View Full Version : Unsafe snake handling?

03-31-12, 09:21 PM
Hi all,
I don't know if anyone has seen videos on YouTube posted by viperkeeper or not. He has pretty much all the most dangerous hots and has a lot of videos handling or feeding his snakes.

My question is, for example in his one vid, he is giving water to a new wild black mamba with a squirt bottle. And he actually states in the video that he's in the strike range but that the snake isn't interested in biting him.

I'm sure you keepers that have hots can read your snakes pretty well, but do you ever put yourself in that position? I mean the one time you think that you have it all under control the snake could decide that was the day it would go crazy. It seems irresponsible to me but I was just curious.

03-31-12, 10:02 PM
i seen almost all his videos, i really enjoy them. i would say he is an expert and knows what he is doing. but i dont own hots or anything so relaly have no idea..

03-31-12, 10:29 PM
i seen almost all his videos, i really enjoy them. i would say he is an expert and knows what he is doing. but i dont own hots or anything so relaly have no idea..

Being an expert and know what your doing, does not keep you from being bitten. There is no excuse for careless handling of HOT snakes. Safety should always come first. Macho BS is what gets you killed. I've noticed that some of the most experienced and popular handlers are also some of the most careless handlers. After handling HOTs for years without being bitten, you think you have become "Bullet Proof", only to find one day, you are not.

03-31-12, 10:39 PM
I don't own hot and I never will so just let me shoot from the hip with some common sense. He sounds like an idiot. Would you play with matches while pumping gas? They seem to be on the same level to me.

04-01-12, 07:11 AM
If it's the idiot i seen a couple days ago i was praying one of the snakes would tags his dumb as-.

04-01-12, 07:33 AM
If it's the idiot i seen a couple days ago i was praying one of the snakes would tags his dumb as-.

Hahahaha God's way of thinning out the idiots.

I don't care what people say, when a professional handles snakes in a unsafe way, he is setting a bad example for others. And a disclaimer of, Don't do what I do, is not an excuse.

04-01-12, 08:36 AM
I enjoy the information viperkeeper has to offer, but I don't enjoy watching his videos where he constantly puts himself in danger. I'm sure his death will be caught on camera one day.

04-01-12, 09:25 AM
Okay I am not a HOT owner, but I think some of you may be taking it a little hard on viper keeper. I mean hoping that he gets bit by a black mamba because he made a boo boo in judgement is cruel. He may have made a mistake and maybe shouldn't place those videos online if they display such, however where do you get off to hope he is poisoned by a snake? I am sure we have all made mistakes, so perhaps a little understanding is in order.

04-01-12, 09:33 AM
Okay I am not a HOT owner, but I think some of you may be taking it a little hard on viper keeper. I mean hoping that he gets bit by a black mamba because he made a boo boo in judgement is cruel. He may have made a mistake and maybe shouldn't place those videos online if they display such, however where do you get off to hope he is poisoned by a snake? I am sure we have all made mistakes, so perhaps a little understanding is in order.

I am sorry but it doesn't sound like he made a mistake. It sounds like he said "I am close enough to get bit by an extremely deadly snake but I am so arrogant it won't strike."

04-01-12, 09:38 AM
Okay I am not a HOT owner, but I think some of you may be taking it a little hard on viper keeper. I mean hoping that he gets bit by a black mamba because he made a boo boo in judgement is cruel. He may have made a mistake and maybe shouldn't place those videos online if they display such, however where do you get off to hope he is poisoned by a snake? I am sure we have all made mistakes, so perhaps a little understanding is in order.

I am a HOT keeper and handler professionally and I never said I wanted for him to get bitten, but doing what he does the careless way he does it, will end up getting him bitten again. We all make mistakes, but when handling HOTs it could be your last mistake. Why tempt fate by being irresponsible. If you know you are at risk of being bitten, why do it? Him being bitten could possibly bring more laws made that could affect us all.

04-01-12, 11:02 AM
I know that if I ever owned a snake like a mamba (never in a million years), I would never willingly put myself in a position where I could be struck, barring unusual circumstances. He is very knowledgeable but he does seem to think he has it all figured out and I think that's very dangerous.

04-01-12, 11:20 AM
I just think he is to comfortable around is snakes. Like SSSSnkaes said I think he thinks he is "bullet proof". Now this guy really knows his stuff about HOTS and I am not trying to bash him in anyway. It's his life he is putting in danger. I hope he never gets bit, but standing that close to some of the worlds most venomous snakes is just asking for trouble in my opinion.

