View Full Version : New AP Rack Due 3/27

03-23-12, 02:21 PM
Yep, I was told this Tuesday is when that rack I ordered should be ready. Im so looking forward to this. It has been a long time in coming but still less of a wait than looking for one to show up on CL. Its so nice to live in the same metro as Animal Plastics so that way I dont have to pay for shipping and wait even longer for that to happen. All I have to do is go to their shop and pick it up when its ready. :)

03-26-12, 06:25 PM
Tomorrow is the day I go to Animal Plastics and pick up my new rack. Ill be moving snakes around to fill the tubs and the Boaphile will be emptied, cleaned, sterilized and sold. I will post pics just as soon as I get everybody set up. Im so looking forward to this.

03-26-12, 06:39 PM
oooo please please post pics!!!

03-26-12, 06:46 PM
I certainly will do that. The model Im getting is a AP Sterilite 1860/1960 (4). Pics will surely come. That is a promise.

03-27-12, 01:03 PM
A slight delay. It seems the heat cable wont be in until later today or tomorrow. As a result, this rack wont be ready to pick up until tomorrow. Unfortunately the next couple of days are my heavy days at work so I will not be able to pick this up until Friday. Oh well. Ive waited 6 1/2 weeks. Whats a few more days? Im still excited. :)