View Full Version : Savannahmonitor.net is online

03-23-12, 09:16 AM
Most of you have seen the pages published on varanus.us, meanwhile savannahmonitor.co was just sitting there doing nothing, so yesterday I uploaded the data and it is online.

SavannahMonitor.co (http://www.savannahmonitor.co/)

03-23-12, 09:24 AM

03-23-12, 01:10 PM
I'd love to see more done with this. It's off to a great start.

03-23-12, 01:24 PM
I'd love to see more done with this. It's off to a great start.

I am tinkering with it right now.

I still want to simplify the cage plans, I need to come up with something that anyone can build in a weekend with common materials.

I gathered up a lot of "what not to do" photos.. so I will be making a page for that.

These things all take time, and I burn out if I sit here and stare at code all day.

The one aspect of web site design I hate most, one simple thing like this...

.contenttext h2


Get one diget wrong, the whole page gets screwy.

03-23-12, 02:52 PM
I think this is awesome and more people need to know the facts. This site will go a long way toward that aim. :)

04-09-12, 10:09 AM
Many improvements made, new pages added.

make sure to click on all the links, There is some amazing materials there.

04-14-12, 05:17 PM
I changed the whole video page, have a peek...

Savannah Monitor Videos (http://www.savannahmonitor.co/video/)

04-24-12, 08:24 AM
Here is an honor I never expected...

Mampam Conservation - Further Information about savannah monitor lizards (http://www.mampam.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=178&Itemid=87)

Click the line I circled...


04-24-12, 08:39 AM
Congrats! the sites looking really good.

04-24-12, 10:22 AM
Love the video section. Loads very quick and the videos themselves are very crisp

03-30-13, 12:34 AM
As much as I have resisted this... I added the facebook social media buttons to the web site. Got pounded with likes already in just one day.


03-30-13, 07:24 AM
Yup, I liked it already, LOL.

03-30-13, 09:46 AM
More coding and scripts to worry about.

I still need to make a "Taming" page and I really want to do a page on their intelligence.

06-28-13, 12:57 AM
As much as I have resisted this... I added the facebook social media buttons to the web site. Got pounded with likes already in just one day.

to be fair, i liked it before the page went down last year :) I know im necromancing an old thread, but it was a good place to put my comments :P
i wanted to thank you for putting the sight back up, i was on it almost every day for a month before i brought my baby savannah home, but it seemed like the day after i brought my baby home, the page was offline. it was a good thing i have a good memory lol. I was very happy to see a link to the page on a forum post and just for giggles clicked on it, and it worked :D so keep on with the good work, hopefully the page does what it is ment to and saves some babies, i know it saved mine. even though i do research the animals i buy, the amount of misinformation is astounding and i would have gone down the wrong path for sure. thanks again, and now that i have found this forum be ready to be pelted with questions haha


06-28-13, 01:10 AM
Hello Steve. I think you have me confused with the dot org.

Unfortunately, I disagree with a few of the statements Bill has on that site.

Starter cages are not only unnecessary, but I strongly feel it is beneficial for babies to grow up in a large enclosure, plenty of soil, plenty of hides & a couple basking spots.

My other apprehension is the whole anti mouse section, it's bunk. My lizards are living proof that correct caging is the key to good health.

Dot org was offline for almost a year, My sites have not been offline. I publish updates frequently, and link to the site daily, It has never been offline since day one

Welcome to the forum.

06-28-13, 01:32 AM
shoot, yes i did get it mixed up :( there is no saving grace that i can back peddle either haha. im going to make a new account, brb haha. jk
in all honesty though i have followed you with your cage building and seeing cera(sp?) and littlefoot grow on youtube. so i guess my memory isnt as good as i thought it was, but hey ive had a few bumps to the head over my years :) guess i have more pages to like on facebook

06-28-13, 01:52 AM
just a quick question, are the sidebars for roaches and worms your endeavors as well?

06-28-13, 01:59 AM
No, just recommendations.

People ask frequently where to get those things.

06-28-13, 02:14 AM
ok, im hopefully going to start breeding them both myself, but at the time being im still trying to convince the other half that i need them :P i was just curious to see if there was a better place to spend support dollars than i am currently

06-28-13, 02:21 AM
agreed, v nice website!

ok, im hopefully going to start breeding them both myself, but at the time being im still trying to convince the other half that i need them :P i was just curious to see if there was a better place to spend support dollars than i am currently

Call the Dubia ''giant woodlice'' - they may be a little less unappealing then lol

06-28-13, 03:12 AM
Call the Dubia ''giant woodlice'' - they may be a little less unappealing then lol
lol, i only wish that would work, shes an elementary school teacher, so they do lice checks at school, unfortunately she has seen some, so anything with the word lice is no good either, haha. it will just take time, it took me 8 years to get a ball python, and 12 to get a savannah, so maybe in a year or 2 i will get a colony going :) i think once she sees the food bill she will be open to more options.

06-28-13, 09:33 AM
Then just call them isopods

06-28-13, 07:59 PM
Then just call them isopods
oooooo i like that! just as long as she doesnt see them i might be able to swing that one!

07-16-13, 03:30 PM
In just this short time, it's climbed up to the number one search result for savannah monitor care on the web!!

Thank you everyone for the support... All those lizards out there getting better care thank you too.

I would love to see a day when lean, mean and fast is the "norm"

12-15-13, 10:40 AM
Is it just me or does savannahmonitor.net need a new banner? Let's see some healthy adults, not doomed babies.

12-15-13, 03:36 PM
make one.. I'll use it if it's nice

01-02-14, 03:46 PM
Is it just me or does savannahmonitor.net need a new banner? Let's see some healthy adults, not doomed babies.

All done Sean, I used Amanda's Cain image. Looks sharp.