View Full Version : I give up. Giving mine away.

04-01-12, 07:47 PM
Came home from Arizona to find a water dish full of dead decomposing babies. They were all fully formed. The water was barely an inch deep. How did this happen again. I'm not putting any more snakes through this. If anyone lives in CA and wants to give them a better home come pick them up.

04-01-12, 07:48 PM
What? What happened? I'm confused... :hmm:

04-01-12, 07:49 PM
I'm sorry! :(

04-01-12, 07:54 PM
My red tail finally gave birth. Again I wasn't home at the time, and when I got back, they were all dead and rotten in the water dish.

04-01-12, 07:56 PM
My red tail finally gave birth. Again I wasn't home at the time, and when I got back, they were all dead and rotten in the water dish.

Oh no :( ...That's awful... so sorry to hear it :no: How many did you lose? Did they all go into the water dish and drown? is that what you think happened? :hmm: It sounds like this has happened to you before... :no:

04-01-12, 08:02 PM

04-01-12, 08:09 PM
Last time she dug out the substrate turning it into a toilet bowl of amniotic fluid in which they drowned in. This time they were all in the water dish. I couldn't stand the sight or smell of it so I left to cool down, when I clean it i'll get a count. It looked like only a couple slugs and a good amount of fully formed neonates..

04-01-12, 08:12 PM
I'm so sorry Randy... :(

04-01-12, 08:12 PM
i'm really sorry to hear this has happened again Randy

you are bound to feel disheartened,but don't throw in the towel mate

give it some time,then sit and write down,everything you can remember of the two births.see if they have anything in common,that could have contributed to this outcome

it must feel like crap now my friend,but IMO, it will feel a lot crappier,if you give up

don't beat yourself up about it,it serves no purpose,giving yourself a hard time

you may have a female,that through no fault of yours,had bad births

if you find no equiptment or husbandry faults,then it may well be its just mother nature

please Randy,give it some time,before you make a final decision,you may regret later mate

cheers shaun

04-01-12, 08:18 PM
if only there was a like button shawn

04-01-12, 08:20 PM
Shaun x 2

Seriously I can see the frustration and anger but it isn't your fault. Could she just be a terrible mother?

04-01-12, 08:22 PM
I'm so sorry that this happened. I'd hate to see you give up, though. Was this the same female both times?

04-01-12, 08:23 PM
Maybe it's what Kevin said, it's the mother?

04-01-12, 08:26 PM
Last time she dug out the substrate turning it into a toilet bowl of amniotic fluid in which they drowned in. This time they were all in the water dish. I couldn't stand the sight or smell of it so I left to cool down, when I clean it i'll get a count. It looked like only a couple slugs and a good amount of fully formed neonates..

Sure sounds like it is the same female.

04-01-12, 08:37 PM
Oh my lord i just went to clean up and ones alive poor guy was hiding in the water under his dead siblings. Be back with pics once i get cleaned up and square him away with a light. My little miracle snake.

04-01-12, 08:39 PM
Oh my lord i just went to clean up and ones alive poor guy was hiding in the water under his dead siblings. Be back with pics once i get cleaned up and square him away with a light. My little miracle snake.

Aw a little miracle snake... I hope you'll post a photo of him soon :o

04-01-12, 08:58 PM
Maybe i'm just uninformed, but wouldn't the babies be able to crawl out of a water dish, or to burrow in substrate, or to move around in some way? I really think it'z bizarre that something like that would happen..and twice. Surely they were born dead..could they be that unable to lift their heads out of liquid?

Okay i just watched a video on boa births. Were they all still stuck in their sacks, or did they move around and come out of the sack? Surely if they could get out of the sacks they wouldn't drown! I mean, even one could have climbed on the others.

04-01-12, 08:59 PM
That was my next question actually...i wondered if one may have survived...i hope he's okay!!!

04-02-12, 04:12 AM
Wow. Glad you got the one at least. Otherwise I am truly at a loss for words. Sorry :(

04-02-12, 05:02 AM
Sorry you had to go through this but I am very happy to hear that you have 1 little snake!

ding ding
04-02-12, 05:08 AM
mate thats brutal, hope the wee one you found pulls through for you, at least something can be salvaged... good luck!

04-02-12, 09:52 AM
I`m so sorry to hear this. But to have at least on little one out of it is better than a complete loss, now you have time to spoil the one!!

04-02-12, 11:02 AM
I'm so sorry, there are really no words for something like this. Best wishes for your little Miracle :)

04-02-12, 12:23 PM
so hows the wee guy doing Randy ?

i hope all is well mate

cheers shaun

04-02-12, 12:24 PM
I'm also curious about Little Miracle... how is he doing? any pics?

04-02-12, 12:30 PM
Im really sorry as well, such a disappointment after the anticipation. I hope the sole survivor pulls through.

