View Full Version : Field Herping: Post your tips of the trade and experiences here

*Don't Mind Me*
03-09-12, 11:23 PM
I'm guessing most 'ssnakess' members have gone field herping (searching and taking pics of reptiles in the wild) in one point in their life, so for those especially into herping: Post your best shots and experiences of herps in the wild or your own backyard here! :bouncy:
*I am not that experienced, but still highly interested, in field herping so don't expect cool pictures and stories from me, SORRY!*

03-09-12, 11:29 PM
Since I live in the desert all reptiles are already in back yard but always got to bring a very long stick when looking in the holes and stuff but I see some cool stuff driving on the road I see a lot of desert kings some gilla monsters and lots of scorpions everything comes out on the roafs at night around here

03-09-12, 11:39 PM
Here's a tip: Put a few undulated steel/metal sheets out in the field/backyard you're hoping to find reptiles. Lay them flat. Snakes will probably seek shelter underneath them. You can get these undulated sheets at home depot, hard ware stores, etc. They're usually used for roofing. This is what they look like:

You can check out the videos "Herping with Dylan" by the YouTube user "Reebbo (http://www.youtube.com/user/Reebbo)" for some tips too. :)

03-09-12, 11:40 PM
I was herping with an idiot once. A large ribbon snake went straight for him so he kicked it..... right at my face.

*Don't Mind Me*
03-09-12, 11:44 PM
All I ever see are fence lizards and maybe a garter if I'm lucky:sad:

03-09-12, 11:46 PM
I was herping with an idiot once. A large ribbon snake went straight for him so he kicked it..... right at my face.
Wow I would piss lol I got a good giggle tho

03-09-12, 11:47 PM
All I ever see are fence lizards and maybe a garter if I'm lucky:sad:

You are lucky, and I personally request all the garter snake pictures you can ever take.

03-09-12, 11:48 PM
Also, you might want to check out this awesome thread (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/field-herping/90267-field-photography-tons-pics.html) by one of our members. It has great photos of field herping. :)

03-09-12, 11:50 PM
don't forget mine Alessia, or I'll have to take your birthday away.http://www.varanus.us/smile/wamma.gif


03-09-12, 11:55 PM
don't forget mine Alessia, or I'll have to take your birthday away.http://www.varanus.us/smile/wamma.gif


haha, yes yes, Wayne's are great too :D

...what birthday? lol I'm confused?

03-09-12, 11:59 PM
haha, yes yes, Wayne's are great too :D

...what birthday? lol I'm confused?

You have had 22 of them, and you still haven't figured it out.:eek:

03-10-12, 12:02 AM
You have had 22 of them, and you still haven't figured it out.:eek:

Maybe I need to have 22 more of them to figure it out :rolleyes:

*Don't Mind Me*
03-10-12, 12:12 AM
Thanks for the comments!
I use this website a lot check it out California Herps (http://www.californiaherps.com/index.html)

*Don't Mind Me*
03-14-12, 07:27 PM
Here's a tip: Put a few undulated steel/metal sheets out in the field/backyard you're hoping to find reptiles. Lay them flat. Snakes will probably seek shelter underneath them.
Tried it in my backyard but haven't found anything yet
Maybe I should try putting more than one :o

03-14-12, 07:49 PM
Not really tips or tricks, but I figured you might appreciate this. It's Nero's field herping back pack. He has a first aid kit, bags and deli cups, camera accessories, snake hook, and his treats and poop bags. He knows never to chase or bite a reptile. In fact, on the contrary. He's been conditioned to lay down whenever we spot something.


And minus hook, plus water:

03-14-12, 08:01 PM
That's awesome BB!

03-14-12, 08:01 PM
Nero has a job!! :D

03-14-12, 08:01 PM
Wow that is very cool Barelybreathing, what an awesome idea!

*Don't Mind Me*
03-14-12, 08:17 PM
Not really tips or tricks, but I figured you might appreciate this. It's Nero's field herping back pack. He has a first aid kit, bags and deli cups, camera accessories, snake hook, and his treats and poop bags. He knows never to chase or bite a reptile. In fact, on the contrary. He's been conditioned to lay down whenever we spot something.

That's pretty neat :), wondering how you taught him that

03-14-12, 08:22 PM
Thanks. In case anybody's interested, the back packs are made by Ruff Wear. He wears his back pack ever time he leaves the house (he has different things packed each time). It is still in GREAT shape (despite being a bit muddy). It's well worth the money. It gives him a sense of duty.

03-14-12, 08:25 PM
That's pretty neat :), wondering how you taught him that

It's just conditioning (repeating the same behavior over and over). Introduce reptile, tell dog to lay down and stay. Reward dog. Take away reptile, give "okay" command. Over and over and over. After a few times, the introduction of the reptile becomes the lay down command. No need to say it anymore. Now you have a dog that you can take field herping safely both for the reptile and the dog), and can even alert you to a reptile before you see it. :D

red ink
03-14-12, 09:33 PM

Field guide on what reps are native to the area...

Research the identified species in the area... habit's, likely habitat choice, diurnal or nocturnal species etc etc

BB's tips

Finally the number one rule of herping should be... we only take pics of the animal not the animals themselves ;)

Oh... leave the environment as you found it if you turn over logs and rocks put them back in the same place and position.

03-14-12, 09:35 PM
Finally the number one rule of herping should be... we only take pics of the animal not the animals themselves ;)

Oh... leave the environment as you found it if you turn over logs and rocks put them back in the same place and position.

Yes! This can't be stressed enough.

03-15-12, 07:35 AM
Take only pictures...... leave only footprints (one of my favourite quotes ever) :)

*Don't Mind Me*
03-15-12, 05:56 PM
Take only pictures...... leave only footprints (one of my favourite quotes ever) :)
That's one of my favorite quotes as well! I never take the animals home, rarely do I ever try to touch them; but i am guilty of sometimes leaving logs and rocks overturned:no:

03-16-12, 03:56 AM
That's one of my favorite quotes as well! I never take the animals home, rarely do I ever try to touch them; but i am guilty of sometimes leaving logs and rocks overturned:no:

That isnt as bad as rermoving animals from their habitat imo, large animals and the weather will alos move those types of itmes around so you arent disturbing things TOO much. :)

03-16-12, 12:24 PM
I will NEVER remove an animal from its natural habitat. This being said, though, hubby volunteers removing rattle snakes from places like schools, back yards with children, etc. I sometimes come along. We always return the snake to the wild, often times in better areas than where they were found.

03-16-12, 12:59 PM
I will NEVER remove an animal from its natural habitat. This being said, though, hubby volunteers removing rattle snakes from places like schools, back yards with children, etc. I sometimes come along. We always return the snake to the wild, often times in better areas than where they were found.

This is a much different situation to taking an animals from the wild, chances are if they werent relocated someone would kill them so relocating is a much better idea :)

03-16-12, 01:33 PM
Exactly. (extra characters because my post is too short)