View Full Version : First enclosure build, lighting/mount question!

04-02-12, 11:20 PM
I am going to be trying my hand at building an enclosure for my future carpet python and had a question concerning the lighting. Will be a wooden enclosure with a glass front and will be ~19in high. I wanted to put some type of lighting inside the cage as it will be in a darker corner of the room and would like to be able to see inside the cage. This will be purely for day/night cycle and viewing purposes.
I was looking for ways to mount lights inside the cage and I found this Fluorescent Mounting Fixtures For UVA and UVB Bulbs (http://www.bigappleherp.com/Fluorescent-Mounting-Fixtures?sc=2&category=22)

Main question is if that is safe to put on the top of the enclosure without any protection around it. I was not sure if fluorescent bulbs got hot enough to injure snakes. If that will not work for some reason, I would love some suggestions.


04-02-12, 11:28 PM
I have two florescent fixtures in a custom enclosure. No worries, they do not generate enough heat to burn. I've never had an issue. I say it's safe to use. Keep us posted with some pics along the way. We like pictures!

04-14-12, 02:54 PM
I agree, they don't get hot enough. Just make sure you secure the plug to the roof of the enclosure though. Every couple of inches you should install a wire clamp to keep your reptile from getting caught up there.

04-14-12, 03:02 PM
LED bars all the way, hands down the least costly, most safe and most fun of the interior lighting options and you can get em pre assembled, or if your feeling frisky you can save some cash and make em yourself (save some cash to)


Also as far as carpets go im pretty sure they dont technically NEED both types of light, just a day night cycle

Also those fixtures, are available at my local walmart for like 15 bucks for the longest ones, the short ones are like 10