View Full Version : Cali king snake care questions

03-09-12, 09:04 PM
So, I will be moving soon and my parents are letting me have an other snake. I really wanted this blood python that I handle every so often but there a little on the thick side for my mom's comfort :no:. So to make a long story short, mom thinks the California king snakes look awesome, but I have no idea what to tank should look like.

I read online that they would be fine with a long kritter keeper with a heat pad, but i'm not a 100% convinced. Can anyone help? :)

03-09-12, 09:43 PM
Congrats on the new king is it a baby or a grown one full grown one be house nice in a 30 or a 40 gallon tank you can use reptibark aspen or others I use repti bark for most of my snakes makes sure he has 2 hides one on hot side and one on cool a water bowl bout it really easy snakes to care for

03-09-12, 09:48 PM
A baby can easily live in a 10gal, and an adult in a 20 long or a 30gal. Basic set up. Two hides, a water dish, aspen or reptibark or newspaper etc as bedding. As per the critter keeper, I say no. I'm afraid the heat of the UTH will melt the plastic. But a simple glass tank will do. ;)

03-09-12, 09:51 PM
Yea a UTH will melt the critter keeper it melted mine was testing it a few years ago unless they made them stronger now make sure you hold it to cause a baby will be skittish once they get older they will be calm