View Full Version : I'm finally doing it

03-18-12, 12:38 AM
I'm posting pictures of my snakes haha. the first couple are of my BCI Eve, they dont show her pink very well (shes a salmon) and the last couple are of my Ball Python Marceline. Sorry about the poor quality, they were all taken on my phone x.x

03-18-12, 02:37 AM
I'm outta the loop... Awesome you got your boa!!! I was actually wondering what happened, I gotta quit reading just the new posts list and actually use my emails:D
She's a great looking boa for sure, glad you pulled the trigger! Marceline looks amazing, I love the name!

03-18-12, 05:18 AM
I'm outta the loop... Awesome you got your boa!!! I was actually wondering what happened, I gotta quit reading just the new posts list and actually use my emails:D
She's a great looking boa for sure, glad you pulled the trigger! Marceline looks amazing, I love the name!

thank you haha it was harder to find a name for my boa.. i'm having a bad time though (i have a thread going on about it) in that there might be something wrong with her :(

03-18-12, 06:05 AM
Those are pretty snakes and the pics arent that bad either. I only use a phone camera since I dont have a digital camera and until last Januarys recent upgrade to a smart phone, the phone I had was an old flip phone. Its all good, the pics look good and your snakes look good, esp Eve.

03-18-12, 08:47 PM
thank you very much^_^