View Full Version : Sav monitor intestinal parasite test?

03-29-12, 08:43 PM
So i just got my copy of The Savannha Monitor off ebay, I just finished reading it cover to cover, i enjoyed it. Well i was wondering if i should get my sav yoshy tested, i can almost be certain it was never done, I have had him about a year and he seam to be very healthy? could their still be parasites harming him with little visual side effects? ie somthing i would notice not normal.

03-29-12, 09:23 PM
If Yoshi is doing fine, I wouldn't worry about it.

However, if it's driving you nuts, just take a fresh turd to the vet and ask for a fecal float.

03-29-12, 10:30 PM
ah cool, thats what i was thinking, thx.