View Full Version : Can Glass and Acrylic be Stuck Together?

03-19-12, 08:23 PM
I am trying to plan my Boa's future enclosure. I want to go with acrylic, but, I am worried about using an UTH with any form of plastic. I know, I hear it's safe and all with the proper thermostats, etc, but I am so afraid to take the chance of any possible off-gassing that may result in the event of a malfunction. Even if it's unlikely, I still worry.

I was wondering, can I build an enclosure with a glass bottom, or are the sealants used for one not compatible with the other? Would a glass bottom affect the temperature retention too much, or do you think it would be okay?

Would love to know what you think. TIA for any advice you have for me.

03-19-12, 08:35 PM
With creative construction, of course you can use glass, or stronger yet, sheet aluminum.

It will transfer heat and not be breakable, and you can build a frame out of wood and drill the aluminum for screws.

03-19-12, 08:37 PM
Are you always up Infernalis? :bouncy: From cruising the forum it seems like there's some hard-core professionals here :D

03-19-12, 08:41 PM
Cool, thanks for your response. I am not really crafty, never did anything like this before. So, if I use a glass bottom, I'd have to use a sealant/glue (is silicone okay, or is there another kind?) ... but if I go with sheet aluminum I have to screw it into the plexiglass? How thick would the plexiglass have to be to allow me to screw the aluminum bottom on?

Thanks, sorry if the questions seems dumb, I am a total dodo when it comes to DIY projects.

03-19-12, 08:43 PM
Silicone sticks to pretty much anything.

03-19-12, 08:50 PM
Cool, thanks for your response. I am not really crafty, never did anything like this before. So, if I use a glass bottom, I'd have to use a sealant/glue (is silicone okay, or is there another kind?) ... but if I go with sheet aluminum I have to screw it into the plexiglass? How thick would the plexiglass have to be to allow me to screw the aluminum bottom on?

Thanks, sorry if the questions seems dumb, I am a total dodo when it comes to DIY projects.

No problem.. I would build a square frame from wood and then put the sheets on the sides.

You could build the back and sides from sheet wood, aluminum on the bottom, and plexi on the front.

That would allow you to also build a door on top with hinges and a latch.

04-14-12, 04:29 PM
Silicone sticks to pretty much anything.

Most silicone doesn't bond very well to plexiglas. If you're going to rely in silicone to hold acrylic or polycarbonate in place you need to make sure you're using DOW 732 or 832 or something similar, and it doesn't hurt to scuff the acrylic a bit where you're bonding it.