04-01-12, 01:36 PM
People have a tendency to want to show the rest of the world exactly how stupid, foolish and/or irresponsible they really are. I see it all the time on YouTube and various other places, including right here.

My question to anyone who's complaining about this type of thing is: What have you done about it?

Did you "dislike" the video? Did you leave a comment stating how foolish it was? Did you report it if it was setting an awful example? Did you do anything, or did you just watch it and complain about it here?

There are entirely too many idiots out there making it difficult for the truly responsible keepers, so get off your duff and actually do something to make a difference. It's just that simple :)

09-19-12, 09:45 PM
I know he has lots of time with his snakes and works with many other talented people but I felt uncomfortable watching him try to get his snake in the tube. Way to much stress for the snake as it took way to long. Then he could not push the the snake through the tube back into the enclosure so he put the tube with the snake inside it. They way he talks to them was creepy too as they can't hear him.
Lastly feeding dangerous snakes while a mamba is loose behind him on a table is very poor technique no matter how good you think you are.

He is very good at reading them but even the best get bit and that is good for nobody.

09-19-12, 10:21 PM
Being an expert and know what your doing, does not keep you from being bitten. There is no excuse for careless handling of HOT snakes. Safety should always come first. Macho BS is what gets you killed. I've noticed that some of the most experienced and popular handlers are also some of the most careless handlers. After handling HOTs for years without being bitten, you think you have become "Bullet Proof", only to find one day, you are not.

dont think my post meant to go handle some mambas or vipers, i was just saying he seems to know his own limits... that is all... from what i see, he used hooks/tubs when handling anything. and i agree its the Macho bs that gets people hurt, same thing with people potentially getting hurt with large constrictors ect...

09-20-12, 04:24 AM
Okay I am not a HOT owner, but I think some of you may be taking it a little hard on viper keeper. I mean hoping that he gets bit by a black mamba because he made a boo boo in judgement is cruel. He may have made a mistake and maybe shouldn't place those videos online if they display such, however where do you get off to hope he is poisoned by a snake? I am sure we have all made mistakes, so perhaps a little understanding is in order.

I am sorry but it doesn't sound like he made a mistake. It sounds like he said "I am close enough to get bit by an extremely deadly snake but I am so arrogant it won't strike."

imo anyone showing bad practices in keeping hots on line is encoraging others,imo that will lead to death,thats something our hobby does NOT need

theres NO room for some idiot showing off on you tube...!!

promoting unsafe handling methods is the worst side of our hobby

as Alessia said,no doubt this idiot will record his own death by snake bite one day :no:

cheers shaun

Zoo Nanny
09-20-12, 06:19 AM
A prime example of this behavior is what happened to Steve Irwin. I really hated his show and was very vocal to people at the zoos when doing presentations that what he did was what you shouldn't do. He constantly put himself at risk with all sorts of animals. He paid the ultimate price. What a person does personally is of no regard to me but what they show to the general public is. These people are showing unsafe practices to not only novices but to children as well. Safety should always be emphasized when handling any animal during presentations. Unsafe handling of any animals at the zoo was grounds for immediate termination.

09-20-12, 07:30 AM
Al Cortiz knows what he's doing.

09-20-12, 08:09 AM
I have to weigh in here, as far as this guy knowing his stuff ( just watched some of his vids), yes, he isvery in tune with the snakes. As far as him promoting unsafe practices, absolutely guilty. Weather he realizes it or not some people who watch these vids (mostly teenage guys) get that sense of "awe" and that little voice that says "I can do that" comes out and they end up in a hospital. I remember being about 14 looking for western diamond backs and having no fear of snatching one up cuz the guys on tv did it and they were fine if they could do it why can't I? Thankfully I was never bitten but you bet your a$$, I wouldn't be caught dead doing somthing like that now. Point is, people do watch this stuff and DO follow his example.

09-20-12, 08:37 AM
its obvious how alot of people feel when they see other people getting close to venomous snakes but every time someone posts picture of a retic or burm no one even flinches...ive seen both burms and retics do some major damage and even caused deaths

09-20-12, 08:38 AM
Al is not the only one who use the "water bottle technique" to offer water to his hots. I do believe he is very experienced and knowledge in this field and knows his limits.

However, like others have said, because his popularity on Youtube with his videos, he must set a high example. This reminds me of Wayne's recent encounter with Scott at LLLreptiles with that sav monitor husbandry video. Industry and hobby leaders are in a postition where there is a higher standard to be met, because more eyes are upon them. Every punk kid who wishes he was Steve Irwin watches viperkeeper on youtube, and on occasional, some dummy tries to replicate what he sees.

