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If you want info about IBD check this out Gives a history and some outward signs.Some of the pics are not for the faint of heart. This disease will tear out your heart and is very contageous by the time you know you have it in a snake it may be to late to save a collection.I lost a boa while living in the U.S. I got lucky because of strict quarantine procedures I have always used. Any new animals should be isolated for a min 6 months and personal hygene is a must!!!! after handling any new arrival wash your hands as if you were going to perform surgery.I will also change my duds after handling quarantined snakes or snakes not known to me(pet shops ect)I hope none of you goes through this as it is like a kind of hell I can not explain(my snakes are my kids and I love them to death) and it's still hard to think about what I went through with Izzy. I will post the specifics of what I observed and what the vet and I did untill the end(at a later time). I hope this helps all of you in some way. Best Regards to all Hip and the kids (Sid,Nancy and Prometheus)
Crazy Deb
04-27-02, 04:42 PM
wow! Reading through that sure makes me question the sanity of taking my snakes to educational reptile shows. Scary stuff!
Don't stop educating people that would be bad! I put up that post because my friend Grant V G asked me to. Yes I lost a Boa to IBD and it was hell and still bothers me now two years later.I will also admit that due to my experence I do not take any chances.I use a 6 month quarrintine(have one in right now).I wash my hands and change my duds when I finish cleaning,feeding,handling new guy before I take care of my other two BCI.Yes this could be considered overkill but I am not willing to take any chances.I lost only one boa to IBD(I was living in the U.S.) but I could have lost my other boa as well(quarrintine) saved her I'm sure of it!!!
I have now returned to Canada to stay!! and I haven't heard of any cases here but I would suspect that some exist.I beleve that this disease is more common in the U.S. and in Europe.If any one has information on this please post it.I will endeavour to find more information and post it.Please don't stop educating people on snakes,reptiles,knowledge through understanding will help us keep our hobby(passion) safe for years to come.Best Regards Hip
Crazy Deb
04-29-02, 08:52 AM
Hey Hip
I wasn't actually planning on stopping educating people. It's just quite the shock to find out about somethng like this.
I am always telling people to go wash their hands after touching ANYTHING! Doesn't matter whether it's a cat, dog, snake, reptile... I'm getting to the kids at the local elementary school. All four of mine go together so when i pick them up I usually take one of our snakes for kids to check out! It's now to the point where the kids tell each other to go wash after they touch the snakes! Many kids who used to back off when they saw a snake are now coming running when they see me to find out who I brought this time.
The shows that we do (WSPCR) are probably relatively small compared to many and most of us know each other and our herps.
I don't think I'll be going anywhere across the border with any of my pets ... except the two legged ones! :p
Grant vg
04-29-02, 10:52 AM
Hip question, when u lived in the states...and had snakes and when u moved to Canada, did u just drive over here with ur snake in the car?
Btw, thanks for the info!
No way man!!!!!! I would not want to be the one to get nailed by customs coming back across the border with exotics.With the regulations that I am still to this day unclear of and the nature of which apendix each species falls under (one or two) I had to return here in a hurry(long story no it's nothing bad, just personal family related stuff) I was forunate to work with a couple of guys who have large collections and when I left they took my snakes.It was hard to leave them behind but they went to fantastic homes and are getting great care.I did think about bringing them back on the sly decided against it and made the right choice,have you ever been checked at the border? not fun and guess what I got picked again(they got a thing for me I think) In my line of work something like that (getting arrested at the border would ruin my career) so with me it's by the law on the straight and narrow.I should mention that I have to travel internationally from time to time so I have been all over the globe in the last few years and got paid to do it (when I'm working)I will be calling Canada home for good (unless some company wants to pay me 250k to move some were else! lol lol lol)
I have restarted my collection (March of last year) and it has grown to 3 (snakes are addictive just like tatoos) I think it continue to grow but I'm going to stop at 6 no if's and's or but's but I haven't set a limit on tat's yet just all have to be above the elbow lol. So that's the deal Grant Take care Hip
Grant vg
04-29-02, 10:12 PM
I had to ask, just because i thought they were the same snakes that u have in ur collection here in Canada and i was wondering how u went about bringin em over....i thought u may have sent em on a plane and drove really
see u soon hippy!
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