04-02-12, 12:31 PM
I hope your miracle baby will encourage you to not give up!

04-02-12, 12:32 PM
Reading this breaks my heart. Randy you are a good keeper. Don't give up!! And yes please pics of the little one.

04-02-12, 07:35 PM
What happened with the miracle snake??? Is it okay??

04-02-12, 07:56 PM
Rite on dude whooohoooo!!!!!!!!

04-02-12, 09:32 PM
i'm really sorry to hear this has happened again Randy

you are bound to feel disheartened,but don't throw in the towel mate

give it some time,then sit and write down,everything you can remember of the two births.see if they have anything in common,that could have contributed to this outcome

it must feel like crap now my friend,but IMO, it will feel a lot crappier,if you give up

don't beat yourself up about it,it serves no purpose,giving yourself a hard time

you may have a female,that through no fault of yours,had bad births

if you find no equiptment or husbandry faults,then it may well be its just mother nature

please Randy,give it some time,before you make a final decision,you may regret later mate

cheers shaun

I couldn't have summed it up better! I am very sorry for your loss but try and think it through then if you have decided that you really want to get rid of them than do it. Very sorry! :(

04-02-12, 09:39 PM
I have other snakes to keep me plenty happy and busy. If I ever want to breed again i'll buy some more boas down the road. Probablly Hog islands, possibly a morph.

And I think it's time for the female to be euthanized, or given to somebody who doesn't mind spending a fortune diagnostic tests/meds.

04-02-12, 09:40 PM
Okay as long as you thought it through and you know that you want to do it. That is all that matters.

04-03-12, 12:19 AM
get a brazilian rainbow boa :) i have one and id be willing to breed mine when shes old enough :)

04-03-12, 08:33 AM
I have other snakes to keep me plenty happy and busy. If I ever want to breed again i'll buy some more boas down the road. Probablly Hog islands, possibly a morph.

And I think it's time for the female to be euthanized, or given to somebody who doesn't mind spending a fortune diagnostic tests/meds.

Wait. What?

Why would you kill a boa that is perfectly healthy because she had stillborns?

I belong to another forum and on there someone posted pics of an entire litter in their water dish. That is where the female put them so I can't say all of yours drowned. I believe they were born dead. It happens. Maybe you're handling her too much while gravid. I am no expert on this but it's no reason to kill a snake.

04-03-12, 08:39 AM
And I think it's time for the female to be euthanized, or given to somebody who doesn't mind spending a fortune diagnostic tests/meds.
Or you could keep it as a pet...

04-03-12, 08:42 AM
And I think it's time for the female to be euthanized, or given to somebody who doesn't mind spending a fortune diagnostic tests/meds.

Why not keep her as a pet or rehome her with a family that wants her as a pet but not for breeding?

04-03-12, 09:02 AM
Still unsure what to do about the mother. I'm pretty set on something being genetically wrong with her. I got her for 50 bucks in a shop that just got 3 in. Being the cheap a** I am, I got it. The next time I went in the rest were all dead and handed to me to skin for him. Despite many baytril treatments and increased heat, she always bubbled, bloated her throat and had secretions around her mouth. Half the time she seems fine, the other half , half dead. When I introduced the male for breeding, she showed these signs again. After a few weeks together he never showed any signs. That makes me think it's just her. If it was an RI i'm pretty sure he would have gotten from her, but he's always healthy.

I don't know what to do with her. Try to find her another home? I'd hate to euthanize her but she seems like she's in pain most of the time.

This was I his other thread. Figured you guys missed it.

The female seems to have some odd and chronic health issues.

04-03-12, 09:12 AM
Missed that, my bad.

04-03-12, 09:56 AM
Missed it to and even more so why would you BREED A SICK SNAKE?! Why would you subject a snake who has that many issues to the stresses of breeding.All for your own selfish reasons. No wonder she had a bunch of stillborn!


Some people need to get their heads out of their asses.

04-03-12, 10:46 AM
Hows your little miracle doing? :blink:

04-03-12, 10:58 AM
As I said, she didn't always seem sick. I gave her a Baytril treatment, again. She seemed fine then after a few weeks of introducing her to breed she showed signs again, but it was a little too late. I didn't know this could be a genetic thing, and not something I did. But this got me thinking of back to where and how I got her, and the outcome of the other she was with.

04-03-12, 11:16 AM
As I said, she didn't always seem sick. I gave her a Baytril treatment, again. She seemed fine then after a few weeks of introducing her to breed she showed signs again, but it was a little too late. I didn't know this could be a genetic thing, and not something I did. But this got me thinking of back to where and how I got her, and the outcome of the other she was with.

as i said on your other thread i had a jaguar python like that mate

he dropped dead on me,even after spending hundreds of pounds,we even did key hole surgery on his lundg and could NOY establish its cause

he could go months acting healthy,then right out the blue start sneezing and show respiritory issues

cheers shaun