View Full Version : Early Colour development in Volcano Corn (picture)

01-14-03, 04:54 PM
Since the Volcano Corns seem to be relatively unknown, I've decided to keep track of the colour change that mine goes through. She shed yesterday, and the colour is so much different already.
The pictures are of her the day I got her back in November, earlier this month, and this morning, right after her latest shed.


Can't wait to see what she'll look like 6 or 12 months down the road

01-14-03, 06:17 PM
Lookin' good!:)

01-14-03, 08:19 PM
really prett!! I just LOVE the head on that snake!! How long is she??


01-14-03, 08:34 PM
Very nice, and it is great of you to track the color changes in this variety. Do you have breeding plans for her down the road? Is this the only volcano corn you have or do you have plans to get more?

Great shots,

Mary v.

01-15-03, 12:38 AM
Wow, that's a big color change in 2 short months, imagine what she'll be like in a year. She's just magnificent. Thanks for sharing.

Kyle Walkinshaw
01-15-03, 11:32 AM
very nice!

01-15-03, 06:36 PM
niceola! (word of my own invention said Nice-o-la LOL)

01-15-03, 07:32 PM
wow!! that is a really gorgeous snake! Keep us posted :D

01-15-03, 08:58 PM
Awesome snake! I love volcano corns. Their color change is spectacular! I didnt know they began to change that early! I'm actually gonna snatch up one as soon as possible from the guy who runs Reptile Rainforest. I'm looking forward to that!

01-16-03, 05:01 PM
man how much do those guys cost they're gorgeous

i want one

01-16-03, 06:34 PM
Thanks for the compliments. The real hero is the breeder though.
She is about 3 1/2 months old, but I have no idea how long she is. I do know she's a bit longer that 15 inches, and if she ever stays put, I might just get an accurate measurement. She's the only volcano corn I have (and I've only got one other snake for now, an amel motley corn).
For a great looking snake, she was relatively cheap, can't recall exactly but it was around $40-45 CDN at the November PCPC show in Mississauga. Check with Reptile Rainforest (http://www.ottawaherps.com/reptile_rainforest) if you're interested in them, that's where she's from.
Somewhere down the road when I get enough snake experience I'll try breeding some, and from what I've seen and heard of adult volcanos, I'll probably start with her. I guess that means I'll have to break down and get a mate for her. Gee, imagine, getting another cornsnake, wow.... how strange :) LOL

Reptile Rainforest (http://www.ottawaherps.com/reptile_rainforest)

01-17-03, 09:35 AM
What a little cutie! And what a huge difference a couple of months can make! Good luck with her and any future breeding plans!

And I move that corn snakes be renamed "potato-chip snakes", because you can never have just one!