View Full Version : please tell me what you think of this chart

03-24-12, 12:39 AM
I made up a gradient chart to illustrate a varied basking zone for someone, and before I publish it on my web site, I'd like some opinion.

Don't be afraid to call me a loon, I want only to display useful information.


03-24-12, 05:47 AM
Sweet! But I think they already invented the target a few thousand years ago :(

03-24-12, 05:53 AM
looks fine to me...

03-24-12, 06:53 AM
Wayne... you are a loon but that is why we like you.

The chart looks really good. I like how simple it is and there is no confusion about what temp hits where. The only thing that I think would add to this is if you said how high the light was to get how large of a space heated at those temps. If that makes sense? Like it the light was 30" off the ground and the center circle was 10" diameter.

03-24-12, 06:54 AM
the colors are way too bright for me... the outside maroon is fine, but the red, blue, and yellow POP big time at my eyes. The chart itself is good though

03-24-12, 10:41 AM
I think it's perfect.

03-24-12, 10:45 AM
It's perfect. Great job Wayne I saved this

03-24-12, 12:47 PM
the colors are way too bright for me... the outside maroon is fine, but the red, blue, and yellow POP big time at my eyes. The chart itself is good though

I toned down the colours, since I replaced the image on my server, it just replaced the one on my first post.

03-24-12, 12:59 PM
I like the chart Wayne but why have you gone for grey and green colours?
I think having red at the centre, then oranges followed by yellows, would illustrate it better.

03-24-12, 01:15 PM
Is this for the monitor site? If so I would recommend having the center spot be two circles together or elongated to show that more than one spotlight is necessary. You want people to get the impression that the center temp zone is big enough to cover the length of the lizard so you don't want them to think a small single area is enough. Just a thought.

03-24-12, 01:24 PM
I like the chart Wayne but why have you gone for grey and green colours?
I think having red at the centre, then oranges followed by yellows, would illustrate it better.

I am not sure where you are seeing the grey and green colors.. the chart is Red at the center then Blue then yellow then purple..

03-24-12, 01:26 PM
I am not sure where you are seeing the grey and green colors.. the chart is Red at the center then Blue then yellow then purple..
Well one of us is colour blind then! :laugh:

03-24-12, 01:29 PM
I liked the bright colors. :(

03-24-12, 01:30 PM
did You change the colors wayne and my computer is still seeing the old image?? I am confused now. I still see the bright colors...

Edit... ok I deleted all the cookies on my comp and now I see the other colors.. lol Wow.. I hate it when that crap happens. I

I agree with BB I think the bright colors where much better.

03-24-12, 01:31 PM
I think your missing a middle section 150-160f...

03-24-12, 01:50 PM
I think that red/orange/yellow showed the concept better, but the original was so bright my eyes were hurting. Could use a pastel or a duller version of those colors though instead of simply grey, green, etc.

03-24-12, 02:17 PM
I think your missing a middle section 150-160f...

I have never seen a Bosc that would use that high of a temperature.

But I am open minded..

03-24-12, 02:18 PM
I think that red/orange/yellow showed the concept better, but the original was so bright my eyes were hurting. Could use a pastel or a duller version of those colors though instead of simply grey, green, etc.

Thanks, and since it was pointed out that ovals would be more accurate, I will be re-doing the whole thing.

I used it to illustrate to a fellow on another forum why his little fish tank was so inappropriate for even a baby.

03-24-12, 02:34 PM
I have never seen a Bosc that would use that high of a temperature.

But I am open minded..

Try it :cool:

My male basked up to the 150f mark.

A good basking temp i feel is 135f to 150f for boscs.

Other monitor sp will bask higher up to 160f after that i personalyl havent seen any benefitis i.e increased food intake, activity levels etc.

03-24-12, 02:50 PM
There's a pretty well known keeper that keeps his surface temperatures at 155 for his sav. I've even seen pictures of them basking near 180 for short bursts.

03-24-12, 03:06 PM
On the subject of basking, I just got to watch Cera jump up on the platform, then sprawl out and flatten...

She did this right in the hottest part, sat there for about 2 minutes and then jumped off the platform to do some hunting.

So I just released a bunch more crickets and earthworms in there to keep her busy.

03-24-12, 03:29 PM
Haha, awesome, Wayne.

03-24-12, 03:41 PM
On the subject of basking, I just got to watch Cera jump up on the platform, then sprawl out and flatten...

She did this right in the hottest part, sat there for about 2 minutes and then jumped off the platform to do some hunting.

So I just released a bunch more crickets and earthworms in there to keep her busy.

Sounds like you dont need a hotter basking area LOL short burst followed by high activity.

03-24-12, 03:46 PM
Sounds like you dont need a hotter basking area LOL short burst followed by high activity.

She's just a baby, 2012 hatch.

in a couple months I will lower the bulbs a little.

Here is the current readings..


03-25-12, 09:21 AM
She's just a baby, 2012 hatch.

in a couple months I will lower the bulbs a little.

Here is the current readings..


If it works it works, short period of basking followed by high activity level Good signs :cool:

03-26-12, 01:07 AM
you're a loon.

I just wanted to say that. Carry on.

03-26-12, 03:08 AM
I am not sure where you are seeing the grey and green colors.. the chart is Red at the center then Blue then yellow then purple..

from centre to edge i see.....





i think you chose the correct colours wayne,i feel if you used red,orange and yellow fading into each other,it would not give such a diffinitive view of the area's

maybe you could do a second chart that could show the heat zones merging with each other ?

them monitor's don't half like their heat mate,i was pretty amazed at the temp of their hot spot,compaired to a snakes hot spot

cheers shaun

03-26-12, 05:23 AM
I see them now Shaun.. Wayne changed the colors after a few posts where made and my computer was still showing me the original image.

03-26-12, 07:33 AM
I see them now Shaun.. Wayne changed the colors after a few posts where made and my computer was still showing me the original image.

thats just ruined it for me now.....

i thought we were all having a group hallucination:shocked::laugh:

cheers shaun:D

p.s.missed you all while i was fixing my car,for what seemed like forever at the time;)

03-26-12, 09:53 AM
them monitor's don't half like their heat mate,i was pretty amazed at the temp of their hot spot,compaired to a snakes hot spot

cheers shaun

Some of the more equatorial species will bask all the way up to near 200 degrees Shaun.