View Full Version : should i be concerned?…

03-18-12, 12:04 AM
my bci (11 months old) does some strange things.. first she has no problem with me grabbing or touching her head (the first one i know because i did it to check out her mouth) and second shes flipped herself over a couple time and she doesnt really attempt to right herself. I can flip her onto her back and she'll stay there (just her front end however). i dont do it because i get worried and the times i have were to check to see if i was right. should i be concerned at all?

03-18-12, 12:08 AM
The flipping over concerns me. Is it possible for you to make a video of this behavior?

03-18-12, 12:13 AM
The flipping over concerns me. Is it possible for you to make a video of this behavior?

when she does it its by accident like she'll stretch up to the top of the tank, bend backwards a hit, and end up partilly upside down. the first time she did it i was holding her and she ended up upside down somehow so i tried it myself and she doesnt really try to correct herself. ill take a pic and post it.

03-18-12, 12:16 AM
Please do. It would help us to figure out what's going on.

03-18-12, 12:33 AM
the pictures arent the best quality because they were taken on my phone

03-18-12, 12:37 AM
I really don't like the way that sounds. Possible neuro or IBD maybe... Is she a morph or sibling?

03-18-12, 12:42 AM
She's a salmon BCI and what do you mean by sibling? I'm not sure if she's got any neurological problems, shes been living well apparently, eats well and whatnot (ive only had her about a week so i havent been able to get her to eat). whats IBD? to clarify she doesnt just randomly flip over or anything, its usually an accident but when it happens shes slow to correct. I tried it with my bp and her head wouldnt go upside down and the one time it did she corrected immediately

03-18-12, 03:56 AM
a sibling to a morph, sometimes siblings display problems that their visual morph clutchmates have as well. The one that comes to mind is not a boa, but in carpets it is my understanding that Jaguar siblings have the potential to have the neuro issues that Jags also have.

IBD is inclusion body disease. There's a few other posts on this forum about it, do a quick search and you'll get all the info you'll need.

03-18-12, 04:52 AM
It's definately not normal behaviour.... It could be many things, best thing to do us take it to a good herp vet ASAP. It can be a sign of neuro issues, chemical contamination, other illnesses, and of course everyone's favourite IBD... I'll answer your question psyche as best as I can... Ibd is a disease in boas and pythons (some other snakes as well but I'm not sure which) which effects the neurological system in their bodies... If possible is quarantine the snake from your others just to be sure untill you know.. Hopefully it's something that can be treated and not IBD.

03-18-12, 05:08 AM
It's definately not normal behaviour.... It could be many things, best thing to do us take it to a good herp vet ASAP. It can be a sign of neuro issues, chemical contamination, other illnesses, and of course everyone's favourite IBD... I'll answer your question psyche as best as I can... Ibd is a disease in boas and pythons (some other snakes as well but I'm not sure which) which effects the neurological system in their bodies... If possible is quarantine the snake from your others just to be sure untill you know.. Hopefully it's something that can be treated and not IBD.

D: i was hoping she was just weird. what bothers me is that her previous owner didnt mention ANYTHING about this. it couldnt have been anything on my end because i've been doing the same thing for her that i do with my bp and my bp is fine... i just read up on ibd and i REALLY hope thats not it.. i dont want to have to put her down :'(

03-18-12, 05:40 AM
IBD is a virus that can cause respiratory, digestive, and neurological problems. I would get it to a Vet right away and have it checked out to be safe.

Can you find out if it did it when the previous owner have it? If it been doing it all a long then it's some neurological. If it just started doing it in the last few month it could be IBD.

One thing you can look for is if it as problem moving like it muscle craps. I lost my whole collection to IBD years ago. Very nasty virus. I had gotten a boa that had it. I didn't quarantine back then you never heard of people doing it. First the Ball pythons started doing like your then they stated having problems moving their body like it would crap up to the point they couldn't left their heads. After the first Ball python die my Burmese's and Boas started showing the same signs. It wasn't long before they all died. The boa that Had it was actually the last one to die.

When the third snake started showing signs i took him to the Vet by the time we found out what it was they all had died. In Boas they can go months with out ever showing signs. In pythons they are usually dead with in a month. A few never even showed signs i would just find them dead.

03-18-12, 12:26 PM
In the meantime should you have any other reptiles i would separate this one from the collection, it may be too late but at least you can try to protect the rest.

Please let us know what the vet says.

03-18-12, 01:01 PM
And make sure you wash hands, equipment, and don fresh clothes in between handling.

03-18-12, 01:36 PM
Does she do this if you try to flip her whole body upside down? or just the front end? If you hold her in one hand, and then flip her over into your other hand upside down, does she correct herself? I'm asking more about the belly area too, not just the head. What happens if you flip her whole body upside down? Also, is she not correcting herself at all or is she just doing it very slowly?

03-18-12, 08:56 PM
Does she do this if you try to flip her whole body upside down? or just the front end? If you hold her in one hand, and then flip her over into your other hand upside down, does she correct herself? I'm asking more about the belly area too, not just the head. What happens if you flip her whole body upside down? Also, is she not correcting herself at all or is she just doing it very slowly?

i cant try her whole body right now cause i just fed her, but usually its like her head and neck (as shown in the pics) and its been 50/50 so far with regards to her correcting. she'l either sit for a bit then slowly starts trying to correct or she'll just sit and i correct her. i dont let her stay upside down for long cause i dont want to hurt her in any way. i sent an email asking and am waiting for a reply as well as looking for a specialist

03-19-12, 06:51 PM
i have some (hopefully) good news. i flipped her whole body and when shes coiled up she seems stuck but when she stretched out she righted herself pretty fast

03-19-12, 08:21 PM
i think it missed it...when were you going to take her to the vet?
i have to say the pics don't look good :(
I hope you hear something good back soon, and maybe she's just got a minor infection that's throwing off her ballance and it's not the serious stuff...def get her secluded from any other snakes in the meantime. Good luck!

03-19-12, 08:53 PM
dang psyche. That behavior doesn't sound good. I would defiantly take her to the best herp vet you can find in your area. Best of luck.