In short, I don't think Al's husbandry or handling practices are wrong per say. I think posting a lot of it on youtube is what is questionable. If I were a hotkeeper, and I were doing anything questionable, I generally would keep it to myself. I wouldn't parade it around on YT. Even if I were to put in 72 pt font bold red text disclaimers saying, "Don't try this at home!" it's just a great big invitation for idiots to do exactly that.

09-20-12, 08:57 AM
There are worse people... Just look up snakeman814.....he posted a vid of him getting Struck at** by a rattler while handleing.....

09-20-12, 08:58 AM
Not everything is not for everybody..THATS LIFE...everyone of us make everyday choices...ive seen on tv that show people working with lions and tigers and making them look like everyday cats...im not gonna run out and buy a tiger and i dont need a disclaimer to figure that out..........anyways i like Als videos the way they are..they are for someone like ME and maybe not for you

09-20-12, 09:40 AM
Lets face facts, to promote unsafe venomous snake handling is irresponsible. If you want to act like an idiot, then keep it behind closed doors. This is just my opinion, coming from someone that is a HOT keeper and educator for over 30 years.

09-20-12, 09:47 AM
I felt I should chime in here...I happen to know Viperkeeper (Al) personally. He is a good friend and is my venomous snake mentor. He admits that sometimes he takes chances, but he acts very differently around animals that he does not know vs. the ones he has had in his collection for years. I have been to his place multiple times, and worked with the snakes with him, and never once did I feel in danger. Yes, there are things he does that I won't do...I don't have the reflexes or the experience, but he is very knowledgeable and has an interesting way of relating to the snakes. He is gentle and kind with them, and they in turn generally show reluctance to bite. That is not saying that we should all handle our hots that way - I've learned (both from watching others and in keeping my own hots), that one can never be too careful...there's always something else you could have done to make yourself more secure and safe.
There are a few videos where I thought he showed a bit too much hands-on with certain snakes, but there are many many more videos that are great sources of knowledge on the animals and his experience. I'm learning a lot from him and the animals he keeps, and I'm very grateful for the opportunity.

09-20-12, 09:59 AM
Kimberly, there is the difference. People who genuinely want to learn about these dangerous and awesome animals and learn how to keep/handle them properly in captivity...should do so in the presence of an experienced keeper/mentor in a one-on-one session. They should not, and ultimately CANNOT learn these things on online, and certainly not youtube.

That's just my personal thoughts. Youtube is a hole. Perhaps if there weren't so many videos of hot keepers handling their snakes, there wouldn't be so many people getting into that aspect of the hobby that quite simply, have no business doing so.

I feel the same way about monitor vids (and I bet Wayne agrees to an extent): if there weren't so many videos of people showing off their lazy, "tame" savannah monitors and how cute and docile they are, perhaps there'd be a little less people keeping them properly, and less people going out and buying them for the wrong reasons.

09-20-12, 02:56 PM
Personally I think he's very smart and a great keeper, but I can't stand his handling. I don't think there's any reason to do what he does other than pleasing and entertaining himself. But if that's what makes him happy, go for it, he knows the risks....

I just can't figure out one positive thing about putting yourself in striking range for no reason. I don't watch anymore videos of his, to me he comes off as a little kid with a new toy to "play" with, only the toy is deadly. I don't know him, but that's just how his attitude and comments make him come off to me.

09-20-12, 03:00 PM
I know he has lots of time with his snakes and works with many other talented people but I felt uncomfortable watching him try to get his snake in the tube. Way to much stress for the snake as it took way to long. Then he could not push the the snake through the tube back into the enclosure so he put the tube with the snake inside it. They way he talks to them was creepy too as they can't hear him.
Lastly feeding dangerous snakes while a mamba is loose behind him on a table is very poor technique no matter how good you think you are.

He is very good at reading them but even the best get bit and that is good for nobody.

I talk to my snakes all the time. They're my babies. Who cares if they can't hear, they can still feel the vibrations of your voice, sort of like deaf people. Why do deaf people listen to music if they can't hear?

09-20-12, 07:17 PM
VP seems like a really nice guy. However, I agree with this:

Lets face facts, to promote unsafe venomous snake handling is irresponsible. If you want to act like an idiot, then keep it behind closed doors. This is just my opinion, coming from someone that is a HOT keeper and educator for over 30 years.