing 3 male corns together (or so I thought) and the amel motley and anery bred. That's been a little over a months ago and now she's laying EGGS!!!!!!. So far there are 11 and she's still laying! All look fertile so far too! Anyway, nothing is going to come out of the eggs (unless there are some hidden hets), but this is my first clutch!

Note: ALL of my snakes are housed separately now.

04-03-12, 11:26 AM
a surprise clutch then!! were you prepared?? are you incubating?

I just got my first clutch of 17 eggs (2 may be duds) yesterday morning!! they're all settled snuggly in the incubator now!!

04-03-12, 11:26 AM
Congrats! Glad to hear that you got them separated!

04-03-12, 11:56 AM
Glad to hear she pulled through. Good luck.

04-03-12, 12:36 PM
Good luck!! :D

04-03-12, 01:09 PM
a surprise clutch then!! were you prepared?? are you incubating?

I just got my first clutch of 17 eggs (2 may be duds) yesterday morning!! they're all settled snuggly in the incubator now!!

Wasn't exactly a surprize. I walked in the room and saw they were locked, so I knew I was going to have eggs. Yes, I was prepared and yes I'm incubating.

Congrats on your first clutch!

Congrats! Glad to hear that you got them separated!

Glad to hear she pulled through. Good luck.

Good luck!! :D

Thanks guys!

04-03-12, 06:33 PM
Here are some pics





04-03-12, 07:41 PM
Good luck!!

05-16-12, 04:18 PM
Eggs should should hatch within the next week or 2!

05-16-12, 04:30 PM
Why do you mark your eggs and what did you use to mark them?

05-16-12, 04:56 PM
I hope they all hatch out healthy for ya! Post pics of the babies when you have them :D

05-16-12, 06:01 PM
Why do you mark your eggs and what did you use to mark them?

So that I know which side is up, so I can make sure I don't turn them. Unlike chicken eggs, the embryo in reptile eggs form at the top of the egg, so if you turn it, you drown the embryo. I used sharpy on these, but I now use pencil.

05-16-12, 06:01 PM
I hope they all hatch out healthy for ya! Post pics of the babies when you have them :D

Thanks and will do!

05-16-12, 06:07 PM
`So that I know which side is up, so I can make sure I don't turn them. Unlike chicken eggs, the embryo in reptile eggs form at the top of the egg, so if you turn it, you drown the embryo. I used sharpy on these, but I now use pencil. `
Old wives tale. 100% pure bunk.
Also, Sharpies have some terrible chemicals in them, and eggs breathe, soaking up that garbage.

05-16-12, 06:08 PM
A toxic permanate marker that was laid on that thick is very risky. (the eggs soak that up)
If done carefully there is no need to mark eggs at such a small scale.

05-16-12, 07:11 PM
Old wives tale. 100% pure bunk.
Also, Sharpies have some terrible chemicals in them, and eggs breathe, soaking up that garbage.

Not so sure your right about turning the eggs, but I do realize your right about the sharpy. I was advised to use sharpy, but have recently found out that is bad and switched to using a pencil.

05-16-12, 07:14 PM
A toxic permanate marker that was laid on that thick is very risky. (the eggs soak that up)
If done carefully there is no need to mark eggs at such a small scale.

Read my last post. As far as marking them, I would much rather mark and be on the safe side, especially since I'm just starting out.

05-16-12, 07:18 PM
"Not so sure your right about turning the eggs""
Trust me; I've handled over 1500 eggs here in 12 years.

05-16-12, 07:21 PM
Oh, I didn't realize that, I didn't even realize you breed. Not discounting what you said, but I'm still going handle my eggs as if turning them would drown them.

05-16-12, 07:22 PM
Trust me; I've handled over 1500 eggs here in 12 years.

But have they hatched? Lol

I was taught just to keep them in the same position roughly, there is only a slight possibility of drowning.
I've never understood how you can completely flip an egg from its upright position anyways.

05-16-12, 07:42 PM
But have they hatched? Lol

I was taught just to keep them in the same position roughly, there is only a slight possibility of drowning.
I've never understood how you can completely flip an egg from its upright position anyways.

Well have they hatched lol?

I mark them cause.... well.... I'm prone to accidents....

05-16-12, 07:50 PM
Yes, they all hatch. I was worried the first few years in and even the ones that get rolled out by the females hatched just fine.

05-16-12, 09:58 PM
Everyone was so excited to tell you that you did bad by using sharpie, they didn't even read where you said you used it...but since then learned to use pencil.
I noticed there's a lot of that kind of thing....
Well, I guess the point is everyone knows now, right? lol

05-17-12, 10:18 AM
Thanks Jaleely. While I think they did overreact, I don't think they meant any harm. The most important thing out of all this is shortly after using the sharpie, I learned to use pencil on my second clutch instead.