View Full Version : Sad News.....

03-21-12, 10:30 AM
Image removed.. long binary string.. no picture.

03-21-12, 10:31 AM
nothing is showing...

03-21-12, 11:01 AM
Kinda bummed out, a few days ago I found one of my prize BRB's, Fluffy, had passed away. For the last year or so he has not been doing great, lost some weight and not as active as he used to be. Vet found nothing wrong with him and we both suspected he was simply aging. I've had him 5 years, Brian Sharp had him for a number of years (I suspect more than 5) Since Brian acquired him as an adult that would put him at least 15 years old and possibly more.

I was hoping he'd at least make it through breeding season and impregnate one of my holdback Calico offspring but I never saw any action between them. That female will be isolated just in case he managed to do the deed while I wasn't watching.

The bright side is he did sire three litters of babies so if the trait is genetic the genes are not lost, just hidden for a while.


03-21-12, 11:04 AM
oh no not fluffy! :(

03-21-12, 11:12 AM
sorry about your fluffy http://ball-pythons.net/forums/images/smilies/extended/icon_tears.gif. i have a snake named fluffy too!

03-21-12, 11:14 AM
Sorry to hear that

03-21-12, 11:15 AM
Sorry<3 :(

03-21-12, 11:16 AM
I'm sorry about your loss :( Is that Fluffy in all 3 photos??

03-21-12, 11:17 AM
:sad:Sorry for your loss

03-21-12, 11:20 AM
Condolences.... I hope he got busy with the female before he passed.

03-21-12, 11:32 AM
Oh man, I'm sorry. :(

03-21-12, 11:36 AM
Sincere condolences for the loss.

CK SandBoas
03-21-12, 11:38 AM
I am so sorry about Fluffy! He was truly one of a kind:(

03-21-12, 11:40 AM
I am so sorry for your loss :( He was a gorgeous, gorgeous snake. At least some of him lives on in his babies, and hopefully there is one last litter on the way. Rest in Peace Fluffy.

03-21-12, 11:55 AM
Wow. What a privilege it must have been to own such an awesome looking snake! Sorry that you lost him but wow what a legacy he has left!

03-21-12, 11:57 AM
So sorry for your loss :(

03-21-12, 11:58 AM
So sorry...

03-21-12, 12:00 PM
I'm sorry about your loss :( Is that Fluffy in all 3 photos??

Yes, all three pics are of Fluffy, while I had him he went through a second color morph and was almost all white.

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate all the kind sentiments. He is sorely missed and truly one of a kind. But what can you do except move forward.

I originally had a "backup" female incase the first was not enticing Fluffy. I'm thinking I should put her in with another fluffy offspring male (1/2 sibling) and see if those two can reproduce. But the male was not temp cycled so really don't know if that will work.

03-21-12, 12:12 PM
am so sorry for you loss!:( hope your female is ok

03-21-12, 03:47 PM
Dave, as I wrote on Kingsnake, I'm truly sorry to hear that. Fluffy was a unique animal, and filled many posts with wonderful pictures.

Given his value, did you have an autopsy done? While I'm sure there was nothing contagious, there is always a chance that it might be informative on potential genetic defects, which could help protect his offspring!

As you noted, at least you have several years of holdbacks to continue the project! I'm sure there will be a little fluffer in your future.

03-21-12, 10:09 PM
I'm so sorry Dave. He was truly a beautiful and unique animal.

03-21-12, 10:16 PM
Very beautiful brazilian!! That second colour change is super dramatic, did it happen in one shed? I've heard of other snakes exhibiting this colour fade phenomena, that also passed away early, likely due to the mutation in theory. I can't imagine seeing that kind of colour change after a shed, I'd probably piss me myself...

03-21-12, 11:29 PM
I'm really sorry for your loss Dave, fluffy was an exceptional Calico. I really hope he passed on his genetics.

03-22-12, 09:31 AM
Dave, as I wrote on Kingsnake, I'm truly sorry to hear that. Fluffy was a unique animal, and filled many posts with wonderful pictures.

Given his value, did you have an autopsy done? While I'm sure there was nothing contagious, there is always a chance that it might be informative on potential genetic defects, which could help protect his offspring!

As you noted, at least you have several years of holdbacks to continue the project! I'm sure there will be a little fluffer in your future.

I chose not to, had him for 5 years and he had already seen the vet a couple times. He had been in and out of his hide box over the prior week and after a few days not coming out I checked closer and he was gone. Already starting to smell so maybe not the best candidate for necropsy. I try to not disturb them any more than I have to during breeding season, the cage was clean, water was recently changed etc. Was almost time to separate and offer food, he ate only a few weeks earlier.

03-22-12, 09:33 AM
Very beautiful brazilian!! That second colour change is super dramatic, did it happen in one shed? I've heard of other snakes exhibiting this colour fade phenomena, that also passed away early, likely due to the mutation in theory. I can't imagine seeing that kind of colour change after a shed, I'd probably piss me myself...

It happened relatively quick, the area turned towards white over one shed but was not clean white, that came in more over the next few sheds.