View Full Version : First tag for me :(

03-22-12, 03:28 PM
Yup it happened. First time ever today. My 6ft adult male to a huge displeasure to me when going back into the house. I know what it is. He is aggressive around his female and has a seperation anxiety. Metaphoricaly speaking. Not true anxiety but defensive of her. Time to seperate. He gets a brand new viv next week.
Imidiately after

Couple hours later

Well. Big deal. Wasn't that bad. I mean this is an adult snake and it wasn't horrible at all. This is in the crotch of my elbow too. Boas hit hard but the damage was minimal. Thank god. Freaked me right out. I touched him in his viv about 10 min later and he was fine again. Oh well. He is forgiven.

03-22-12, 03:32 PM

03-22-12, 03:47 PM
Virgin no more! ;)

03-22-12, 03:53 PM
You never forget your first bite! Glad to hear you'll be separating them.

03-22-12, 04:15 PM
You never forget your first bite! Glad to hear you'll be separating them.

Sorry, I forgot mine..then again I am getting old:confused:

03-22-12, 04:32 PM

Why is being bitten something to be congratulated for?

03-22-12, 04:35 PM
Why is being bitten something to be congratulated for?

Sarcasm. Obviously I don't want anybody to be hurt.

03-22-12, 04:43 PM
Why is being bitten something to be congratulated for?

Just getting it out of the way. Kind of the first little scratch on a new car. Not a big deal really but you dread it until it happens.

03-22-12, 04:47 PM
Sarcasm. Obviously I don't want anybody to be hurt.

I was thinking that's what it was but you need to add :freakedout::no::sorry::confused::3eyes: or something to give it away... shame on you :p

03-22-12, 04:54 PM
I keep forgetting tone doesn't carry on the computer.

03-22-12, 05:12 PM
Not at all.. so feel free to sing your heart out :laugh:

03-22-12, 05:14 PM
Welcome to the taged club