View Full Version : A live feed question

03-27-12, 07:52 AM
So I'm very intrested in making a live feed for my sav. But how would I do this?
I would get an hd webcam. But would I need to have it hooked to laptop and a server? How much would it cost me! Anyone care to help? :)

03-27-12, 07:55 AM
LOL I thought this was about live feeding... sorry, I'm no help with technology :p

03-27-12, 07:57 AM
LOL I thought this was about live feeding... sorry, I'm no help with technology

Haha, same here lol. Sorry I am of no help to you either :(

03-27-12, 07:58 AM
Bhaha oh your silly! My new cage will be ready in a week or 2! I'm going to drop the deposit soon :) yahhoooo

03-27-12, 08:04 AM
Its relatively simple. Preferably you would want to dedicate a computer to the feed though, as 24/7 video processing wont allow you to do much else on said computer.

old laptops work well, though a nicer computer will obviously run smoother.

that said..

Setting Up A Streaming WebCam (http://www.videopersons.com/Setting_Up_A_Streaming_WebCam.htm)

USTREAM, You're On. Free LIVE VIDEO Streaming, Online Broadcasts. Create webcasts, live stream videos on the Internet. Live streaming videos, TV shows (http://www.ustream.tv/)

Use Skype w/ auto answer (so it turns on when you want)

Get an actual security camera

Also google live streaming software, definitely plenty of options there.

and now the response I wanted to put in..

Let me google that for you (http://bit.ly/HgXDj5)

03-27-12, 08:09 AM
Thank thank you :D would you guys enjoy a live stream?

03-27-12, 08:26 AM
Thank thank you :D would you guys enjoy a live stream?

I'd watch it on occasion! I really want to setup a "night camera" for my snakes and see them moving around when im not looking in

03-27-12, 08:48 AM
That's sweet :) I just want to show everyone my sav :) I'm going to put the deposit on the enclosure now :) yahoo! I'll soon have something like this! It's not this exact model
800 dollars for this :)

03-27-12, 09:01 AM
if you set up a live feed to your sav's enclosure i'd definitely watch it!

04-02-12, 09:58 PM
800? dayum how big is it? (i dont keep savs lol!)

04-02-12, 10:36 PM
800? dayum how big is it? (i dont keep savs lol!)

My enclosure would have costs that if I had to buy everything..

5 sheets of 3/4 inch thick plywood = $150
2 sheet of 8 foot by 4 foot aluminum = $250
22 pressure treated 2x6 boat dock planks = $400
Safety glass door = (estimated) $100
hardware & wiring = $100
Fiberglas insulation = ???
support columns to hold up reptile room floor $100

Pickup truck full of topsoil = ???????

Keeping Monitors is not cheap.

On to of all this, if I ever wanted to move the cage, I would need a forklift or small crane.

04-04-12, 07:05 PM
oh sure i would but dont know how!! sorry!! is that your lizard??

04-04-12, 08:06 PM
Yes the savannah monitor!