View Full Version : Compassion Time

03-05-12, 03:45 PM
This is a UK site, but i am sure they would appreciate contact from the US and other countries too. Some contact can be made by email as well as by post :)

Post Pals - Post a Smile on a Sick Child's Face (http://www.postpals.co.uk) - sending love and compassion to terminally ill children - we make not be able to cure them but by god we can make them smile!!! :)

03-05-12, 03:50 PM
Aw, that's a great idea.

03-05-12, 06:14 PM
my grandfather inspired me, hes donated nearly 12 gallons of blood throughout his life! thats about 100 donations! :O

Go out an donate :3

One of my cousins died at 6 due to leukemia, it was a very sad thing to watch, and just showing up and talking to him cheered him up so much!

03-06-12, 10:08 AM
I used to give blood but since having tattoos you have to leave it 12 months after healing before you can donate again, now with my various illnesses they dont want my blood anymore :(

03-06-12, 10:16 AM
I just saw this and think it's great! I donated plasma when I was in college but honestly that was for the money. :(

03-06-12, 02:30 PM
I used to give blood but since having tattoos you have to leave it 12 months after healing before you can donate again, now with my various illnesses they dont want my blood anymore :(

Yeah im going to run into that issue soon, with some tattoo plans (blackwork too lol)

The thing is I have AB negative (rarest type) blood so there aren't a lot of matching donors that can accept it, the good thing is I can accept pretty much any blood if I ever needed some.. heh..

I went to donate once and they told me they couldn't use my blood because of the limited space they needed to save for better donor blood. Oh well..

03-06-12, 06:29 PM
I wrote an e-mail to 2 of the kids on that site :) Thanks for sharing that Rob!!

I can't donate blood because I used to live in the UK when mad cow disease spread. The donation banks won't take my blood :no:

03-06-12, 06:53 PM
Good to see this again Rob. I remember you posting this site a year or so ago.