03-21-12, 08:52 AM
Hello everyone,
I have been hanging around the boa forums since I got here and thought I would introduce myself in this forum as well, since I will be spending most of my time in this section :D
I live in the metro Detroit area and have been keeping boas for a couple years now and have a decent collection started. I will post a picture or two of each of my boas, but will have to split it up into a couple posts as I will go over the photo limit per post. I will just go in order of how they are currently housed in my racks.
"Lipstick" Sunglow 2011 male
Hypo Motley Het Kahl 2011 Female
Albino 2010 Male (one parent was lipstick line)
DH Sunglow (hypo het albino) 2010 Female (one parent was lipstick line)
A favorite shot of her from last summer
'Super Duper" Hypo Nicaraguan 2011 Female
T+ Albino Nicaraguan 2011 Male
On to the next one...
I have been hanging around the boa forums since I got here and thought I would introduce myself in this forum as well, since I will be spending most of my time in this section :D
I live in the metro Detroit area and have been keeping boas for a couple years now and have a decent collection started. I will post a picture or two of each of my boas, but will have to split it up into a couple posts as I will go over the photo limit per post. I will just go in order of how they are currently housed in my racks.
"Lipstick" Sunglow 2011 male
Hypo Motley Het Kahl 2011 Female
Albino 2010 Male (one parent was lipstick line)
DH Sunglow (hypo het albino) 2010 Female (one parent was lipstick line)
A favorite shot of her from last summer
'Super Duper" Hypo Nicaraguan 2011 Female
T+ Albino Nicaraguan 2011 Male
On to the next one...