View Full Version : Intorducing... Blastoise!

03-23-12, 10:27 PM
here is my Suclatas tortoise! Blastoise! just got him today, and tonight after work i got the tub all set up, going to be building a tort table though, for now it will be 4x2x2.... lol i know 2 foot tall is waaay to big, but its what i have now from my BRB old cage.

here are a few pics!





few pics for now, i will take more tomorrow, if weather is nice, i will let him outside and get some outside pics, but he is sooo small, i need to fix some stuff in his cage.

*the light is just a 150 w on a dimmer dome* no uvb, i am getting that tomorrow. **


03-23-12, 10:28 PM
Wicked name!! I want a tortoise some day...

03-23-12, 10:44 PM
there are awesome, it was instant love!

Little Wise Owl
03-23-12, 11:32 PM
Hehe, Blastoise :)

Cute little guy

03-24-12, 12:05 AM

03-24-12, 04:36 AM
He is cute. Congratulations. :)

03-24-12, 05:54 AM
so cute. I wish they stayed that small lol

03-24-12, 06:50 AM
Very good looking. I really hope you are ready for the size and amount of time they live for. You will have this pet for life and it will get huge!

03-24-12, 07:06 AM
Can you get photos of him eating? Tortoises eating are the cutest :D

03-24-12, 07:19 AM
Aww, he is so cute! Congrats! I second the request to see him eat, they are so cute when they eat. My friend has a Cherry-Head and it's just mesmerising to watch that little guy chow down.

03-24-12, 07:28 AM
So cute! Does he know hydro pump yet ?:)

03-24-12, 07:54 AM
Thank you so much guys!!

i am so ready for this.. i just watched him last night for about 20 min. i need to fix some stuff in his cage though...

pics/videos of him eating will be up as soon as i can catch him in the act, with my camera! lol

and Bradyloach, no he just knows tail whip and water gun :P

03-24-12, 01:40 PM
Sounds more like a squirtle... :D

03-25-12, 12:02 PM
What kind of UVB did you get for him? Has he been eating for you already?

03-26-12, 02:42 PM
i got a Powersun MVB, but it was broke when i got it home, right now i dont have one... b4 i get flamed, i have been dusting his collard greens with calsium supplement, i will get a new MVB either tomorrow, or Wednesday when they come in.

hes eating for me everyday, just a little bit of collard greens, hes pooped a few times as well, i really need to get some type of water dish in there. i have been dusting food with calsium supplement, adn misting it with water. so he gets water when he eats... so i hope im doing good!!

03-26-12, 06:00 PM
here are some eating pics!




video and more pics being uploaded now.

03-26-12, 07:03 PM
Nice feeding pics!!

03-26-12, 07:45 PM
omg so cute. I love the feeding pics!! What else does he eat??

03-26-12, 09:49 PM
Thanks you two. as of now, hes just getting collard greens, until i can find another good sorce of food to mix with it, i will stick with this. im going to be giving him some grass and dandilions too!