View Full Version : New License Requirments

03-05-12, 01:24 PM
I live in New York an because I do educational snake programs, I'm allowed to keep snakes that are normally illegal in New York to keep. This year is the first year that the DEC is enforcing the laws on the keeping of the larger snakes. When I went to renew my Venomous license, I was told that the large monitors and snakes must be added to it. The Law was passed a few years ago, but this is the first year that they have come up with a license for it.

In New York there are 3 different licenses that I have to keep for my shows.
They are: Venomous and now Large reptiles

Just a heads up, they are starting to enforce the laws and restrict us even more.

03-05-12, 01:26 PM
I'm not in New York, but can you clarify for other keepers (and my own curiousity) what qualifies as a large snake or monitor?

03-05-12, 01:34 PM
This is what I am worried about in Roy's circumstance.

03-05-12, 02:01 PM
I'm not in New York, but can you clarify for other keepers (and my own curiousity) what qualifies as a large snake or monitor?

Any snake that normally grows over 10'. Rocks, retics, burms, scrubs, anacondas etc. As of right now, not Boas Constrictors. Monitors such as Black Throats and other larger monitors, but not Iguanas.

03-05-12, 02:07 PM
Any snake that normally grows over 10'. Rocks, retics, burms, scrubs, anacondas etc. As of right now, not Boas Constrictors. Monitors such as Black Throats and other larger monitors, but not Iguanas.

This makes me sad. :(

Sorry Jerry, but I could never move to New York (I have a black throat and all).

03-05-12, 02:08 PM
Man I feel you. We cant have Retics, African Rocks or Anacondas, permit or not. My permit allows me other bigger snakes but since that permit is city issued, it still does not supercede the current state ban on those 3 species.

03-05-12, 04:25 PM
Did this increase your costs at all Jerry? Sure hope not.

03-05-12, 05:45 PM
I don't think arizona has any bans on any large snakes or anything that I know of I hope they don't change laws here

03-05-12, 07:20 PM
Did this increase your costs at all Jerry? Sure hope not.
No it did not increase any cost, but it will hurt us in raising money. The Burmese are the snakes that we use for pictures. When people are able to hold the snakes and get their pictures taken with them, they tend to donate money. As per the Venomous license, the public is not allowed to come in contact in any way with any snake listed on the license.